Lectric XP

LOL I loved it!

There's no problem in a camper. It's just like the electric on Green Acres. You can't exceed 7. My electric tea kettle that I use to make coffee is a 6. And the electric heating element in the hot water heater is a 3. But that's ok because I don't really need hot water until later in the day. The toaster is only a 3, which is a good thing because my batteries are weak in the morning when I want toast. The microwave is a 7, which is ok because I only use it to nuke veggies at dinner time and by then my batteries are full. I think I'll be able to charge the bike between 1 and 5. It's going to work out great, really it will. :)

Sorry about the poor quality but it's still worth watching:
For people who have tried out XP offroad; do you miss the need of front suspension? How bumpy the ride feels?

As suggested by Darceman, I ordered SunTour seatpost from AliExpress. I am also wondering if there is any viable after-market solution available for handlebar suspension thats a good fit for XP.

I want to order the seat post too. I wonder what the exchange rate is especially on credit cards.
I am 5 foot 11 I felt the 400 mm would just add a little bit more structural integrity 350 will be perfectly fine thought as my girlfriend has that one and it works for me also

I am 5 ft 4. Do you know the size of post I should order?
There's no problem in a camper. It's just like the electric on Green Acres. You can't exceed 7.

Dear God - I actually had to do this in my kitchen when I first moved into my current house 31 years ago and it was on fuses. I probably kept the fuse-making business in business single-handedly.
I want to order the seat post too. I wonder what the exchange rate is especially on credit cards.
If you're in Canada or the states you can change the settings on Alixpres webpage to reflect Canadian dollars or American dollars
Zoom extension post. Amazon, $20.
$20 U.S = $27 Canadian
Suntour on Alixpres= $53 U.S =$71 Canadian
Zoom extension post on Alixpres =$13.66U.S = $18 Canadian... I don't know about you but if you spend even this much on ebike why wouldn't you buy a better post I've had both there's a large difference... look at the design
Just saying....


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For people who have tried out XP offroad; do you miss the need of front suspension? How bumpy the ride feels?

As suggested by Darceman, I ordered SunTour seatpost from AliExpress. I am also wondering if there is any viable after-market solution available for handlebar suspension thats a good fit for XP.
I Have noticed that if I sit further back on the seat the front end tends to get a little bit lighter which actually makes it ride better over the bumps. I have moved my seat back as far as a it can go and with the SunTour suspension seat post it's made a large difference. Surprisingly there is a learning curve to the seatpost though and you definitely need to have it adjusted properly. The handlebars can be twisted forward and backwards which moves them closer or further away from you which also can make a difference. It's the little things that makes your bike more comfortable and perform better for you.
For those of you that have your XP; how large of a U lock will I need to lock the rear tire and frame together?
From the pics it seems to be quite a distance.
Rather than the expense of a big u-lock, I'd use a good heavy duty chain and padlock, and together fit a pannier or bike bag better.
For those of you that have your XP; how large of a U lock will I need to lock the rear tire and frame together?
From the pics it seems to be quite a distance.

I wonder how vulnerable that rear tire is?
I bought a 3 foot Schlage security chain with a noose. (Amazon) I can wrap it through frame, tire and pole then secure with a pad lock.
If you use a U lock to secure tire to frame you will need another U lock to secure frame to immovable object.
Those large quality U locks are expensive. For about half the price I think a harden security chain and lock gives me the same security with added flexibility. As long as you keep the slack out of the chain and keep it off the ground it is nearly impossible to cut with a bolt cutter. Anything can be cut with an angel grinder, it’s just a matter of how long to get through it and most thieves aren’t willing to stand in a shower of sparks for how long it takes.
How is everybody else planning to secure their bikes?


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I wonder how vulnerable that rear tire is?
I bought a 3 foot Schlage security chain with a noose. (Amazon) I can wrap it through frame, tire and pole then secure with a pad lock.
If you use a U lock to secure tire to frame you will need another U lock to secure frame to immovable object.
Those large quality U locks are expensive. For about half the price I think a harden security chain and lock gives me the same security with added flexibility. As long as you keep the slack out of the chain and keep it off the ground it is nearly impossible to cut with a bolt cutter. Anything can be cut with an angel grinder, it’s just a matter of how long to get through it and most thieves aren’t willing to stand in a shower of sparks for how long it takes.
How is everybody else planning to secure their bikes?
Link please
#2537 (black) got a tracking number minutes after I sent an email asking about the status. When clickng n the nmber I get...

Not found
This tracking number cannot be found, please check the number or contact the sender.

Is anybdy else getting this?
Talked with Robby late yesterday and was informed a LARGE shipment of bikes were going out last night. Cheeked at 11 PM EST nothing, however at 3AM EST orders as far back as 225X were scanned at FedEx at 12AM PST. Order back that far are crazy! I referred this person so it makes me look bad. Late Aug orders check your tracking numbers today. Those that are on early Sept orders it looks like the 9 weeks from time of orders is still holding true. East coast orders might hit 10 weeks unless something changes. I hope for those waiting, I sure hope deliveries get on schedule again.
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$20 U.S = $27 Canadian
Suntour on Alixpres= $53 U.S =$71 Canadian
Zoom extension post on Alixpres =$13.66U.S = $18 Canadian... I don't know about you but if you spend even this much on ebike why wouldn't you buy a better post I've had both there's a large difference... look at the design
Just saying....
I saved money by getting this bike.
For those of you that have your XP; how large of a U lock will I need to lock the rear tire and frame together?
From the pics it seems to be quite a distance.
I purchased this one. It does fit the rear wheel but won't reach the frame. That size lock is going to be to hard to carry. This will work for what I need it for, stopped at a craft brewer or ice cream and locking it in an RV park at night to an object. I will never see he likes of any big cities, so not a need for my situation. This is a strong lock with a heavy cable. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KD9AQ92/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Talked with Robby late yesterday and was informed a LARGE shipment of bikes were going out last night. Cheeked at 11 PM EST nothing, however at 3AM EST orders as far back as 225X were scanned at FedEx at 12AM PST. Late Aug orders check your tracking numbers today. Those that are on early Sept orders it looks like the 9 weeks from time of orders is still holding true. East coast orders might hit 10 weeks unless something changes. I hope for those waiting, I sure hope deliveries get on schedule again.
So I ordered 6 August, my bike should arrive first week of October?