Lectric XP

Thanks for the freewheel update, that is a change I may also make. Found the $11. hub changing tool on Amazon for $1.22 on AliExpress. That place amazes me. I just received my $10. Amazon cell phone holder from AliExpress for $1.20, same box, same phone holder, identical.

After having the rear wheel off on mine, I added a patch and tire tool kit to my gear bag after Slimming the tires. Carrying the large screwdriver and rubber mallet to make a road side fix almost impossible. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32938743830.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.9fea4c4dVY1850
Please list the website link to the hub changing tool. Also, what was the name of your cell phone holder? Thanks.
Please list the website link to the hub changing tool. Also, what was the name of your cell phone holder? Thanks.

Cell phone holder. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000115362934.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dvizUwb

Shop the site, you will not believe the prices for the same things at 10x the price on Amazon.
I've been reading about people using the PAS 5 and trying to get up to 28mph, once unlocked. Some think you have to be in top gear and pedal like a crazy person. you don't. It's a cadence sensor, so as long as you are pedaling steadily, even slowly, the motor kicks in. I've been on level ground, pedaling slowly and steadily, and go thru PAS 1-5, and it just goes faster and faster and faster, I don't pedal any faster at all. Yeah, it feels weird, to be pedaling and because of your speed and the gearing, your pedaling isn't really doing anything, it's not turning the rear wheel any faster, but as long as you pedal slow and steady, the motor kicks in and it takes off.
You don't have to pedal like crazy, like a regular bike, to go faster, the motor does that. You can go through PAS 1-5, pedal slow and steady and you will go faster and faster. I'm sure it looks weird to someone seeing you, since your speed and your pedaling do not match. You are pedaling nice and slow and steady and your bike is going 28 mph!
You are quite correct ...kind of defeats the purpose of the exercise aspect LOL. But if you do pedal with gusto you can increase that speed higher, especially if you're going up any kind of incline, also easy easier on the battery..
Everything I wrote about the cadence sensor I copied and pasted from other websites. I didn't make it up. It said, " Compared to the torque sensor system, the cadence sensor will just provide the assist based purely on the level assist you have selected and it will not increase or decrease the assist based on your actual pedal power. You could be pedaling very lightly or very hard and it will provide the same level of assist."
And I found this exactly on my bike. I was on flat, level ground, started off on PAS1, pedaled slow and steady, progressed through PA5, going faster and faster and never pedaled any more than I was at PAS 1.
That works for speed. But for extended range you should pedal with some resistance to help the motor work less. You might as well set pas and just use throttle. Im not saying you have to work hard but help some.
The thing I've never understood about Slime is if there is no serious downside to installing it, then why don't tire manufacturers install it and market their tires as flat-proof?

I have some acreage in the country with some Mesquite trees. I use slime in lots tires around the place. I do not use it in the cars or trucks. For one thing, it has been my experience that it only stays useful for a year or two at most. I add more when I get a leak. I dont think it is designed for use at hwy speeds.
I was capturing some footage from an XP ride in the mountains with fall colors last week, for an upcoming review I'm working on, but just put some clips to music for fun. In case some here are stuck inside with the weather and can't ride for now ;-) It's a little longer than I was hoping, but wanted to match thew music track.
I wouldn't buy that battery.

Blanket statement, offers no explanation for reasoning, offers no alternative whatsoever. Nothing. C'mon man.

Lectric likely purchased "their batteries" from the Chinese just like they did these XP ebikes with their names slapped on them then sold them to us at a markup. Only value we get is USA "customer support" and name. Meaning they've got spare bike parts to cover oopsies and make the Americans happy. Wouldn't want to disturb the sales and reputation now would we? Otherwise, it's pretty much moot.

What battery then would YOU buy? I'm listening and really want to hear your answer. I'm sure the rest of us would like to know what the "correct" battery to buy is.

PS - sorry man I'm just a little ticked off, let's try and help each other here. Correct me if I'm wrong. I apologize ahead of time for coming off so rude.
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Blanket statement, offers no explanation for reasoning, offers no alternative whatsoever. Nothing. C'mon man.

Lectric likely purchased "their batteries" from the Chinese just like they did these XP ebikes with their names slapped on them then sold them to us at a markup. Only value we get is USA "customer support" and name. Meaning they've got spare bike parts to cover oopsies and make the Americans happy. Wouldn't want to disturb the sales and reputation now would we? Otherwise, it's pretty much moot.

What battery then would YOU buy? I'm listening and really want to hear your answer. I'm sure the rest of us would like to know what the "correct" battery to buy is.

PS - sorry man I'm just a little ticked off, let's try and help each other here. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't have to explain anything so no one reasons with me ;)
I also don't have to tell you what battery to buy.

Everything is explained on battery page. Its made for Samebike lo26 which is 350W bike.
Now Look at BMS info. 15 to 20A? Which is it? 5A max difference is a lot. What if its 15A max and your bike pulls 18A? Even at 20A it is on low side. XP is limited at 18A but +/- 2A is normal for controller.
Need more info. Plus with good cells it should be at least 30 minimum.

Looks like everyone wants exactly same battery and its OK but you will have to find a place to transport the 2nd one.
I can tell you right now that backpack is very very bad idea. Ammo box or fireproof bag would be the best.

I be getting rear rack battery and I'm not saying that's the best or "correct" battery. It just makes me feel safer plus I don't have to disconnect one to run the other. Just turn off one with key while other is on.

P.S. Don't apologize , it's a sign of weakness , plus it looks like some here like rude statements.
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Looks like everyone wants exactly same battery and its OK but you will have to find a place to transport the 2nd one.
I can tell you right now that backpack is very very bad idea. Ammo box or fireproof bag would be the best.

P.S. Don't apologize , it's a sign of weakness , plus it looks like some here like rude statements.

Do you carry your laptop in a fireproof bag?
The cells are the same as these ebike cells.
Do you carry your laptop in a fireproof bag?
The cells are the same as these ebike cells.
I knew there going to be someone with no knowledge asking question like that.
Is your laptop battery 54.6 volts at 40 amps?
Now if phone battery can burn a car and single cell from your bike battery pack can kill a person what will happen if you have that pack on your back and get into an accident and that pack gets short?
Do what you want , I don't care , its your life.
I would be careful you don't know what knowledge other people have on the subject.

Phones are a different cell.

Have you ever shorted an 18650 battery? Do you know what happens?
I would be careful you don't know what knowledge other people have on the subject.

Phones are a different cell.

Have you ever shorted an 18650 battery? Do you know what happens?
Careful? Always.
Based on your question was my answer.

I have direct shorted cells @ about the 5:00 minute mark is what happens, well sometimes not always sometimes nothing happens.

Lets look at how the pack is put together thou.
cells are spot welded together then they feed the bms, the bms has FET'S to switch the flow of electricity on to the bike. If you were to short out the whole pack the FET would fail.

The biggest concern with an extra battery is how to carry it...
They don't fit in the bags that came with the bike.
backpack? I guess that would work but bouncing around getting hit by the pack over every little bump doesn't sound fun either.
The question I have about the batteries on AliExpress, where is Lectric getting their batteries from? AliExpress has every available part for the XP, why would the battery any in different? An earlier post said the Rattan battery was interchangeable with the XP.....where did the Rattan battery come from? I don't think bike companies are building batteries, GM an Ford doesn't, the just rebrand from battery manufactures.