Lectric XP 2.0 w/ Thorough Review (link @ the beginning of the post)

Thanks for asking. No reply yet. Maybe they all slept in today.
Glad your bikes are on the way. Let us know how you like them!
Just received this from Lectric:

"Thank you for reaching out.

We are finishing up March orders within the next week. We apologize for the delay but know we do have your eBike and will get labeled soon!"
Just received this from Lectric:

"Thank you for reaching out.

We are finishing up March orders within the next week. We apologize for the delay but know we do have your eBike and will get labeled soon!"
Sounds like a nice enough response. Hope you weren't in any kind of a hurry to actually get the damned thing (I know you are, I am too) lol🙄
"What me hurry?" ;-)
Right! I'd heard somewhere on here that they (they being Lectric) are behind on shipping out Mar orders this week, there by extending Apr orders out to the week after next when it should've been started in just a few days. I've gotten my ship notice, but I still feel for ya!
I got a similar message when I emailed today, though mine talks about today or Monday for shipping label. I ordered on April 1st.

"Hi Jason!

We are still shipping XP's today and we have made it through most of the march orders so you should get a confirmation email today or Monday when the next batch comes in!"
Unfortunately the shipping notice don’t mean squat so far. We got our shipping notices Tuesday and the bikes are still sitting in their warehouse.
In a perfect world maybe?! Lectric isn't Amazon, these carriers aren't @ Lectric's every beck & call. If they were, Lectric wouldn't have needed to employ UPS last year during shipping overflow. FedEx is under contract w/ Lectric, probably for the good deal they gave 'em.
FedEx just sucks! I get packages at home and work daily and FedEx is by far the worst carrier. If you’re notified to pick up a package, there’s no reason why it’s still in the warehouse three days later. That’s not “perfection”, that’s just poor service. There’s a reason why Amazon doesn’t use FedEx and we’re experiencing it.
FedEx just sucks! I get packages at home and work daily and FedEx is by far the worst carrier. If you’re notified to pick up a package, there’s no reason why it’s still in the warehouse three days later. That’s not “perfection”, that’s just poor service. There’s a reason why Amazon doesn’t use FedEx and we’re experiencing it.
I think I talked about how bad FedEx is back on page 3. At least in this area it's the worst...
It's Saturday! Sadly, no movement on FedEx's end😒 But, I was thinking of this little product to smear round all of the electric connectors for said water proofing qualities. I can remember seeing it @ O'Reilly's buy the registers. Doesn't cost much, I think they wanted a quarter for a little dinky package, lol.
It's Saturday! Sadly, no movement on FedEx's end😒 But, I was thinking of this little product to smear round all of the electric connectors for said water proofing qualities. I can remember seeing it @ O'Reilly's buy the registers. Doesn't cost much, I think they wanted a quarter for a little dinky package, lol.
Dielectric grease works good on electrical connections that are exposed to moisture. Tail lights, etc.
Ok. I got a shipping notification today. Of course, that just means the label was created. Delivery at this point is Friday, but that won't be updated until it actually ships. I actually feel like I ordered the bike now though. While I knew it was coming, I felt like I had just thrown away $900.
Ok. I got a shipping notification today. Of course, that just means the label was created. Delivery at this point is Friday, but that won't be updated until it actually ships. I actually feel like I ordered the bike now though. While I knew it was coming, I felt like I had just thrown away $900.
Nice! What kind did you order? Mine's a black step through.