Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

Congratulations. That sounds like a great deal. I found the specs on Calibike's Ebay listing -- it wasn't on their website

Did you have to rewire any of the connectors? They do look a lot like Juice's.

The specs says it will take a disk brake. Why are you switching to caliper brakes?

Pete, all I did was plug the wheel into the power cord, All functions are normal except the speed readout not close to accurate(?)
Just took a short shake down in pouring rain; It's very quiet. Seemed a tad sluggish 'til I got on the throttle, but I think it's just tight &
needs breaking in a bit. The original motor was the same way. Other than that, it just needed slight index & brake adjust. I'm using the
original 180mm disc. Kit came with a 160mm disc & mechanical brake. I was just curious about hydraulic calipers for less spoke stress.
However these spokes are seriously better than the original wheel. I think I'll put the 160mm on the gas bike, which has good calipers, but the
disc is a good idea with the trailer I've built for it.
P S. the kit did nor come with electric brake levers, bur they're cheap on ebay if your thinking about building a bike.
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John - Thanks for the answers. You're right that calipers are easier on the spokes. But 14 gauge or heavier stainless steel spokes will not break if the wheel is properly constructed, tensioned, and stress relieved.

I did build my first last e-bike, but I'm happier with the CCS. I narrowed and lowered the bars, added bar ends, swapped the seat and pedals to get comfortable. Also went to a smaller chainring to get my 220 lbs and groceries up the steep hills around here. My style is to go pretty slow with minimal assist, sometimes zero with a switch I added.

Anyway, it's good to know I can switch to a better motor at some point in the future -- that point will probably be when this one breaks. If the speedo is off, that's OK.
Pete, I've also personalized my CC-Z out of necessity. Having in my years broken nearly as many bones as Evel Knievel, I have to ride upright
as I've fractured vertibra, cervical, thorassic, & lumbar. So, riser bars, a 50/34 chainring, (shifts manual for steep rides), suspension seatpost, etc.
The verdict still isn't in on the motor as I've only taken one very short ride in a downpour. Snowed last night, so unless it melts very quickly
I won't ride today. Kit came with a 25 amp controller which won't quite fit in the frame. I don't think the stock 20 amp is allowing full power
to the wheel, but it's adequate for me. I really need to at least 50 miles to make a full appraisal. This much I can say: it performs as well as
the old one, & is more soundly constructed. The motor & wheel alone was worth the price.
Calibike update: I'm a happy camper! Took the CC-Z out & rode most of the juice out of my 8 Ah batpac this morning. It's every bit as good
as to original whl & motor,(so far). Maybe even a bit stronger. 1st ride sluggishness was probably on the rider who is still recovering from
a mangy 3 wk. rhinovirus. I think this wheel has higher rpm to torque ratio versus more torque to rpm on the stock Bafang. Still very quiet.
only a slight whine on climbs when I should have shifted anyway. Functions well in all modes. Have figured out weird speed readout. it has
slipped a decimal point & now reads 1.6 at 16 mph(?) Whatever, everything else reads fine. So in conclusion, I got a good new, plug & play wheel
& a bunch of other goodies I didn't need for $275. I'm pleased! Tomorrow, 21Ah!
I've forgiven Juiced Bikes as the problem with spoke lace has been corrected on subsequent models. (I've no idea why the font shifted?)
Calibike update: I'm a happy camper! Took the CC-Z out & rode most of the juice out of my 8 Ah batpac this morning. It's every bit as good
as to original whl & motor,(so far). Maybe even a bit stronger. 1st ride sluggishness was probably on the rider who is still recovering from
a mangy 3 wk. rhinovirus. I think this wheel has higher rpm to torque ratio versus more torque to rpm on the stock Bafang. Still very quiet.
only a slight whine on climbs when I should have shifted anyway. Functions well in all modes. Have figured out weird speed readout. it has
slipped a decimal point & now reads 1.6 at 16 mph(?) Whatever, everything else reads fine. So in conclusion, I got a good new, plug & play wheel
& a bunch of other goodies I didn't need for $275. I'm pleased! Tomorrow, 21Ah!
I've forgiven Juiced Bikes as the problem with spoke lace has been corrected on subsequent models. (I've no idea why the font shifted?)
This has been really interesting, John. If/when my motor gives out -- and not for many more thousands of miles I hope -- I'm likely to try your solution.
Bruce, performance is pretty much the same with the stock 20 amp controller; it might improve with the kit 25 amp. What I like
most is that the wheel is much sturdier. I can actually go over a manhole cover without popping 4 spokes. That is just how bad it got
because the bores wore into a sharp edge that cut spokes like tin snips. Granted, my size & wet dirty conditions accelerated the
wear. I'd estimate a 170 pd rider on black top in Arizona can probably get 10k mi. with a single side spoke lace. At 240 in my conditions
it lasted 3400 mi. The motor still works; maybe I can figure a way to make a trolling motor with it(?) It's basically useless for a bike.
OH YEAH! just did a quick 14 mi. This thing is coming alive. Tires were a tad low & i had a little shimmy up front. After topping out &
locking out the fork, the bike started acting like a 1000w. I think my assessment of it's being made for higher rpm was correct.
Power at 14 mph & under seems to improved about 10%, but over that at least 20% & still gaining with use. Eco feels like 1, 1 like 2, etc.
There's a definite gain in top end power. Me likey! Zoom zoom.
After going back and forth and obsessively researching for over a year (and canceling a CCS pre-order due to unexpected vet bills), I kept returning to the CCX and finally pulled the trigger last Monday morning. I'm bummed that is has not shipped yet, since I was led to believe it would be to me in a week as it was in stock. I've been emailing customer service and was reassured that it is being assembled and tested at the warehouse and would ship in 3-5 days. And I know compared to how things used to be, this is not much of a wait at all. But still, they took my $2200, and the only official update I got was that my order was received and I'd get a shipping update when it actually shipped. I think they should send some interstitial build emails along the way to give me a sense that my bike is indeed coming, and to stave off my cravings. Yes, I still have some nervousness about Juiced, and really hope I don't have battery connector issues. But I really can't wait to get mine, assemble it, and start riding!
After going back and forth and obsessively researching for over a year (and canceling a CCS pre-order due to unexpected vet bills), I kept returning to the CCX and finally pulled the trigger last Monday morning. I'm bummed that is has not shipped yet.

Capt., I can sympathize with your pre-ride anxiety. but it'll vanish as so as you get on. I waited almost 3 mo, for my first run CCS. Now that the spoke issue
has been resolved you're gonna have so much fun. There are some little nuances that can be a bit tricky until you are familiar with the bike. Be Sure to
familiarize yourself with the use of the display tutorial video. Next, inserting the battery 'can' be difficult the first few times. The trick is to set the bottom
of the battery at the bottom & then shove it straight sideways into the connector. (this description may not be much help, but you'll get it.) A third
thing: you will eventually need to change a rear tire. The easiest way is with the wheel side up. First thing, unscrew the derailleur & just let it hang to one side 'til you're done.
Otherwise you'll just end up wrestling with it taking off & putting back the wheel. There's more, but I don't want to deprive you
of all that fun. :p Note: it is not a Mtn. bike! Mild trails are cool, but don't abuse it the way I have.
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Thanks John, your enthusiasm on this forum is awesome! I happen to be in Seattle as well. With all your spoke expertise, hard earned, maybe you could help me check out the tension and lacing when the CCX finally arrives (still no update there). Otherwise I'll plan to take it to a LBS for a first tune up, as it has been years since I've had a bike and I'm a newbie at maintenance.
Thanks John, your enthusiasm on this forum is awesome! I happen to be in Seattle as well. With all your spoke expertise, hard earned, maybe you could help me check out the tension and lacing when the CCX finally arrives (still no update there). Otherwise I'll plan to take it to a LBS for a first tune up, as it has been years since I've had a bike and I'm a newbie at maintenance.
Thanks John, your enthusiasm on this forum is awesome! I happen to be in Seattle as well. With all your spoke expertise, hard earned, maybe you could help me check out the tension and lacing when the CCX finally arrives (still no update there). Otherwise I'll plan to take it to a LBS for a first tune up, as it has been years since I've had a bike and I'm a newbie at maintenance.
Capt, It shouldn't need tuning, & as for spokes, the bike should be good for a 1000 mi. outa the box. Just check for loose ones once in a while.
I've got 3400 on the front wheel. the only thing I've done with it was tighten a cone once. Checked it today; still tight & true. The stock rear
wheel did not fare so well, but isn't an issue on your bike.
Actually, I'm not on the mainland. The mere thought of Seattle gridlock gives me nightmares. How can people live like that?
I mean.... 2am picking up the skirt & blouse at SeaTac & I-5 is still bumper to bumper at 5 mph.
No, I live in a one horse dorp on the peninsula south of P.T. It's scary enuff just trying to cross hwy. 20.
Received the loud horn/theft deterrent and a new rack and fender. Fortunately, I had hardware from the old parts since 2 of the 4 screws needed to mount the rack were not included this time. Also, the thin metal bracket (featured prominently in the photos I supplied) that's used to steady the fender to the rack was...a no show.

So yeah, I got a rack, a fender, and a horn.

One more "it happened during shipping" post.
Shipping company: Fed-Ex.

I received the bike within the stated time frame but with damage.

1. scuffs on the outside of the battery pack along with damaged "do not tamper/warranty" stickers on the inside.
2. bent rack causing attached fender and back tail light alignment issues.
3. plastic portion of kick stand fell off during test ride.
4. small dent in frame near head tube.
5. poor/loose zip tie management.

I promptly emailed customer service and sent relevant pictures.
Juiced said, they're documenting my issues for battery warranty concerns and they'll send out a new rack and fender and, for my trouble, a loud horn with a key fob that acts as an anti-theft deterrent.

I removed the awkwardly bent and unsightly parts and a week and a half later...called customer service stating the new items had not arrived. I was and so, "forgot" and they'll ship out those items that day.

Ok, I get it. Shipping is a problem with these heavy machines and damage may occur. That's why I'm writing a "review" on this forum since it was a key source of information I used before pulling the trigger.
Yes, it was my choice to take a chance (despite numerous complaints) to have one shipped to my home but I really hoped the odds would be in my favor. Obviously, (predictably?) they were not.
Also, the after purchase, customer service of a Cross Current S and an Abus lock is leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Good luck to future e-bikers if you choose this company and the carrier they use.
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Silly question: how do I get to "R" assist on my CCX? My display only goes to "S" assist. I don't think I need an updated controller since I have no power assist in "0" assist. What am I missing? Do I need to be riding the bike to see "R" assist?
Silly question: how do I get to "R" assist on my CCX? My display only goes to "S" assist. I don't think I need an updated controller since I have no power assist in "0" assist. What am I missing? Do I need to be riding the bike to see "R" assist?
Hi! Maybe this can help:
If you need any further guidance feel free to reach out to our techs online at the website or at [email protected]
Got my CCX last week. First day I commuted to work it rained. Got home and have condensation inside display. been like that for 3 days now. Emailed support. Got this laughable answer back:

"Judging by the photos, looks like water definitely got into the display. Do keep in mind, are bikes are not water proof. Our warranty only covers manufacturer defects but in this case we can make an exception :)"

So we can only take the bike out on days guaranteed not to rain and if it does rain and electronics get trashes, tough?

Shocked at this.,

Anyone else had this. Any suggestions about ways to prevent in future?
Yeah, my display will look foggy even if I had the bike under a cover. I have over a year and over 2500 miles on the bike and this hasn't affected performance in any way. 30-60 minutes of direct sunshine clears it right up.
I'm having a strange issue with my CCX (~550 miles on it). At one particular intersection early on in my commute, the motor won't engage from a standstill. This is a stoplight on a very mild hill, almost flat, about 8 blocks into my ride up a mild hill. At this one stoplight the motor consistently won't turn on, I have to hobble through the intersection, then it works for the rest of the 12.5 miles. I'm baffled. Today I tried to engage it by using the throttle while pedaling, and I got a shuddering from the motor, which finally kicked in after I forced my way through the intersection. I think (but not certain) that this happens more on R and S modes. I don't think it has to do with some unique feature of the intersection, but I'm stumped. Battery is essentially fully charged at this point. I'm trying to start from stopped somewhere in the middle gears. Doesn't seem to happen anywhere else on my ride. Any ideas?