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Hey 2weels.. I have an EVO 45 Bulls bicycle 2017 with the Bros motor and I am on my Fifth Motor with the exact same symptoms of a high whining noise and no motor assist!!! This motor failure has nothing to do with downshifting or chainring size . The motor is failing about every 2500 miles which is on every three months for me. This is definitely a design issue. Let me know if you hear anything from specialized about Bros implementing fix or a recall. I'm not getting much information from Bulls although they're replacing the motor with a four to six-week turn around .Thank your for providing this forum to discuss Brose Motors.
I recently wrote a piece about the first 9 months / 5000 miles on my Specialized Vado 5.0 which houses a Brose 1.2s Motor (TF C97292 according to your write up above). You can see it here on EBR. An excerpt from that entry is below:
The Brose motor has now been replaced 3 times. Should you buy this bike, buy it from a shop with excellent service. I bought mine from Cynergy. Cynergy has given me bike loaners while my bike is being repaired which has been awesome. I unfortunately anticipate replacing this motor every 3 months. The 2 year warranty has covered the repair each time. The best (and lackluster) advice I got from Specialized is to not mash my gears and to downshift when approaching a stop. I rarely mash my gears and always downshift. I have recently begun downshift 7-9 gears to determine if this make a difference. Any insight to this would be appreciated. Brose are you listening? I would love to hear from you....Specialized via Cynergy has replaced the brose motor each time it has failed. I've been told by Cynergy, that these failures are of great concern to Specialized. The motor has failed at about 2000 miles each time. Though I have not heard anything specific from Brose or Specialized about the motor failures, I will continue to inquire about the nature of the motor failure as I estimate I will be receiving 4 more motors before the warranty is up and would like to avoid this, especially when the warranty is up. This is one reason I'm reaching out to the EBR network and others in the industry.
Current theories on my thread mention my size and riding style. I spoke to the manager at Cynergy about this a while ago and he assured me that my size and style of riding are accommodated by Specialized Designers. Another EBR member mentioned I'm likely overheating the motor and that I should test it with laser temp. Thoughts on laser temp? I used my hand this morning and did not feel any warmth near the motor this morning. Should you or anyone else have insight into why the Brose motor has failed 3 times on my Specialized Vado 5.0, I would appreciate it.
A bike mechanic recently told me I needed to replace the chain ring. In a previous conversation with that same mechanic I asked whether I could increase the chain ring size to decrease the wear on the cassette or at least the wear on the 11t and 13t cog. The mechanic thought I would disrupt the motor, but now I'm wondering if I should revisit that discussion. Has anyone increased the chain ring size on their OEM bike with a Brose motor?
Any questions, let me know

Email directly if you can with any new information [email protected]