Just for fun...

Jeez, Roamer, haven't you evolved past/ grown out of adolescent ideas of what constitutes happiness? So tired of this kind of thing. Young women in bikinis. 🙄 Grow up!
Really. I haven't gone looking for it but I seem to recall having seen a similar pic of Branson with young women without the bikinis. Could have been edited, I suppose. Wouldn't have taken a lot of effort.

That is bad. I have not sat on a couch or watched TV since the beginning of the Pandemic. I was afraid I might easily become one with the couch, so I canceled all subscriptions and focused on bikes. But now I want to talk about the high tech toilet at my job. As you sit down it flushes automatically and then with its high bottom it fills to higher that the tip of your D just you are doing your business. Is there a hidden camera recording this, with people in Korea laughing?
Aprons are for men.

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Gawd. I haven't seen Rebel Without a Cause in decades. Very creepy. And the gender stereotypes 🙄. So over it!
A friend is a man married to a man, he just changed his name to Robbin, and is getting a conversion. But his spouse likes men! Gender is a social construct. I am not sure what to make of it. Maybe we should make Spanish gender neutral next.
I've been quietly watching trends, seen a few examples in people I know and I've concluded if the hedonism continues, the end game is everyone will have all the bits or none at all.
I've gone out with girls from Barbie doll to beat me in an arm wrestle, we used to call that Tomboy, though I have no clue where that term originated, but we need to bring it back.
It was a hint of masculinity, but we thought we could fix it with a dress.
Calamity Jane, I preferred her in jeans.
my friend brought a deer penis to science class,it would jerk when 120 vac was applied.
my friend went to renew his drivers license,asked if he signed up to be an organ donor,he sez" they took a look at mine and declined" told my wifey to donate my liver,corneas,etc,she sez no,why?because these corneas may again enjoy the looks of a beautiful woman and my liver might get to process some fine exotic liquor and of course being the curmudgeon she is she sez"no way!"
Why was I not informed? In 1996-2000, there was an LA bicycle cop series called Pacific Blue — every bit a BMX Baywatch — and I totally missed it! Same SoCal beach scenery, same focus on anatomy, same kind of music.

The awful writing and acting make it kinda hard to watch between bike scenes now. But good news: Pacific Blue's coming back as a movie this summer, and I'm sure it'll be much better this time! You can look up the trailer yourself.