Just for fun...

I entered my exact date and time of my birth and got this birth bird,..


Seems fitting. 😂
I heard about a New Hampshire farmer who would transport sheep for years, such as when giving birth, in his old Outback on his hilly farm. He saw a road sign that said carwash $20 that listed the details. That happened to me yesterday with a bike tune up. That RAD has been used for years at horse shows and kept in the back of a horse trailer. It was covered in manure an nothing moved. The inside of the motor looked like it has been used as an anchor on the bottom of a saltwater bay. The shifter would not budge. I guess it is more of where you place the starting line, than the finish line. The bike now functions, but my boss saw it and thought I didn't do anything, or even started.
I heard about a New Hampshire farmer who would transport sheep for years, such as when giving birth...
Aah, transporting livestock...
One morning in fifth grade a classmate arrived an hour late with an excuse note from his mother saying he'd had to take the cow down the road to be serviced.
The teacher asked, "Couldn't your father do that?"
"I think the bull does a better job."
When I was 4, my neighbor, old enough to be my grandfather, had a Texaco station. He loved Camel cigarettes. I got word that he was in an oxygen tent at the hospital after a heart attack. I made him a gift to use during his hospital stay. I made it of paper mache and painted it with bright green enamel. An ash tray.
Jeez, Roamer, haven't you evolved past/ grown out of adolescent ideas of what constitutes happiness? So tired of this kind of thing. Young women in bikinis. 🙄 Grow up!
Jeez, Roamer, haven't you evolved past/ grown out of adolescent ideas of what constitutes happiness? So tired of this kind of thing. Young women in bikinis. 🙄 Grow up!
What girls in bikinis? I thought it would be wild to be able to Kite Surf on my 70th birthday next month.