Just for fun...

My friend in wales came out of the pub to find this.
Its a tiny village, very Little Britain.
I was just writing about our First Friday Ride. There will be five patches of mud the size of a manhole cover or smaller. But is that term still relevant? Is it now personhole, or being linguistically gender neutral, neuterhole? And is it really a cover or more of a plug? AI will make the spelling corrections for us, that is a relief, so when we type manhole cover it will correct to neuterhole plug.
I was just writing about our First Friday Ride. There will be five patches of mud the size of a manhole cover or smaller. But is that term still relevant? Is it now personhole, or being linguistically gender neutral, neuterhole? And is it really a cover or more of a plug? AI will make the spelling corrections for us, that is a relief, so when we type manhole cover it will correct to neuterhole plug.
Nope, still manhole cover.
The UK government is forcing digital only tax returns that have to be completed four times a year.
But there is an exemption..
'If your religious beliefs prevent you from using a computer'

Expect mass Amish conversion in the UK.😂
I wasnt happy she didnt turn over the cups, because thats old trick of preloading one cup and having a mechanism to hold the real one out of sight as its lifted.
She Tricked Me !!!
She's got my money in her cups !!!
My Smartphone was in on it too !!! 😂
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Tarrarre supposedly ate a live toddler. It vanished from the hospital where he was being studied for eating like a demon. He shat more that his weight each day. When he developed an intestinal blockage with a fully distended belly they gave him the strongest laxatives. Ponder the outcome.
Ever have a phone conversation with someone, only to realize that they are on the toilet? I just did. Who put phones by toilets anyway, they used to be in lobbies!
Speaking of lobbies we need a lobby lounge singer to help us through.
