Just for fun...

I use grams and milliliters for accuracy when appropriate but when it comes to length I still prefer inches. Hard to impress anyone with millimeters no matter how large the number 🙃
Out here, we still buy things by the peck, firkin or bushel. Remember though, 36 bushels is 1 chaldron.
One time, many years ago, I went to Pakistan via Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, I noticed that they had strings of freshwater or Biwa pearls very cheap. The kind that look like rice krispies. Those are the only ones that Pakistanis believe are genuine pearls, whereas they think all round pearls are fake. And so the rice krispies pearls sell for quite a lot more in Pakistan than in Hong Kong. We found out the going rate by weight for pearls in Lahore. The jewellers there measure using indigenous units called rattis and tolas. Hmmn. 🤔 Depending on how much the pearls in HK weighed... Ka-ching! 😃. I decided to make a side trip back to HK to invest in some pearls. Got to HK. Went into a jeweller's to buy some.

In HK, they are only sold by the string, and not by weight. Couldn't get them to weigh them. "No, we only sell by the string." Went to several shops. Same intransigence. Finally, one shopowner agreed to weigh them on the diamond scale. Which is calibrated in carats...🫤

So first we figured out how many carats in the average string, then converted that to grams. Then converted that to troy ounces. Then converted that to rattis and tolas. Then I had to convert the cost in HK dollars into US dollars, US dollars into Pakistani rupees, to arrive at the cost per tola of pearls on a string. Thank God calculators are cheap in HK, and remember in those days there was no internet or Wikipedia to look things up on!

Didn't have much investment money, but did break even on the trip, covering the costs of airfare and hotel, etc. So I got a little holiday out of it. Decided not to make a business of it though. Pakistani (and other South Asian) jewellers are the sharpest dealers in the world.
So first we figured out how many carats in the average string, then converted that to grams. Then converted that to troy ounces. Then converted that to rattis and tolas. Then I had to convert the cost in HK dollars into US dollars, US dollars into Pakistani rupees, to arrive at the cost per tola of pearls on a string. Thank God calculators are cheap in HK, and remember in those days there was no internet or Wikipedia to look things up on!
I had to laugh while reading this!
A buddy told me his ex wife meets with the devil himself weekly on how to be even more evil.
He's not sure how much she is charging him!
My favorite bumper sticker of all time:
"I still miss my ex but my aim's getting better."

Love short jokes with twists right at the end.
Doing some work on the truck, I opened the air box:

Showed the wife, she asked if I cleaned it out. Told her "no, the squirrels gotta eat too"
Those are larger carats, the big kind you feed horses and llamas as treats. I fed 50 visiting seagulls 25 carat dog food this week. They Pecked it up. And have been following me around town since. Who gave Elizbeth Taylor or Taylor Swift 25 carrots?