Juiced Support - No more chat?

When you make rice in a cooker and steak on the stove, shutting off the rice cooker won't make the steak cook faster...

Bad analogy. The steak doesn't use the same source of heat as the rice cooker. Fixing your analogy: JB is trying to cook both on a single burner, in which case not cooking one speeds up the other.
But communication helps you know what the meal is going to be in the end.

Delays happen. Most reasonable people understand this. The problem is that the information given doesn’t answer anyone’s questions.

People put money down on bikes months ago and they still don’t get reasonable updates on when thier bike will arrive. At the same time the website has had delivery dates a few weeks out. It doesn’t make sense.
The combination of month old orders and a poorly updated website makes Juiced looks unorganized at best and mischievous at worst.

Totally agree! I'm starting to think that Juiced may not want to communicate the true delivery dates in fear of folks cancelling their order. I can say that if they were to tell me that my bike would be shipped in the fall, I'd cancel my order and hold off for an improved 2019 model that I could get by next spring.
Bad analogy. The steak doesn't use the same source of heat as the rice cooker. Fixing your analogy: JB is trying to cook both on a single burner, in which case not cooking one speeds up the other.

I am not a steak and rice guy. Maybe rice and chicken or steak and potatoes....but definitely not steak and rice ;)
If a CCS was ordered around April 15 with 19 ah battery whats a date I should expect it to arrive??? Predictions??
Mine took three months to arrive (Sept. 2017, until late Dec. 2017). I cannot answer your question. I can only encourage you to wait because:

If you can possibly wait, oh wow, it is worth it. Consider the fun you will have for a long time, and no buyer's remorse after you finally get your bike. Or spend $500 more and get a fine bike of some other brand, next week. There are reasons for getting an in-stock bike. You can't replay this riding season if you cannot have an ebike in time to enjoy this summer.

You pays your money and you makes your choice (old saying).
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.....One business day after I cancelled my order an email from Pilot was sent to me announcing my bike was on its way....
-An almost-owner

How long was the wait from when you placed the order and when you got the shipping notice come from Pilot (that you cancelled)?
If a CCS was ordered around April 15 with 19 ah battery whats a date I should expect it to arrive??? Predictions??
Mine was six weeks from a mid February order, CCS 19. But it seems delays have lengthened since, probably due to the summer approaching.

I have no idea, but I'd guess within 15-20 days or less.
If a CCS was ordered around April 15 with 19 ah battery whats a date I should expect it to arrive??? Predictions??

Darrin, there are a lot of factors - 19.2 ah BATTERY was impacting a lot of the RCS orders including mine, but other orders were also stuck waiting on XL frames of specific colors, etc.

Remember once everything is ready then your bike still needs:
  1. Warehouse Assembly
  2. QA
  3. Packaging for shipping
  4. Shipping time
Oddly if I had ordered the 52V battery it seems I would have been able to get my bike in April (since a reviewer ordered his 52V RCS April 7th and received it April 27th, I would have gotten mine before him.. in theory ).

If you have the budget and are not concerned about colors you might let order support know you are flexible --
  • i.e. "I'll take a CCS in any color with Size <YouSizeHere> with a 19.2 or 21ah battery which ever can be delivered sooner and I'll pay to upgrade to 52V if that will get bike faster"
  • You could even offer up "I'll upgrade to 52V and if you don't have the charger I can order directly from GrinTech"

I don't know that it would work but it might work :)

In hindsight I wish I had tried that.

The amount of money I have spent on bus and uber in the last 30 days would have knocked off about $300 from the effective cost of the upgrade to 52V, and if the RCS with 19aH meets expectation I will probably get a GrinTech Satiator anyway (another $295) .. so I really the upgrade to 52V would have only cost me $400.

[note: Not counting using uber after drinking.. I don't want a DUI on a bike either]

Key phrase "In hindsight" <sigh>

So Darrin, back to your question -
It really comes down to trying to guess the following -
A) Is everything Juiced needs in the warehouse
B) How many orders are in front of you
C) What are the chances that one of the bikes "in front of you" has something that fails QA which then makes #A no longer true

#C will mess up any estimate by support, so hopefully nothing fails QA for anybody. All it takes is few damaged rear derailleur or a few wheels that can't be trued to mess up the whole estimate from support.

So remember, until you get a shipping notice, they are giving you their best estimate.

Hopefully your order will be faster than mine, but mine was faster than Reid's but still felt like forever
Before the Scrambler came out, I said several times that it would make more sense to resolve the problems with shipping and customer service before introducing new products. This was based on a hint on their website (or Facebook page, I forget which) that something new was on the horizon.

Tora just answered your question and my opinion. The Scrambler was in motion months and months ago. Delaying its introduction, when it was already being made, would be a very poor choice. Who needs a warehouse full of goods you're not moving?

Also, this should put an end to all the nonsense (from whomever - this is not a response to Lenny7118's post) regarding whether Juiced Bikes is a crowd-funded operation. You can't start sourcing parts and assembling bikes if you don't have capital to do it with.
Anyone who doesn't like the way Juiced does business, should not do business with Juiced. It's that simple.

The constant, repetitious nagging from a small number of posters will not resolve anything, and degrades the usefulness and quality of the forum. At the most, this stuff might convince a potential customer, who would have been perfectly happy with a Juiced bike, not to buy one. No one has a right to interfere with someone else's happiness.

The internet provides us all with lots of ways to rant to our heart's content. Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram. If you use hashtags etc. well, your stuff will show up on searches and your message will get out.

I don't want to shut anyone up. I just want to be able to learn from others here on this forum. That includes complaints! But not the endless carping. There is no other place to go on the net to find this kind of exchange of information, but plenty of other places to rant to your heart's content.

I've named no names. It's not about personalities.

Just stop.
Anyone who doesn't like the way Juiced does business, should not do business with Juiced. It's that simple.

The constant, repetitious nagging from a small number of posters will not resolve anything, and degrades the usefulness and quality of the forum. At the most, this stuff might convince a potential customer, who would have been perfectly happy with a Juiced bike, not to buy one. No one has a right to interfere with someone else's happiness.

The internet provides us all with lots of ways to rant to our heart's content. Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram. If you use hashtags etc. well, your stuff will show up on searches and your message will get out.

I don't want to shut anyone up. I just want to be able to learn from others here on this forum. That includes complaints! But not the endless carping. There is no other place to go on the net to find this kind of exchange of information, but plenty of other places to rant to your heart's content.

I've named no names. It's not about personalities.

Just stop.

JUiced Bikes made the following 2 statements in a comment about 48 hours ago:
Orders are made 4-6 months before the first customer sees the bike.

2- We have now several thousand bikes on order, but ramping up takes 4-6 months to see the result regardless of how much cash is thrown at the problem

So are we the customers going to have to wait 4-6 months from now? To get our bikes if we don’t cancel? ( most likely we will cancel) Is JB worried to really give the true shipping date in fear of numerous cancellations!
Lenny, you are clearly unhappy, we get that. You do have a choice. You can cancel your order anytime and get a refund. Then go find another bike you like.
My guess is the real problem is, you've done the math so to speak, and realize there isn't another bike out there that offers the value and performance that Juiced is offering. You are not alone, 1000's of others have figured this out too. Hence, your other major problem, Juiced is way behind in keeping up with demand. You can either accept this reality and decide to wait for your bike to arrive, or you can cancel.
Either way your constant complaining about what everyone already knows, (Juiced is overwhelmed with orders), has gotten very tired.
There's an easy way to test your theory about Juiced worries of mass cancellations, cancel your order. My guess is Juiced will happily assign your bike to the next guy in line and not bat an eye.
Anyone who doesn't like the way Juiced does business, should not do business with Juiced. It's that simple.

The constant, repetitious nagging from a small number of posters will not resolve anything, and degrades the usefulness and quality of the forum. At the most, this stuff might convince a potential customer, who would have been perfectly happy with a Juiced bike, not to buy one. No one has a right to interfere with someone else's happiness.

The internet provides us all with lots of ways to rant to our heart's content. Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram. If you use hashtags etc. well, your stuff will show up on searches and your message will get out.

I don't want to shut anyone up. I just want to be able to learn from others here on this forum. That includes complaints! But not the endless carping. There is no other place to go on the net to find this kind of exchange of information, but plenty of other places to rant to your heart's content.

I've named no names. It's not about personalities.

Just stop.
For the most part, vendor reviews should be verboten. I hav3 been on modernvespa.com for nearing 2 decades. Dealer bashing, correcting or practices are not allowed and seldom if ever, fair reviews when they sneak through. I wish Court also said, NO MORE. If there were a blatant scam or ripoff, one might make i5 through to help members. For the most part, my favored vendor could well be you4 worste nightmare. When in fact many are lea7ders in the industr6 and will always go the extra mile(Grin, EM3ev...
Some of these posts seem disingenuous. Shills. Seemingly good vendor being trashed. Please talk about features and components. Anythin* else seems useless drivel, sadly from some otherwise interesting posters.
I$ like to learn about the bik3 without innuendo.
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I am one of those who have praised and more recently criticized Juiced. Delays in manufacturing happen for any number of reasons. I am part owner of an equipment design and CNC manufacturing business (not ebikes) here in the U.S. and I understand that 100%. However, my #1 priority is to my customers so when delays happen, commuting this to our customers is our #1 priority. You really cannot communicate enough nor often enough. It is always better to be proactive than reactive. Many of the responses I read regarding Juiced issues are reactive.

Chris is correct. If you don't like Juiced don't do business with them. Tora offers great products at great prices. However, Juiced is not the only game in town. There are other choices such as Biktrix, Volt and Rad Power with good support and communication. As for comparing quality of bike for the money that is always debatable. Juiced might have a slight upper hand in overall value, but not as much as some might lead you to believe.
JUiced Bikes made the following 2 statements in a comment about 48 hours ago:
Orders are made 4-6 months before the first customer sees the bike.

2- We have now several thousand bikes on order, but ramping up takes 4-6 months to see the result regardless of how much cash is thrown at the problem

So are we the customers going to have to wait 4-6 months from now? To get our bikes if we don’t cancel? ( most likely we will cancel) Is JB worried to really give the true shipping date in fear of numerous cancellations!

Let me clarify. When I say 4-6 months lead time we are talking about when we place the orders to our suppliers to the time it is delivered. We don't actually allow the bikes to be pre-ordered by the end customer until they are much closer to being delivered. The parts and bikes we have on order now have not even been put up for pre-order yet and we buffer this lead time so the customers are not waiting for a long time. The eventual goal is that when you order the bike it ships the next day, but that next day shipping bike could have been in the works for nearly half of a year.
One or two month ban of Lenny from the Juiced forum, problem solved. Lol. He'd have to figure out something else to do with his time, and he'd be much happier for it.

The clarification made by Tora above was pretty apparent beforehand, just Lenny's mind is clouded by anger. Manufacturing is not like ordering off Amazon Prime.

The thing I don't get is why batteries take so long to replenish. I can't imagine they take that long for each one to get made. The only thing I can think of is that there's a long queue and you have to wait your turn.

The moment Juiced has 19 ah $2k ebikes on Amazon Prime is the moment it becomes the #1 ebike brand... If others are still so behind like they are today.
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The thing I don't get is why batteries take so long to replenish. I can't imagine they take that long for each one to get made. The only thing I can think of is that there's a long queue and you have to wait your turn.

It's all about shipping. Air freight is ridiculously high and the boats are slow. Anyone interested in a decent profit will be compelled to ship by boat. Largest orders may only be available by boat.