Issue with Folding frame latch


I received my new Lectric 2.0 step thru a few days ago. While unpacking I noticed a small pin in the bottom of the box (not a good sign) not knowing what it was for I set it aside. Later I found the folding frame latch also sitting in the box loose and I knew what the pin was for. The pin holds the latch onto the frame. I am able to get the latch and pin back onto the frame but I don't see how the pin is retained, and it will just fall out the bottom as soon as the latch is released. Anyone have any idea how the pin is retained to the frame? It has a small treaded hole on one end which I assume is for attaching another part (see pictures). I have sent Lectric several emails but no reply yet. Can someone look at he bottom of their frame where the latch pin is and see if they can see how the pin is retained?



Bottom of frame, pin goes in the hole with the red circle, but how is it retained?
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Kind of disappointed, waited 2 months for the bike and when it comes it has a major issue (safety and basic function). Sent 2 emails last week and so far no response. I know they are busy right now but this is a major problem, and they have responded to my other emails (order updates) within a day or two. I will try calling them next week. I can't for the life of me figure out how the pin is retained in the frame, there is a small threaded hole on one end of the pin which I assume has something to do with all of this, guess i'll wait to hear from Lectric.
Kind of disappointed, waited 2 months for the bike and when it comes it has a major issue (safety and basic function). Sent 2 emails last week and so far no response. I know they are busy right now but this is a major problem, and they have responded to my other emails (order updates) within a day or two. I will try calling them next week. I can't for the life of me figure out how the pin is retained in the frame, there is a small threaded hole on one end of the pin which I assume has something to do with all of this, guess i'll wait to hear from Lectric.
Bear in mind that I have a xp 1.0, it appears that the pin in mine is press fit. Press fit works just like a nail in wood with the slightly pointed end being pounded in with a hammer and the tight fit keeping the pin in. You will need a proper sized punch to reach down into the hole, then tap the punch with a hammer to set the pin until it doesn't tap down any further. The softer aluminum will allow the hardened steel pin to fit under pressure, again, just like the harder iron nail will set into the softer wood. The pin has a slight taper on one end that would go in first. Harbor Freight sells inexpensive punch sets that should work for you or your local hardware store. My background is as an office equipment tech and we used pressure fit pins almost as often as set screws.
Bear in mind that I have a xp 1.0, it appears that the pin in mine is press fit. Press fit works just like a nail in wood with the slightly pointed end being pounded in with a hammer and the tight fit keeping the pin in. You will need a proper sized punch to reach down into the hole, then tap the punch with a hammer to set the pin until it doesn't tap down any further. The softer aluminum will allow the hardened steel pin to fit under pressure, again, just like the harder iron nail will set into the softer wood. The pin has a slight taper on one end that would go in first. Harbor Freight sells inexpensive punch sets that should work for you or your local hardware store. My background is as an office equipment tech and we used pressure fit pins almost as often as set screws.

Thanks for response. What you say makes sense and the threaded hole in the pin may be for extracting the pin to replace the latch, except when inserted the pin seemed to go in further than it needed to and past the point where it passed thru the bottom hole of the latch. Before I do anything i will wait to see what Lectric has to say.
It’s been a week and I have not heard back from Lectric on any of my emails or calls. But I did solve the issue on my own. I knew there had to be a way to retain the pin. So I took a closer look at the frame and found a small hole that when the pin is inserted all the way the hole lines up just below the pin. The hole is threaded (looks like an m3) so I just have to screw in a m3 allen screw which will keep the pin from falling out of the bottom of the frame. The small treaded hole in the bottom of the pin is probably for removing a stuck pin.

Problem solved, poor quality control and what most disturbs me is the lack of response from Lectric on such a simple (and potentially dangerous) issue. Makes wonder what other items they forgot to do while assembling the bike.


Red circle is the threaded hole I found where a screw should have been to keep the latch pin from falling out.
great solve, sucks that you had to diagnose and fix yourself but now that you have i bet you feel better about it all. self reliance and determination and all that.

your solve is likely something others will come back to, as i can see that issue happening again merely due to the long trip these things take to get to us.

phones have been hard to get through on the last few weeks, and email responses are very delayed. but i did have luck reaching them by phone right when they open at 9AM Arizona time for those who are trying to reach them urgently.
Yes I am glad I was able to figured it out and it turned out to be a simple fix. The threaded hole had paint in it that was like new so apparently the factory never put the screw in and the pin/latch fell off in transit. I just hope it was a freak occurence and not part of a large batch causing issues with many bikes.
Great info for anyone else who might suffer the same issue either in shipping or otherwise. Thanks!!
Good news sort of. Lectric finally got back to me via email and thanked me for bringing this issue to their attention. They said they have only run across two instances of this issue. They also said they would send me the missing latch hardware. So I am willing to cut them some slack since they are so busy right now and give them a thumbs up for a good product, low price and support.
Hey there this happened to me about 3 weeks ago, I was 1st in line for this mistake...Lectric was baffled & I was seriously so upset because that’s a pretty big problem.

The second I unzipped the foam in the middle of the bike the latch fell to thru and I was confused. After about a week Lectric sent me the part...all is well now.

NO store had a Set Screw that small (2mm M4-0.7) not Lowe’s, bike king, Home Depot, & Ace hardware, Ace was closest @ M4-10 but its inside the fold so no go.


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Hey there this happened to me about 3 weeks ago, I was 1st in line for this mistake...Lectric was baffled & I was seriously so upset because that’s a pretty big problem.

The second I unzipped the foam in the middle of the bike the latch fell to thru and I was confused. After about a week Lectric sent me the part...all is well now.

NO store had a Set Screw that small (2mm M4-0.7) not Lowe’s, bike king, Home Depot, & Ace hardware, Ace was closest @ M4-10 but its inside the fold so no go.

Wow how unlucky we were, Lectric said they are aware of two instances of this problem, the two of us I guess. Well I have been into RC for years (cars, trucks, boats and drones) so I have tons of metric set screws in that size, I may wait for the parts Lectric is sending just so I have the official parts.
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Wow how unlucky we were, Lectric said they are aware of two instances of this problem, the two of us I guess. Well I have been into RC for years (cars, trucks, boats and drones) so I have tons of metric set screws in that size, I may wait for the parts Lectric is send just so I have the official parts.
Yeahh I was so upset, I waited over 8 weeks to get my upgraded 2.0 and then all I could do is look at it for another 7 days before Lectric was able to sent me the missing part, I mean I would wait for them to send it....I was so anxious to ride but I wanted to make sure I had everything right, you can go fast af on this thing & it’s no joke.
I don't think I've ever seen an M4x2mm set screw. Must have like 1 turn of thread on it. Couldn't find any assortments on Amazon with smaller than M4x4mm, but found a 10-pack of M4x3mm at Horizon Hobby.

For something that small though, it might be fairly easy to cut the tip of a nylon M4 screw down to size and make a little notch in the end. Flare the end a bit and it should screw in pretty snug.
Unless Lectric advises against it, if it were me, I would put some blue or purple LocTite on it when I install it.

Unless Lectric advises against it, if it were me, I would put some blue or purple LocTite on it when I install it.


There was a lot of paint in the hole/treads and the fitment was very snug. Plus when the frame is closed the screw hole is covered and blocking the screw from backing out. That being said I agree with you that blue loctite should be used on most screws on this bike due to the vibration they will be exposed to.
This portion of mine came broken. They sent replacement parts with zero instructions. No idea where the spring goes. Waiting on a response from the company. These bikes are far to expensive and fast to guess on how to replace the components. Had the bike for a month and have yet to ride it. 🫤


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I would see this as a convenience issue and not a safety issue in that if the pin falls out you simply can't latch the hinge. I cannot see a way of the latch failing while locked; the forces would securely hold the pin in place. But clearly a few bikes escaped inspection for this setscrew.

Six months after receiving our two XP 2.0 st bikes we are still impressed by these machines, which offer standard features that are optional or unavailable (i.e. Cruise Control) on other ebikes, and yet are a remarkable value at the <$1K price point. There are a half-dozen ebikes cruising around our local suburbia here, and I saw another Lectric parked at the nearby market last week.

By the way, one thing that WOULD be nice is to find a way of securing the latch handle in the closed position, keeping it from potential damage while moving the folded bike around.