Is this worth it? - X-one e-bike on Indiegogo


Active Member
First post, wondering if this bike is a good deal at its 1/2 price campaign price...

Its a hub motor bike with some gimmicky bells and whistles but wanted a more experienced opinion on whether this is worth the money and the wait. I love the styling and willing to compromise a bit on ride position for the sake of the looks. Any thoughts/advice would be helpful. Thanks!
It really doesn't do much for me personally - a whole bunch of fancy stuff which can fail and leave you out in the cold. No idea as to how well it will be supported for repairs, replacement parts, etc. And I guess that you have to hope it fits you as is - doesn't look like it has all that much adjustability nor will accept standard upgrade/fitting parts.

Only time & miles will tell whether it is any good or reliable. Personally I am not one who would give up on riding position or efficiency for style - but to each his own. In situations like this one the initial owners can wind up being the beta testers, so be ready to be handy with a wrench and troubleshooting skills and hope you have some (local enough) support from the company post-purchase.
Surely the seatpost is adjustable for saddle height? Watching the clips of it being ridden, my knees were hurting based on that riding position for pedaling leg extension.
Rayvolt does make interesting looking bikes, that's for sure.

Personally, I am somewhat of a sucker for gimmicks and styling. But... TMH is right - no matter how nice it looks, if Rayvolt hasn't 100% nailed the software and UI then the actual riding experience might be really frustrating.

Also, I'm not one to say you should only buy from a local shop, but it seems to me this is so custom that there's very little you could replace or service on your own. A paddleboard shop is the only Rayvolt dealer in NY, so I doubt they would be much use. That would leave you relying on the distributor out of Vancouver for support and the Rayvolt warranty does NOT cover transportation charges.

I would try to find some Rayvolt owner experiences online and see if the company provides a decent level of support.