Is there any reason why these tires wont fit on my 2019 Rad Rover?

Pay Jota

I am in the process of getting all my replacement part ducks in line, in advance of heading to Mexico. Replacement stuff in Mexico is either non-existent or very expensive.

So, I'm going down with two new tubes, two liners and two new tires.

Will these work? Will they fit?

I don't see why they wouldn't? You might want to mount before you go and play with the PSI to see what feels best to make 100% sure. I have Vee Tire Vee8 120tpi on my Radrover for +2 years. Those tires have very bad pull to one side at PSI below 16. Zero pull once I up the pressure in the 18-22 PSI. I would also add Slime or Stans sealant just in case (I like Stans). Tire sealant prevents the majority of my flats in New Mexico terrain or goat heads and cactus.

Another issue I ran into with 120 tpi tires was trying to hand pump in the field and unable to seat the floppy tire in the rim. I needed both hands to keep the tire from popping out; but, couldn't pump at the same time. I now keep 5 Softride velcro strips in the rack bag to strap the tire in place while I pump. Slowly release the straps as the tire seats to makes sure the tire is straight and seated at the same level around the rim. That was my biggest pain in the bottom was getting the 120 tpi tire to seat evenly and centered around the rim. Battery operated or a car battery electric air pump can save you a ton of time if you need to adjust or air a tire from a flat.
After doing more research, I'm leaning towards these tires. Great reviews, especially with regards to more puncture resistance than the stock tires. I really dont ride in much soft dirt/sand conditions or very rocky conditions. And it would be nice to have a tire more dedicated to street situations.

Those and the Maxxis Hookworms 26"X2.5" seem to be the goto tires for street use for the last few years for the Radrover.
BRUTAL is an understatement!... I took a ride with a young Hispanic woman from downtown Tijuana to "la playa" for dinner in her car. I tried taking movies of it with my phone but was too scared. There are no street repairs down there. Forget it. I'd probably feel safer off-road than on it.
Not long after I got my Radrover I got 2 flats back to back. Both times were the rear tires... ouch! At that point, I decided to switch to street tread tires (Origin Supercells 26X4.0s). Different problem. They wouldn't hold air. Keeping 20psi was almost a daily affair.
Stu, the owner of finally wised me up. Shameless plug for them. Great shop that will do repairs while you wait. They even have a beer tap with an ice-cold IPA! He said quit screwing around with 4.0s and use 3.5s. Less tire meeting the ground = less chance of a flat. 3.5s also fit nicely in the Radrover's rims. He and his 2 co-workers all echoed what others have said...tire sealant. Although, they said there's a better product they use that's newer than Slime or Stans. Took my latest flat into them and had them swap out the tube for a new one with this new sealant. That tire has been rock solid 20psi for a week.
I've taken their advice one step further...


These, along with the liners and sealant will go on my Radrover when the current tires I have started to wear a bit.
One more thing...a COMPRESSOR PUMP! ! bought a cheap electric one with a glow-in-the-dark gauge for $25 at home depot. It's 110, but you can get an adapter I'll bet for down Mexico way. It's like Death Valley down there now. You DO NOT want to use a hand pump or a floor pump. Otherwise, the buzzards will soon be circling overhead!
Just my 2 coppers
Yeah, it will be tire liners and Slime, all the way down there.

But I am seeing more than a few posts/reviews about the large distance between knobbies on the stock Kenda tires on the Rad Rover. I can see the "logic" in 3.5; just wondering how many sharpies you are missing by a quarter inch on either side of a 4 inch tire? I guess it only takes one.

Those Maxxis Mammoth's look interesting. I like that center line of knobs. As this bike will be an around-town bike, as well as in the dirt (heck, my Mexico house is ON a dirt road), I'd like a little less rolling resistance.

And my Ryobi compressor pump will be coming, too. No adapters needed in Mexico; it's 120v60hz all the way.
After doing more research, I'm leaning towards these tires. Great reviews, especially with regards to more puncture resistance than the stock tires. I really dont ride in much soft dirt/sand conditions or very rocky conditions. And it would be nice to have a tire more dedicated to street situations.

These tires went up 32.00/tire since I first found them on Amazon. Pretty amazing how Amazon prices can go up and down, over the course of a month. I did not buy them when they were in the 40s.