Is the new Aventon Level a better choice than Ride1Up 700?

Encino Todd

New Member
First, thank you for a fantastic site. The reviews and info are terrific for someone just considering the purchase.

I have been watching reviews and reading as much as I can to gain some ebike knowledge as I am ready to make a purchase. I have narrowed it down to, I believe a final 2 choices.
The first would be the Ride1Up 700 and the other is the new Aventon Level. I was also looking at the E-Glide as they are local and I went to drive it. It is a great bike but then I started seeing some concerns about the Dapu motor. I was also a bit concerned it didn't have the engine cut off. I am trying to stay under $2K.

The bike would be used for city streets and bike paths. I am 54, in good condition and live in the hills of Encino so would appreciate the boost after riding around in the fairly flat San Fernando Valley.

I looked at the Pace 500 but didn't like its lack of fenders and suspension. The Level seems to have some really nice improvements. As you have ridden both, I was hoping you would be able to steer me in the right direction. Thanks!
I like Pace 500 for its light weight (47lbs) and performance. I have ridden 3000 troublefree miles on it since Jun. I ride paved roads and paths 95% of the time. With 35-40lbs front tire pressure I don't miss the heavy front suspension that the R1U 700 or Aventon Level both have. I have ridden the 500 over 70miles at PAS 2. The 11.6Ah battery has alot of performance on the lighter 500. And bigger batteries are available. Fenders in Tucson are not needed :D But are easily and inexpensively added to 500. The 15lbs difference in weight between the 500 and the other bikes is alot. I have purchased bikes from both R1U and Aventon. They both have OUTSTANDING Customer Service. Both are very reliable and are in Southern Cailifornia. You might even visit them for test rides.
Thank you for your reply. I liked the Level as I thought it might have more range with the 14amp and torque could indicate. Apparently it is off set by the weight in real world testing. One other factor is the wait time. The 500 seems to be unavailable for 70 days and the Level is ready sooner.
I was also looking at the level or 700. Don't like that the throttle on the level isn't active till you pedal. They both look alike and the 700 is cheaper.
I tried out the Pace 500 and the store that I tried it out on had fenders and rack for $100 total. Living in Oregon, fenders are a necessity. I did like the light weight on the Pace and avoided trying out the Level because of its weight. The Pace was easy to ride without the assist and I didn't feel the need for shocks. The Pace is my second choice though behind the Giant LaFree E+ 2 which is priced at $2000 and with the mid motor it is much smoother and bike like. BTW the Pace 500 climbed a long steep grade of about 15% with no problem as did the LaFree. I have one more bike to try out before I make my final decision.
I have the Pace 500 with 600 miles and it’s a solid bike and weighs about 50 lbs. with the battery. I did add an inexpensive suspension seat post and the bike is very comfortable. It comes with a comfy seat. If you trail the bike, it means picking it up and the lighter weight means a lot, and it is under $1,400. Good luck and go with your instinct. Whatever you choose will be the right choice, and never look back. We don’t need regrets in life.