I have an Emojo Caddy trike. The trike is 2 1/2 years old as is the 48v 13 ah battery. Symptoms: the motor and display shut down intermittently. It usually happens once or twice on a 2 mile round trip . I will stop, turn the key off and on and it comes back to life. The battery indicator on the display will drop back to 4 bars and several seconds later back to five. Then maybe do it again. The battery was fully charged when I left home . When I get home and hook up the charger the green light on the charger will come on after 30 minutes or so. As I was starting to remove the charger the red light came on. After several seconds the green light comes back on for an indeterminate length of time . Then the red one. And so on.The battery was charged to 52.4 v when I left home. When I got home it tested at 51.3 v . Should it lose 1v in a 2 1/2 mile 15 mph trip ?