I thought Class 3 would feel safer on the road

I thought going faster on the road would reduce the speed differential to cars and make me feel safer riding in the bike lane (aka bike gutter). What I've found is that drivers are so focused on I must pass all cyclists that what really happens is that there is still a 20+MPH speed differential... It's just that now I'm able to do 30MPH while being passed by someone at 50MPH.

There's a stretch of road I take regularly where I always maintain 28+MPH because of the hill leading into it. The speed limit is 30MPH, and it's all double yellow lines. I feel like most of the cars passing me realize about halfway through the maneuver that what they are doing is insane, but they are 100% committed to passing the "slow bicycle". At least there's something about doing 50 down a narrow road that causes them to move waaay over to the left.

(slightly related: Yesterday this didn't happen on one stretch of road with a 25MPH speed limit, so the Varia radar "forgot" about the car that was pacing me and I jumped when I shoulder checked and saw a car)
A good question may be: what do we do when driving our cars and encounter a bicycle? Like you, I most often ride ~25+mph but recognize I could be doing 45mph and the driver behind will deem it necessary to pass. Maybe it is a case of thinking a quick pass will restore a safe lane for the biker.
A good question may be: what do we do when driving our cars and encounter a bicycle? Like you, I most often ride ~25+mph but recognize I could be doing 45mph and the driver behind will deem it necessary to pass. Maybe it is a case of thinking a quick pass will restore a safe lane for the biker.
I watch ahead and try to give the cyclist plenty of room a good rider will not hold you up much on these country roads I was amazed how fast the "Pros crossed a 3 mile mtn incline of course going off the other side they could keep ahead easily. That race was basically unannounced and caused a little confusion.
I always am at my best on traveled roads, hug the white line and even will go to the shoulder if it is ridable. Wide berthers still will go completely into the other lane to get around me even on blind corners. The law says give 3' and that is plenty in those situations unless the rider is obviously weaving into the traffic lane and not holding a steady line. And lets not forget the Coal Roller types.....
boring fairytale
I agree on some parts,OTH it has been shown to be historically accurate Jordan Peterson sez[ Live everyday as if God is real, there are many benefits] I used to be a literal"Pharisee" until common sense kicked in, it is a widely read book, also has some kooky interpretations.
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If I pass a cyclist, slow moped or pedestrian I flash my hazards, hopefully to alert those behind me that they are about to pass a slower vehicle. And I recently restocked my "cheap lights are better than nothing" campaign from Lidl. If you're on a bicycle and have no lights I'll stop and give you a set because I 'm coming home from work around 9:30pm. If I have a hard time seeing a cyclist then I know a most car won't see them at all.

And concerning the Bible. I'm not religious by any means. I think the bible gives most people a grounding and God knows more people need a grounding! Compassion takes a lot less effort than anger and compassion rewards one with much better results.


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I agree on some parts,OTH it has been shown to be historically accurate Jordan Peterson sez[ Live everyday as if God is real, there are many benefits] I used to be a literal"Pharisee" until common sense kicked in, it is a widely read book, also has some kooky interpitations.
Convenient interpretations?
I agree on some parts,OTH it has been shown to be historically accurate Jordan Peterson sez[ Live everyday as if God is real, there are many benefits] I used to be a literal"Pharisee" until common sense kicked in, it is a widely read book, also has some kooky interpitations.
Jordan Peterson is a regressive waste of space.Happy riding!
My observation about cycling, be it ebike or pedal bike is that if I am decked out in Lycra and Spandex it seems like a percentage of the drivers out there are aggressive and rude.
if I go out in my sandals, shorts, and a button up shirt that percentage seems to drop noticeably, like they are recognizing me as a fellow human or some such.
also, at least in medellin, if I am riding a slower speeds than the cars most cars seem to treat me as a bicycle. However if I am going the same speed or faster than the cars, they seem to treat me as a motorcycle and they cut me no slack.
just my impressions.
if I go out in my sandals, shorts, and a button up shirt that percentage seems to drop noticeably, like they are recognizing me as a fellow human or some such.
There's a guy on youtube who endorses fly fishing button-up shirts for cycling. The back is cut to give you room to swing your arms around. They're full coverage for sun protection, they dry quickly and they have good pockets. And as you mentioned, people are slightly less likely to try to run you over.
If I pass a cyclist, slow moped or pedestrian I flash my hazards, hopefully to alert those behind me that they are about to pass a slower vehicle. And I recently restocked my "cheap lights are better than nothing" campaign from Lidl. If you're on a bicycle and have no lights I'll stop and give you a set because I 'm coming home from work around 9:30pm. If I have a hard time seeing a cyclist then I know a most car won't see them at all.

And concerning the Bible. I'm not religious by any means. I think the bible gives most people a grounding and God knows more people need a grounding! Compassion takes a lot less effort than anger and compassion rewards one with much better results.
Good man, you have probably saved lives.
Jordan Peterson is a regressive waste of space.Happy riding!
Dont sell Ol' Jordy too short,He does take too much time getting a point across, no worse than that Russian Guy Freidman.I think People at a certain level have trouble relating to commoners such as myself,I finally took the time to really listen to JP, upon reflection it made a lot of sense( most things anyway).
Do you think you are gaining or loosing auto driver respect when you do this?

We stay in line where we stopped to avoid the "privileged ahole" appearance.
In Bellingham, we have a few intersections where there is a green "bicycle box" (or whatever you call them) that let bikes move ahead of the autos, though when coming from behind, I don't usually go around the cars to the front--I guess because I don't want to annoy drivers more than necessary. Those places also have a "no free right turn" sign across the intersection, but I have to wonder whether all drivers see those signs. I do get the impression, in dealing with traffic where it is unavoidable, that most drivers really don't want to hit me. I suppose they don't want the inconvenience of having to explain themselves to the police and their own insurance companies.
I often find myself wending my way down neighborhood arterial streets where there is no bike lane. Whenever there is a gap between parked cars, I move to the right to let any following cars go by easily, but then back into the traffic part of the lane when I have to. I'm curious whether doing this is necessary or even wise.
How do these comments have anything to do with the initial post?
Let’s stay on topic.
Christian bike riders, like myself have to learn to turn the other cheek and not let traffic make us do something stupid, pray for the 4 wheel driver, do not curse Him. We share the road and usually in an altercation we will be the ones covered with a blanket. We must always be aware we do not usually pay road use taxes and our machines usually will not out accelerate or keep up with a car,it doesnt matter how fast we go the drivers behind think we are holding them up. I was coasting down an incline fast approaching a stop sign and a young girl in a Pontiac just had to pass then turn right and stop a few yards later at the dumpsters,I went by her a few seconds later when she stopped.Patience, as the Apostle Paul[I have found out how to be content in any situation] if you cannot control your temper biking will not do you much good, a fast heart rate caused by stress or anger is really not the same as one caused by exercise :cool:
Do you think you are gaining or loosing auto driver respect when you do this?

We stay in line where we stopped to avoid the "privileged ahole" appearance.

this depends on local laws. filtering and lane splitting are legal in some places and not in others. explicit legal in california for motorcyles and (i believe) other two wheeled vehicles. whether it inconveniences anyone else is a judgement call - in an urban environment it often has LESS of a slowing effect for a bicycle to move past stopped cars, turn or get out in front of them rather than sit between two cars where passing may be more difficult. here the pedestrian crossings (which will shortly be legal for bikes to use) have a significant head start on the cars, so a bike can get out in front of the traffic, where they are highly visible and not in danger of getting squished.

in 10,000 + miles on local roads and streets i do not think i have ever observed an auto driver's tangible "respect" for me go down when i filter past them in stopped or extremely slow traffic. and safe to say that if an ahole (it would have to be one) opened their door to intentionally stop or injure me, they would be the subject of both criminal and civil proceedings in which i would make sure to make their life as absolutely difficult as possible, no matter what it cost. i have NEVER heard of or seen anyone doing this, and the fact that you suggested it is horrifying.

I do know, as an auto and bike operator, my first thought is to open my door when aholes do as described.
I'm in a suburb of Seattle, WA, and I think people are generally pretty understanding. I think they are just not used to bikes going that fast, which is causing them to do things that they wouldn't do if they really thought about it.

I've actually found that other roads (even busier roads) where my speed is +/-20MPH interact more naturally than the ones where I'm going fast.
Sounds like things aren't that different between our cities. I find if I pull into traffic and can do 40 - 50 km/hr that cars generally don't try to pass me.