I have a bike where the motor isn't giving out any power. Manual pedal works but with the PAS on it will not produce any power from the motor.


New Member
I have a bike where the motor isn't giving out any power. Manual pedal work but with the PAS on it will not produce any power from the motor. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Is the distance between the pedal assist magnet wheel and the pedal assist pickup 3mm, the width of a nickel? If the distance is greater or it is misaligned, use your thumb to straiten it.
I believe that it is close enough to the magnet, but I will attempt to move it closer.

I also noticed the LED for the pedal assist sensor blinks once when I initially turn on the bike and it does not continue blinking. Is that an indication of another issue?
What is the bike? Does it also have a wheel magnet? If so that magnet may also need alignment on many bikes. Those pickups have a red light that blinks each time the properly aligned magnet passes.
It seems you were right before. I have confirmed that the magnets were not close enough to the sensor. It did start blinking and the motor began to work after adjusting the distance. Thank you for the help.