I Disagree with the Majority - My 2 cents

My card was charged in Aug 2017 for a bike I ordered in Aug 2017 and received in Dec 2017. Which is exactly what I expected to happen, and Juiced was totally transparent that this is what would happen. If you're expecting anything else to happen, you're likely to be disappointed.

You appear to have researched this purchase thoroughly before ordering, so you knew what the situation was and were willing to accept the situation anyway because of the perceived value of the product (as you said a few posts ago). So, basically, this whole thread becomes "I'm willing to order from Juiced despite the fact that I don't like the business model, I don't agree with the business model, and I think they should do things differently."

To which I think we say..."ok".

I mean, that's a completely valid opinion to have. It's even one many here actually share. It's a conclusion we've come to as a group multiple times in past threads. Like you, lots of folks came to the conclusion that on the whole, it was still worth it to order (or they didn't, and went elsewhere, and very likely are therefore not reading this forum). And then there are others who are fine with the business model. So all of that ground has been thoroughly covered here by now.

Is there another goal to this thread that we haven't reached yet that you are hoping for? Honest question - just trying to understand where we're going here.
You appear to have researched this purchase thoroughly before ordering, so you knew what the situation was and were willing to accept the situation anyway because of the perceived value of the product (as you said a few posts ago). So, basically, this whole thread becomes "I'm willing to order from Juiced despite the fact that I don't like the business model, I don't agree with the business model, and I think they should do things differently."

That's not what I was saying. I only claimed they were using customer money, instead of their own capital, to order their bikes from China, as a matter of policy, and that may indicate a cash flow issue. I made no judgements good or bad -- just observations

Most of my posts were attempts to correct posts like yours by reiterating my observations and questions differently, as I have just done

To which I think we say..."ok".

Not really my take on all "we". I have been attacked for daring to make the observation, accused of accusing JB of "incompetence" or "nefarious" activity, etc

Is there another goal to this thread that we haven't reached yet that you are hoping for? Honest question - just trying to understand where we're going here.

Watch out for asking honest questions. But how about some honest answers instead of excuses -- that's all I ask. In the end is just an idle discussion -- one which you are free to ignore.
Just wanted to say I appreciate everyone's two cents...Yes, I would enjoy riding my CCs, but, honestly, I have enjoyed the anticipation. I come home from work and look for updates on the Juiced website. Go to this website and look for new posts. Look at a couple of other websites trying to find what I feel would be a better deal on a bike. I do all of this from my recliner without even breaking a sweat! It's not that bad of a deal.

Anyway, between now and when I actually get my bike, I'm going to need something to do so keep posting.

I'll think of something :p
If this whole thread is just you trying to communicate your cash flow problem hypothesis, ok cool. I'm just trying to square that with apparently being labeled a "defender" ("I don't see how the answers given by the JB defenders (technology-related, company age-related) are good reason not to order extras") and "excuse" maker ("But how about some honest answers instead of excuses -- that's all I ask.") simply for offering up alternative hypotheses.