How well did you do in January?

About 50 miles of fat tire single track snow trails.

It's barely above 0F here for the next week so February is not starting out well.
I do have my limits!
I should be taken out and shot for this, but I only got one 15 mile quick ride in for January this time what with all the snow, the week of sub ten degree temps, and general laziness and aversion to that level of discomfort. I ride for enjoyment now. As long as I get one day in each month until March and April, I’m good.
Haven't been out for a week due to weather and life in general, but here's 2021 YTD.


We still have another week of sub -20C or colder ahead of us, so February looks like it will be a little low on the biking. I guess March will have to be a big month!
I did fantastic in not wiping out when forced over to snow/ice piles on the road. This happened 4 or 5 times. I've avoided biking when there is a covering of snow or ice, but ride when it's mostly clear. Sometimes however, a vehicle forces me to move over to where there is a bit of snow and/or ice - and it is very dangerous there with normal street tires. I lower my seat in these wintry conditions so I can use both feet to keep try to keep the bike upright in emergency situations. Lowering the center of gravity helps anyway. Forget about pedaling power wrt seat position. To have feet on ground is tops in importance in winter here.
So far so good!
Becoming more even more wary of the little piles of icy snow, is a good thing.
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