How to ride in the smoke.


Well-Known Member
I live in Wisconsin. Today was a perfect day to ride. Virtually no one on the trails but idiots without a mask. We are being advised to wear N95s if venturing outside. My wife and I wore our left-over pandemic KN95s for our morning walk.

Like yesterday, the Air Quality Alert level is touching into Hazardous, and solidly into Very Unhealthy (265+) all week. Yesterday 2 locations by me were identified as the most hazardous in the world that day. Supposed to get worse by Friday.

So to ride these smoky trails and get in your daily distance you need a quality respirator, and if necessary it also helps to get smoked first. Purely optional, and for medicinal reasons only, because it will be a long ride. Pre-medicate my Doctor advises me.

Then pick all of the normally heavily-trafficked trails and interesting side stops as your destinations because there is no trail traffic.

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Just wow. I didn't even mask while riding in the pando, just when I stopped. Wow.
We have had "very unhealthy for everyone warnings" for the past two days in Peoria, IL. Especially tough on people my age, 70! I did a little work yesterday and came in huffing and puffing. Supposed to get better latter in the week. Bikes are parked until it gets better.
This crap is really moving fast. Wildfires. Heat waves .Dust storms. Droughts. Masks outside as as another new normal. 🤬
It looks like a lot of the rest of the country is getting a taste of what its been like in California for the last couple of years. All of my old stomping grounds (campgrounds) are burned to a cinder. they say it'll take 35 years to regrow from meadows to forest again. So I won't see it.
Monitor your breathing carefully, guys. An N95 may not be enough protection if you're breathing heavily in air that bad. Remember, the seal's unlikely to be perfect.
A P100 is the way to go. VERY comfortable. They used to be readily available at Home Depot. Then the zombie virus hit and they became freakin' team issue for the CDC. I used mine on a few rare occasions but saved it just in case the undead started rising from their graves. Prices have come back to normal.

Originally bought it because I had to cut up a bunch of titanium with a dremel and I figured breathing titanium dust was probably a bad thing.

Went golfing yesterday and decided to get in a bike ride before dark. Been on a June fitness streak, riding a regular bike all month and lost 8 pounds, so I had to ride. Woo, halfway thru, I had a headache and slowed my pace. Wasn't til I got home that I saw we were at purple on the haze meter.

Today, my throat is raw. Probably skip today's ride, but we'll golf tomorrow,
To lead up to my next sentence ..... I am an avid bicyclist....about 6000 miles a year here mostly near Las Vegas, NV. the OP's intro.....why the hell would anyone put their bodies thru VERY uncomfortable and quite possibly life long damage just to ride in very unhealthy air quality?

I too am very motivated to ride most every day (see first sentence) BUT I'm also realistic that a couple/few days off and staying indoors is going to be better in the long run.

YMWV :oops: :oops:;) !!!
There's an air quality warning here in Southern Ontario.
Smoke from forest fires in Quebec and Northern Ontario.


I went for a ride today.
I did notice a lot of smoke.
6 to be exact on my 3½ hour ride.


The dinger makes a nice ash tray.
It looks like a lot of the rest of the country is getting a taste of what its been like in California for the last couple of years. All of my old stomping grounds (campgrounds) are burned to a cinder. they say it'll take 35 years to regrow from meadows to forest again. So I won't see it.
None of us will.
I live in Wisconsin. Today was a perfect day to ride. Virtually no one on the trails but idiots without a mask. We are being advised to wear N95s if venturing outside. My wife and I wore our left-over pandemic KN95s for our morning walk.
You're clearly being sensible. Stay that way.