How to disable fake channel in Mission Control?


Active Member
I’ve been looking for answers to a data problem in another thread and now I have a very specific question. I have never used the MC fake channel but I suspect another app (ebike field) may have used it so I went to “Tune” in MC to be sure fake channel is disabled but it isn’t there. I don’t see the fake channel option anywhere in mission control. Any ideas how I can find it so I can disable it?
are you sure?

Yes, the fake channel option is no longer shown in Tune. It used to be there but I never used it. I’m thinking ebike field might have used it or changed its function somehow.
fascinating. what version of mission control? which bike?
@Calcoaster it's not you - the latest version of mission control and/or the turbo SL bike firmware has removed the fake channel option! it's not present on mine either. no idea which action removed it - bike had latest firmware installed by LBS and i updated MC.

looking at a ride from this afternoon which i recorded with the latest MC, the power stats are all there - average motor power, average rider power, max power, the charts, etc, but the "time in assist mode" chart is broken and the "battery and support" fields under "ride details" are missing. when i look at older rides, that data is still there, and the chart still works.

my guess is specialized broke this accidentally in a recent update. nothing to do with your garmin pairing, unpairing, etc.
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MC version looks like it was updated a week ago, ver 2.12.0. The bike is my new Creo. I installed ebike field before my fourth ride and that’s when the data glitch started. I just noticed the missing fake channel and I do remember seeing it in the past.
MC version looks like it was updated a week ago, ver 2.12.0. The bike is my new Creo. I installed ebike field before my fourth ride and that’s when the data glitch started. I just noticed the missing fake channel and I do remember seeing it in the past.
@Calcoaster crossings posts, see above. it's not you, it's a function of a recent update it seems.
@Calcoaster it's not you - the latest version of mission control and/or the turbo SL bike firmware has removed the fake channel option! it's not present on mine either. no idea which action removed it - bike had latest firmware installed by LBS and i updated MC.

looking at a ride from this afternoon which i recorded with the latest MC, the power stats are all there - average motor power, average rider power, max power, the charts, etc, but the "time in assist mode" chart is broken.

my guess is specialized broke this accidentally in a recent update.
Oh! Glad to know I can stop searching for a problem that I can’t fix! Sorry that you have the same issue now. I think I’ll go back to using Blevo to look at post-ride stats. Thanks! You saved me a lot of time!
Oh! Glad to know I can stop searching for a problem that I can’t fix! Sorry that you have the same issue now. I think I’ll go back to using Blevo to look at post-ride stats. Thanks! You saved me a lot of time!

i'm guessing it's two unrelated things:

a) they removed fake channel because with e-bike field now available on most (all?) bike computers, it's not needed, and it confused a lot of people who turned it on when they shouldn't have (i did this!!!!!!!!!)
b) the % of time in support mode being missing is a bug and will be fixed.

note that the chart of motor power is still correct, as are the averages etc, so you can still see what's going on after the fact quite clearly.
i'm guessing it's two unrelated things:

a) they removed fake channel because with e-bike field now available on most (all?) bike computers, it's not needed, and it confused a lot of people who turned it on when they shouldn't have (i did this!!!!!!!!!)
b) the % of time in support mode being missing is a bug and will be fixed.

note that the chart of motor power is still correct, as are the averages etc, so you can still see what's going on after the fact quite clearly.
I think you’re right. I like the Blevo ride map with the slider that lets you look at any point along the route and gives complete data including rider power, motor power, assistance level, cadence, speed, HR, etc. I stopped using it when I found the Ride app gave most of that, and when I read that Blevo would not be supported anymore because MC changed its output to one third party developers couldn’t read. I filed a request with specialized to add back the battery level and assist level readings so Ride could display them. Maybe it’ll happen, maybe not.

I remember you tested out a few other apps a while ago. Have you found one that gives all the data MC collects?
I think you’re right. I like the Blevo ride map with the slider that lets you look at any point along the route and gives complete data including rider power, motor power, assistance level, cadence, speed, HR, etc. I stopped using it when I found the Ride app gave most of that, and when I read that Blevo would not be supported anymore because MC changed its output to one third party developers couldn’t read. I filed a request with specialized to add back the battery level and assist level readings so Ride could display them. Maybe it’ll happen, maybe not.

I remember you tested out a few other apps a while ago. Have you found one that gives all the data MC collects?

i ended up really liking the “cadence” app; which then uploads to strava. i use this for any ride in which i don’t use the motor, whether on my eBike or non-e-Bike. when i use the motor, i still use mission control, also uploading to strava. i like the consistency of the two apps - cadence’s dashboard screens are super customizable and the only thing lacking is motor power and battery info, which obviously isn’t useful for an unpowered ride! other than bLevo and MC, i don’t believe any apps can log or read the motor power data.
I think you’re right. I like the Blevo ride map with the slider that lets you look at any point along the route and gives complete data including rider power, motor power, assistance level, cadence, speed, HR, etc. I stopped using it when I found the Ride app gave most of that, and when I read that Blevo would not be supported anymore because MC changed its output to one third party developers couldn’t read. I filed a request with specialized to add back the battery level and assist level readings so Ride could display them. Maybe it’ll happen, maybe not.

I remember you tested out a few other apps a while ago. Have you found one that gives all the data MC collects?
Re: " I filed a request with specialized to add back the battery level and assist level readings so Ride could display them."
Don't hold your breath.
I find that the response, acknowledgment, and communication by "Rider Care" is severely crippled.
MULTIPLE phone calls, unanswered, multiple e-mails, unanswered.
It's frightening.
With 4 Specialized bikes (almost $20k) invested, I find it disgusting that the lack of ANY support by them is unacceptable.
I do understand that the LBS is the 'go-to' for most inquiries, etc., but why then does Rider Care even exists if all communications are never replied to?
Does anyone else have similar experiences or?
Re: " I filed a request with specialized to add back the battery level and assist level readings so Ride could display them."
Don't hold your breath.
I find that the response, acknowledgment, and communication by "Rider Care" is severely crippled.
MULTIPLE phone calls, unanswered, multiple e-mails, unanswered.
It's frightening.
With 4 Specialized bikes (almost $20k) invested, I find it disgusting that the lack of ANY support by them is unacceptable.
I do understand that the LBS is the 'go-to' for most inquiries, etc., but why then does Rider Care even exists if all communications are never replied to?
Does anyone else have similar experiences or?

mixed results on rider care for me; one question never replied to, but when i asked them about varia integration for the new bikes which include it they immediately replied with a discussion. when i had questions about an order they answered promptly by phone.

i agree that it should be much more consistent!
"time in assist mode" chart is broken and the "battery and support" fields under "ride details" are missing. when i look at older rides, that data is still there, and the chart still works.
This has been making me crazy since those are the two stats I find most useful. I contacted Specialized support on the website a few days ago, but no response yet. I hope they fix this soon.

What is Fake Channel? I never touched the setting, and now it's gone, but I'm still curious.

Will BLEvo work with my 2021 Vado SL 5.0? The iPhone app store description only mentions Levo and Kenevo. Does BLEvo display and record all of the same info that MC does? Will it allow custom profiles like MC Tune? In other words, is BLEvo a full replacement for MC? Does BLEvo link to a webpage the way MC links to Ride (app and webpage).

Thanks for any help here.
This has been making me crazy since those are the two stats I find most useful. I contacted Specialized support on the website a few days ago, but no response yet. I hope they fix this soon.

What is Fake Channel? I never touched the setting, and now it's gone, but I'm still curious.

fake channel basically used one of the ANT+ data channels to transmit battery information. for example, you could tell it to transmit the battery percentage on the “rider power” channel to your bike computer. this way if your computer knew nothing at all about eBikes, you could have a display of the battery life on your computer screen - albeit mis-titled.

there are better ways to do this now, so they may have removed it as it’s a bit of a kludge. it can also be very confusing if set accidentally and suddenly your speed, cadence, or power are stuck at “100” lol.
Will BLEvo work with my 2021 Vado SL 5.0?
Yes it will.
BLEvo does not work with 2022 Mastermind e-bikes.

Does BLEvo display and record all of the same info that MC does?
Up to 51 parameters. Even if it makes no sense to use all of them, BLEvo provides far more information that MC does.

Will it allow custom profiles like MC Tune?
Yes, multiple profiles are available.

In other words, is BLEvo a full replacement for MC?
BLEvo is far more than the MC. I only use MC to tell my Vado SL, for instance, to "Discharge the Range Extender first" or set the "Stealth mode". There are very few things BLEvo cannot do it but there are far more things MC cannot do.

I use BLEvo for my Vado SL and for the full power Vado on every ride.

The greatest feature of BLEvo is online and precise Range calculation on its dashboard (Bike Monitor).


The data in blue frames all came from BLEvo (to Strava). You can even display a Full Report in Strava description.
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i'm guessing it's two unrelated things:

a) they removed fake channel because with e-bike field now available on most (all?) bike computers, it's not needed, and it confused a lot of people who turned it on when they shouldn't have (i did this!!!!!!!!!)
b) the % of time in support mode being missing is a bug and will be fixed.

note that the chart of motor power is still correct, as are the averages etc, so you can still see what's going on after the fact quite clearly.
@mschwett : When I look at rides in MC, I see a modest amount of data, including Total Consumption in wh, and Average Support Level in %. No chart of motor power. Where do I find this?
I guess the only way to get detailed info during and after a ride is to use a GPS-Garmin or Wahoo, with appropriate third party apps, such as Ebike Edge Multifield or the Ebike applications by Jan Cepek, since I can't use BLEvo with my Tero 5 with the Mastermind TCD-w.
@mschwett : When I look at rides in MC, I see a modest amount of data, including Total Consumption in wh, and Average Support Level in %. No chart of motor power. Where do I find this?
I guess the only way to get detailed info during and after a ride is to use a GPS-Garmin or Wahoo, with appropriate third party apps, such as Ebike Edge Multifield or the Ebike applications by Jan Cepek, since I can't use BLEvo with my Tero 5 with the Mastermind TCD-w.
the specialized “ride” app will show you much more data from the same rides. don’t use it while riding on an eBike - it’s for reviewing after. continue to use mission control to capture the data.

if you install “ride” now you should in a few minutes see all the rides you’ve logged with mission control.
I just got an email back from specialized rider care and they confirmed that they removed the fake channel from MC. They also said that the loss of battery level and support level in the Ride app is “a known issue” and they will work on it.