How many miles on original motor


Well-Known Member
I bought a Vado 4.0 last September and I just reached 1200 kilometres (745 miles) So I am wondering who has ridden the furthest on their original motor without repairs.
Or post how far you got when the motor broke. Let us know the motor brand and model.
I am looking for some real high numbers here.
From the pedalicmonitor website I see that someone with a Panasonic 26V motor has gone 53,000k which is super impressive by any standard but I couldn’t tell if that was all without repairs.
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I have a GenZe 101, I don't know what motor is in it. But I ,have some were around 6,000 miles. Cant say for certen because the odomter stops at 4096 miles. Motor is doing good.
I donot know how that compares to your 1200 kilos, not metrit frienly .
Man i miss spell check. I failed every spelling test I ever had in school.
And 50 plus years out of school does not help. Sorry for the rant.
Keep looking up! Ken.
Ralf Menzi has about 48,000 miles on his ST2.
Second battery but original motor.

Jed has 20,000 miles on his Stromer ST2.

I have a GenZe 101, I don't know what motor is in it. But I ,have some were around 6,000 miles. Cant say for certen because the odomter stops at 4096 miles. Motor is doing good.
I donot know how that compares to your 1200 kilos, not metrit frienly .
Man i miss spell check. I failed every spelling test I ever had in school.
And 50 plus years out of school does not help. Sorry for the rant.
Keep looking up! Ken.
You must be an engineer, poor spelling is a mandatory requirement in order to graduate.
I have a GenZe 101, I don't know what motor is in it. But I ,have some were around 6,000 miles. Cant say for certen because the odomter stops at 4096 miles. Motor is doing good.
I donot know how that compares to your 1200 kilos, not metrit frienly .
Man i miss spell check. I failed every spelling test I ever had in school.
And 50 plus years out of school does not help. Sorry for the rant.
Keep looking up! Ken.
I am curious how long did it take you?
wow I use mine seasonally and recreationally only. I would not have 1000 miles in 10 years . I ride a fat bike in sand and I am sure that is tougher on the motor than the street.
I have 2 years and about 4000 miles on a hub motor with plastic gears. I got is from ebikeling for $221. Cover has come loose twice, starts thumping. tighten screws. blue loktite didn't stop it. With all the warnings about plastic gears, I'm pleased. No visible wear when I had the cover off. I ride gross weight about 300 lb up a few 15% grades and 74 other ones. is a database with mileage/motor failure rates
Thanks for the link I checked it out and here are the top kilometres from the list
Sanyo 30000
Bafang 8 fun 30000
Panasonic new gen 32000
Panasonic36v 40000
Go Swiss drive 42000
Panasonic 26v 53000
Bosch cx 33000
Panasonic certainly is the high milage champ. There must be some great stories behind these high mile riders.
wow I use mine seasonally and recreationally only. I would not have 1000 miles in 10 years . I ride a fat bike in sand and I am sure that is tougher on the motor than the street.
Sand is tough if it gets in the motor housing it will destroy it. What motor do you have?
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I bought a Vado 4.0 last September and I just reached 1200 kilometres (745 miles) So I am wondering who has ridden the furthest on their original motor without repairs.
Or post how far you got when the motor broke. Let us know the motor brand and model.
I am looking for some real high numbers here.
From the pedalicmonitor website I see that someone with a Panasonic 26V motor has gone 53,000k which is super impressive by any standard but I couldn’t tell if that was all without repairs.
Bafang 500 watts, 2500 kms(1500miles) on first motor, 10,000 (6,000 miles ) so far on second one so far
Thanks for the reminder. I have a cheapo Ancheer eBike that I dearly love. This is my second one, as I flat wore out the first. Not sure how many miles were on the first one, never had any issues w/ the motor. There's a youtube video where the guy shows how to lube the plastic gears in the hub motor of my bike, and I need to do that just as a precaution. He found almost no lube on the gears when he opened it up.
Thanks for the link I checked it out and here are the top kilometres from the list
Sanyo 30000
Bafang 8 fun 30000
Panasonic new gen 32000
Panasonic36v 40000
Go Swiss drive 42000
Panasonic 26v 53000
Bosch cx 33000
I couldn't find such a table on their website. In the link for motors they have diagrams separately for mid or hub motors, where Bafang hub shows 30,000 km, Bosch Classic - 23,000 km and Bafang BBS - 11,000 km. Go figure.

They also have a table with mileage before motor failure, the numbers there are much lower, starting from several hundred kms.

A huge spread between the first reported failures for a given motor and max lifespan without repairs. As the saying goes, your mileage may vary. Likely depends on how you ride and what bike. Or on what day of the week it was made. Or what QC person was there on the shift at Shanghai factory for that particular motor.
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