How do you meet MTB buddys?


Active Member
Since Im pretty new to mountainbiking and Im getting a fully end of the month, I still dont know anyone else who is mountainbiking in my area.

There are not many trails in my vincinity, so its hard to meet people here.

Then there is the thing, that Im getting a eMTB, so very long rides are sadly out of the question (though I dont know how many km "normal" mountainbikers go for).

My parents both ride "normal" ebikes and are rather the trekking kind, not my thing.

When I ride with them, I always want to go offroad and they cant or wont follow me there, I dont blame them though.

Now I just want some buddys which I can hang out on the trails with.

Going solo is fine, but its getting slightly boring and I think with other people I´d have heaps of fun.
Yeah, Im living in Germany, NRW near Mönchengladbach or Viersen.
Regarding my english, thanks! I think its pretty rusty, but it was always my strong subject in school, I hope it stays this way.
I think you'll have a better time meeting emtb buddies in Germany than we do in the USA. Mountain bikers just become rabid with the thought of any kind of motor on a mountain bike around my area. I purposely ride when there aren't crowds around the trails. I never answer questions about my emtb, and let all traditional riders pass me. I hang back so I don't have the situation where I would pass them on hills. I have one longtime friend that is open minded enough about my emtb, but his riding skills are much higher than mine. He takes the lead. My only suggestion is hang around the LBS and visit with like minded people shopping and riding emtb.
@rich c

Thats what Im "scared" about.
Its sad that ebikers and emtbikers have to face discrimination from others for no reason.
My LBS isnt a startup point for mountainbikers unfortunaly.
So its hard to meet people around here who mountainbike.
Going solo is good sometimes. A new trail in the mountains, with a lot to see and experience the first time can be nice alone. You stop when you want to stop and experience what you want to experience. That said I generally ride farther and longer when I ride with friends. I usually get more enjoyment as well.

Meeting cyclists that become friends takes time. You need to put in the time on the trails. Trail heads are often good meeting places. Any kind of off road dirt trail head can be good; rail trails, canal tow paths, lake trails, technical single track. It's easier to meet people on the easier, more relaxed trails. I've actually met two neighbors here (same county) on the forum and I live fairly deep in the country. Very rural where I live, with all manner of off road trails, from technical single track to flat rail trail. I'm sure you've done the "MTB trails near me" search on the internet?

Just about every bike shop I'm aware of has a physical bulletin board and some have online boards where rides are posted. One local shop has several group rides per week. Always make sure these bike shop sponsored rides allow ebikes to mix with regular bikes, as some don't. Parks with riding trails sponsor group rides and meet ups. We also have here in the states, where you can search for MTB group rides. Try to search Google for off road group rides in your area. Expect that these group rides will mostly be social rides, where you meet people that might become riding buddies to plan a future ride. A lot comes down to time and chance. The friend I most often ride with, and travel with to far flung trails I met while I was taking a break on an off road trail.

Riding the trails is your best bet to meet people. I'll do group rides, but they're limiting to the ebiker. They aren't going to ride as far, or as fast as an ebiker can, but there's where you can meet other eMTB riders and plan real rides. Be an extrovert. Be willing to give your contact information out, especially mobile number. Just text out to a few "I'm riding (here) at (time)", then just do it hoping someone shows up. Often works. Ride whether someone shows or not, adding to your time and chance.

Most cyclists are just like you, they want to ride, they want to ride with people. These days it seems everyone is staring down at their smartphone, talking to their virtual friends instead of looking at the human being in front of them or talking to the person next to them. People are out there that want to ride, I believe you'll find them in time. Good luck!
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@J.R. - hey neighbor !!! Very well said, and I have nothing to add to your statement other than a nod of approval. We are blessed in the southcentral PA region to have a multitude of riding areas of different types within an hours drive in every direction.

I started riding every weekend last April, and I quickly found there was a number of 'regulars' that I would encounter. I am far from an extrovert, but since I had just started riding and had plenty to learn, I acknowledged every single person I ran across that first year. With the abundance of rail trails, there are plenty of group rides going on, so I started riding in those groups to find riders with like interests, and it's been an enjoyable hobby that gives me a nice break away from work.

Having owned my ebike for only a week, I haven't encountered any biker rage, but I am sure it's coming. I found a nice single track trail near me but was already warned by JR about the reception that will inevitably come my way. I will ride that one on a weekday to cut down on the traffic.

I have hardcore biker friends that run hot and cold on ebikes - they would never own one, but they are curious nevertheless. If you are an ebike owner, it greatly behooves you to tread lightly and make friends to soften up the resistance. I've never seen an ebiker turned away on a trail maintenance ride or volunteer work, so do what you can to mesh with the biking community, but there will always be that one guy ...