Hi, I am new to this


New Member
I live in Washington, the state and bought a Rad Mini bike after zooming on a similar bike at the beach. It was fun. I bought my bike kind of late this year to do much riding. Oh well.

A friend thinks the battery will go dead quickly in cold temps. Is this true?
I have two Radrovers since Sept/2016. I rode in summer temps of +100 degrees and winter temps from 15-35 degrees in NM. I haven't notice any drop in power or range after +3800 miles between both bikes. I park my bikes in my garage and temps never seem to get below 55 degrees over night on the coldest mornings. I would still remove the battery to take inside if you have to store your ebike for several hours outside if it is really cold.

The only thing that really kills my range are stiff head winds, maintaining high speeds like PAS 4/5, or heavy loads.