I did the unthinkable.....

If I lived in Europe, or rode with a group, I would dress like the others. Sadly, I'm in the US, and mostly ride alone in places that don't see many bikers.

I too am in the US. I also ride solo 99.9% of the time (purposefully). Wearing bibs or bike shorts is something to get accustomed to for sure. My recent soreness exclusively prompted me to branch out into this attire, however, I am quickly learning the many good reasons to wear these cycling bottoms. I do not stop at the bar during/after my ride so I don't have to worry about that lol. I am also getting to an age where I couldn't give two poops about what anyone says/thinks about my look in any way/shape/form.
I am still not entirely comfortable with the 'look' but given the functional superiority.....I am quickly becoming a convert. On my typical rides I see many street riders out/about....and most are wearing full cycling clothing top to bottom. I don't plan to convert to full cult status.....but I do prefer my bits to be comfortable during my rides.
The padded underwear with cargo shorts sound like a reasonable plan to me.
I wish you both could feel as free regarding the cycling apparel as we are here in Europe...



Gravel cycling in Poland rarely means riding in a group. It is rather a bunch of small groups or lonely riders. The situation is as dynamic as it happens during the war :) On the last race, I thought I was the last one, then I checked to see I was doing pretty well, then started racing, after that stopped at a pit-stop, etc. The man with the fully equipped bike-packing bicycle is one of those I was overtaking for several times! :D
I wish you both could feel as free regarding the cycling apparel as we are here in Europe...

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Gravel cycling in Poland rarely means riding in a group. It is rather a bunch of small groups or lonely riders. The situation is as dynamic as it happens during the war :) On the last race, I thought I was the last one, then I checked to see I was doing pretty well, then started racing, after that stopped at a pit-stop, etc. The man with the fully equipped bike-packing bicycle is one of those I was overtaking for several times! :D
I do too Stefan. I also wish the biking infrastructure were as good here in the US.
I also wish the biking infrastructure were as good here in the US.
"Infrastructure" implies speed $ to build; ride what is already there. Although we are in Maine now, roads are narrow so we did not bring bikes.

Question: what makes bibs better that cycling shorts?
Question: what makes bibs better that cycling shorts?
@mfgrep gave the correct answer. There is something more. The braces of good bibs hold the chamois in a constant position, so the chamois does not crumple. Crumpled chamois is stressing the perineal area, making the ride uncomfortable.
Instead, I use padded underwear and cargo shorts. I also like the large pockets to carry wallet, keys smartphone, etc
I like the padded underwear + cargo shorts for the same reasons, but bib shorts are more comfortable and stay comfortable longer. Even comparing the exact same brand/chamois. I think the bibs just do a better job of keeping everything in exactly the right place, which makes a huge difference. The single layer is also a ton cooler in the summer. I avoided them as long as I could! They're just too good.
I finally bought a pair of Black Bibs standard shorts and tried them this week.

What about a simple jock strap underneath whatever you choose to wear ?
Nobody needs to know what you're wearing under whatever is appropriate dress for the situation.

You just need to keep your tender bits up out of the way.



And just because you're Polish doesn't mean that you should flash your sausage all over the place !!!

Come on Stephan, tell your team to cover up FFS. 😂

What about a simple jock strap underneath whatever you choose to wear ?
Nobody needs to know what you're wearing under whatever is appropriate dress for the situation.

You just need to keep your tender bits up out of the way.

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And just because you're Polish doesn't mean that you should flash your sausage all over the place !!!

Come on Stephan, tell your team to cover up FFS. 😂
I realize you are making an attempt at humor....and yes I did chuckle a bit (I'm not a complete zinjanthropus) lol.

Historically I have suffered bouts of Prostatitis. Sometimes more than once per year. It ain't fun...and going to the doctor for a diagnosis and prescription is even more humiliating lol.
I thought that I potentially was having another bout with the prostate....or perhaps even a hernia. I've been popping ibuprofen and tylenol frequently (which helps tremendously), however, I typically don't take any NSAID's just on general principles (I'm a man godammit lol).

So I reached out to my urologist yesterday. Apparently the humiliation is mutual because he did not implore me to pay him a visit but rather informed me that my symptoms seem akin to "pelvic floor dysfunction" more than prostatitis. So you aren't far off base with your jokes. He also said that cyclists often have this 'pelvic floor dysfunction".

My kielbasa and yukon golds....when supported....provide some degree of relief lol. For now my new Black Bibs shorts are helping a lot....but bibs (coming on Saturday) will be even better.

Until then.....Hi Yo Silver.....if the Lone Ranger could do it then so can I. I did my 16 miles this morning early before the heat and I wore my fancy new tighty shorts. I'm doing ok. I'm just out there dodging all the women who are suddenly swooning and falling into my path. What's a guy to do?
I realize you are making an attempt at humor....and yes I did chuckle a bit (I'm not a complete zinjanthropus) lol.

I had to Google that,..


I waited till 4:20 to snap the screen shot because I just 🚬 a Vado. 😂

Stephan know all about blazing up the Vado. 😂


I added a few beers to the mix too,.. 😂
I had to Google that,..

I waited till 4:20 to snap the screen shot because I just 🚬 a Vado. 😂

Stephan know all about blazing up the Vado. 😂

I added a few beers to the mix too,.. 😂

When I was in Middle School (Junior High) I had a PE teacher who referred to me as "Zingo". Finally at semester I asked, "why do you call me zingo". He said, "well you display only the most basic and neanderthal characteristics of the human species....and a zinjanthropus is among the most ancient of the human evolutions....so I call you Zingo".

Now in my 50's.....man that guy.....great sense of humor. I've never forgotten it. lol.

PS....I was a very wild child back in the day. No doubt about it. I'm sure I was a hand-full for that teacher.
My only experience with a jock stap was in grade 9 Phys Ed.
We all had to take phys Ed and wear a jock strap.

In Gr. 8 we learned that that there was an initiation where the 9'rs were subjected to a "Lazer".

A "Lazer" was where the freshman was taken into the showers and held there while the Hot water was turned up full blast and sprayed at your tender bits.

I never did get Lazered, and it may have just been folk lore, but it scared the Hell out of me.

To this day, if I see Red Sausages coming at me, I freak out and run.

It would be a shame for cyclists if the electric motorbiker PCebiker wore the cycling apparel. He's never pedalling, he's sitting on a couch, and protects himself from the elements with a motorcycle windshield :) Actually, he should be wearing leather :D I hope he's wearing a motorcycle helmet!
I like the padded underwear + cargo shorts for the same reasons, but bib shorts are more comfortable and stay comfortable longer. Even comparing the exact same brand/chamois. I think the bibs just do a better job of keeping everything in exactly the right place, which makes a huge difference. The single layer is also a ton cooler in the summer. I avoided them as long as I could! They're just too good.
With cargo shorts over them, most folks won't even know you're wearing a bib.

Based on recommendations on EBR, I tried padded underwear under my cargo shorts a year ago. Then I tried Speedo-like sports underwear. Both made things uncomfortable in different ways that I liked even less.

But now that I have a much better saddle, I should give the padded underwear another try. Wish I could unsee those under-Speedos.
I like the padded underwear + cargo shorts for the same reasons, but bib shorts are more comfortable and stay comfortable longer. Even comparing the exact same brand/chamois. I think the bibs just do a better job of keeping everything in exactly the right place, which makes a huge difference. The single layer is also a ton cooler in the summer. I avoided them as long as I could! They're just too good.
With cargo shorts over them, most folks won't even know you're wearing a bib.

Based on recommendations on EBR, I tried padded underwear under my cargo shorts a year ago. Then I tried Speedo-like sports underwear. Both made things uncomfortable in different ways that I liked even less.

But now that I have a much less punishing saddle, I should give the padded underwear another try. If only I could unsee those under-Speedos.