There is an off/on button on my new etrike battery, the battery stopped working and the button was broken and fell in. We got a new bike all assembled and the guy forgot to lock the battery in place, our first ride we hit a bump and it fell off breaking the button. Went back to him and he just glued gun it shut.
So my question is....the button was meant for something on the battery right? Now it’s always ? Or is it on when we turn on the display that powers the bike into electric mode and use it and it doesn’t matter?
Basically what I’d like to know is there any negative effect of not having the on/off button on the battery anymore? Battery deplete faster? Or it’s not good for the battery in the long run?
So my question is....the button was meant for something on the battery right? Now it’s always ? Or is it on when we turn on the display that powers the bike into electric mode and use it and it doesn’t matter?
Basically what I’d like to know is there any negative effect of not having the on/off button on the battery anymore? Battery deplete faster? Or it’s not good for the battery in the long run?