I picked up this electric bike for a few dollars to attempt to fix it up. It has no identifying markers. The fairings were painted over and broken/cracked. And a very rusted frame. I wanted to buy new fairings but cant find the make and model of the bike.
The only markings on the bike are words on the handle bars. One says "Binan" and other says "Yiling". I removed the paint on one side fairings and will post a picture of it. Hopefully some can recognize the make and model of this bike from that.
Would appreciate and help you can give me. Thanks in advance.
The only markings on the bike are words on the handle bars. One says "Binan" and other says "Yiling". I removed the paint on one side fairings and will post a picture of it. Hopefully some can recognize the make and model of this bike from that.
Would appreciate and help you can give me. Thanks in advance.