Hello from Everywhere! Friends and Visits?

I'm a new member- just got my ebike an Envo step thru engineered and built in BC - where I live. I'm from Langley, British Columbia, Canada and this is my first ebike! Loving it so far! Hello to you all!
Are you comfortable with the 'reach' of your bike? I'd be looking for a much shorter stem but that's just me.
Very. The reach and the height are perfect for me. I got the Envo step thru 19" but it came in 15" as well. As for the reach, yes seems perfect.
Watched your intro video to work with the wife and she was amazed at the speed you were riding!! We started with folding bikes four years ago, though I have folding bikes in my apt in SW Spain. Here in western New York (WNY), I find she doesn't keep up with me, so I researched and picked up an electric bike for her - Citizen Bike, a Little London with 16" wheels - and she loves it, though I purchased it during the pandemic, resulting in it taking 8+months to get to us! I liked her bike so much I got me the same model, and we ride them all the time! Now I am waiting for another eBike to arrive in a few days, as a test vehicle to take and leave in our spanish apt to replace the two old folding bikes there. I found your bike site while searching for details on the new bike I'm getting (not listed), and hoping to soon be a moving part of your great site!!!


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Before the official intro I just wanted to say if anyone lives in SoCal, NorCal, Vancouver, South Florida, Colorado, Austin or another area with lots of ebikes and wants to go for a ride, grab lunch or even has a couch to crash on... sound off! I've met some great people here in the past and enjoyed visiting and experiencing new locations with a local friend. Comment or message me!

Hey guys and gals, this is Court Rye! I created EBR in 2013 to help people understand and better choose electric bicycles for their lifestyle and budget. My own first purchase was confusing, expensive and frustrating... I bought online and felt like I spent too much when the bike actually arrived. I had never assembled an ebike before and wasn't sure if I'd be able to get help from a regular shop if I messed something up or it broke and I wasn't sure if anyone would ever want to buy it used someday if I decided to upgrade or just move on. It was a tense day and I felt very alone, there were very few resources at the time but one that I relied on a lot was ElectricBikeReport.com run by my now-friend Pete Prebus!

Given how awesome this technology can be (health, community, and affordability wise) I was inspired to start reviewing bikes in my free time outside of work. I bought the domain electricbikereview.com for $1,500 and launched a WordPress site before eventually launching this forum so people could help each other. These days I'm so busy traveling and being "everywhere" trying to review the latest tech that I'm not on the forum as much as I'd like but our staff of @Angela M., @mitchhackleman, and @troehrkasse are here for you and they are great! I'm always open to more help so feel free to message me here or contact me directly if you'd like to join in. I believe in transparency and objectivity and do my best to disclose advertising relationships and moderator relationships etc. but still speak critically when need be. Please do the same, tell the truth and help people or at least use tact if you're on the attack :)

Just below is a video I shot before jumping into EBR full time. I was working for a tech startup in Austin, TX and using ebikes to commute to work... the bike in the video is an Easy Motion Neo Jumper and was my third electric bike! I finally felt like I had found one that worked great for me and was excited to share the experience with the world.

As always, thanks for being involved here. Your comments, helping each other and feedback to me make this place special and it means a lot. As always, ride safe! Here are a few pics of me doing reviews, this is how the magic happens baby XD

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Update! In March of 2018, EBR and me were featured in an article on Bicycle Retailer and Industry News (BRAIN) magazine. It was an honor, but they were not able to fit in everything and I wanted to thank Ann M, Darlington, Tara, Brent, and Jeremy who have all helped in various ways to make this site and community possible, I love them and also appreciate everyone here who has contributed to this positive and useful space. I got permission to share the story here, and it's embedded as an image below along with some additional images I shared but that were not used (the last one is my Grandfather, who also loved riding bikes):

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A news station recently did a story on the history of EBR and they interviewed me. I got the full footage and posted it because it covers lots of topics, like how to pick an ebike and why they're awesome :D here's the video:

Hi Court,
From the real big foot country, Vancouver Wa. I'm fairly new to ebikes and had the same thoughts when my Ecotric Seagull showed up in a box last year. Putting it together was pretty easy, but then it died on me while riding, or DWR, I guess you could say. I had to peddle that heavy thing a long way home over hills. I contacted the company, but was needing some hands-on tech help, and found that #1. There are no ebike repair shops here. #2. The closet ones I did find would only repair the brands they sold and no others. Mine shipped from Oakland Cal. and there is no dealers around here. I had an electrical issue, and no way to fix it. So, is this fairly normal eveywhere? Why don't these shops get with the program and train to fix ebikes? I'm a retired trucker, and ALL diesel mechanics have to know how to work on all motors and models of trucks, not just one or two. These places are not keeping up with the world on this. So, happily, the company sent me a new controller, AND a new battery! The "old" battery had blown a fuse., and the voltage was 0 when I tested. A 1 year old, $400.00 battery dead?! WTF? I had to replace the controller too, but now it's all good and running great. My next challenge is brakes. I want to learn to replace the pads on these. The first person to invent non- screeching brake pads for disk bike brakes will make a fortune! I didn't see a do-it-yourself section on here. Did I just miss it? Thanks for a great site. See you all out there and don't forget to wave back at other bikers!


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Hi @Robspace1, I agree that it can be frustrating when shops won't help with your bike. I think there's a lack of standardization in the space, and some lower quality cells or wiring can create fire risks. Also, the industry has been so busy recently, they might not have time to go the extra mile. It's wonderful to hear that you were sent a new controller and battery, it sounds like your company is treating you well... and that's actually kind of rare when going for a more affordable direct-sale online ebike. Thanks for the update and great pictures! Happy riding :D
Hi @Robspace1, I agree that it can be frustrating when shops won't help with your bike. I think there's a lack of standardization in the space, and some lower quality cells or wiring can create fire risks. Also, the industry has been so busy recently, they might not have time to go the extra mile. It's wonderful to hear that you were sent a new controller and battery, it sounds like your company is treating you well... and that's actually kind of rare when going for a more affordable direct-sale online ebike. Thanks for the update and great pictures! Happy riding :D
@Robspace1, I am backfilling that void that you talked about in my neighborhood. You are spot on. Many online brands have no field support and most people who have a rear hub motor are not comfortable with changing a rear tire, let alone doing electrical or hydraulic. I invest in tools and time while I get to work on different bikes each day and try to stay in front of the wave of knowledge I am surfing. Here is a spanking new red electric bike that I put the finishing touches on late yesterday. How do you like the saddle?


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@Robspace1, I am backfilling that void that you talked about in my neighborhood. You are spot on. Many online brands have no field support and most people who have a rear hub motor are not comfortable with changing a rear tire, let alone doing electrical or hydraulic. I invest in tools and time while I get to work on different bikes each day and try to stay in front of the wave of knowledge I am surfing. Here is a spanking new red electric bike that I put the finishing touches on late yesterday. How do you like the saddle?
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Very nice looking bike, but, for me, it needs juice. lol-I like the power for the hills around here. I'm glad you work on ebikes for people. We need more bike mechanics to do that. I don't know why these guys don't elevate their know-how and take some classes on ebike repair. Around here I see alot more ebikes on the trials, and somebody has to work on them. Golden opportunity for someone to make a good living. I've talked to bike shop owners and they just feel they are busy enough without taking on ebikes. I think that is really short-sighted thinking. The future is electric. It's the same in auto business. Most mechanics are simply not trained for ecars. They need to be, as GM is going all electric in about 10 years. Love the surf shot. Brings back great memories. I was a surfer growing up in San Francisco. Very cold water! But some mighty big waves in winter.
Very nice build @PedalUma, do you surf in real life? I used to live in California and surf all the time, I'd love to paddle out sometime if you're near a coast somewhwere!
Hi Court,
From the real big foot country, Vancouver Wa. I'm fairly new to ebikes and had the same thoughts when my Ecotric Seagull showed up in a box last year. Putting it together was pretty easy, but then it died on me while riding, or DWR, I guess you could say. I had to peddle that heavy thing a long way home over hills. I contacted the company, but was needing some hands-on tech help, and found that #1. There are no ebike repair shops here. #2. The closet ones I did find would only repair the brands they sold and no others. Mine shipped from Oakland Cal. and there is no dealers around here. I had an electrical issue, and no way to fix it. So, is this fairly normal eveywhere? Why don't these shops get with the program and train to fix ebikes? I'm a retired trucker, and ALL diesel mechanics have to know how to work on all motors and models of trucks, not just one or two. These places are not keeping up with the world on this. So, happily, the company sent me a new controller, AND a new battery! The "old" battery had blown a fuse., and the voltage was 0 when I tested. A 1 year old, $400.00 battery dead?! WTF? I had to replace the controller too, but now it's all good and running great. My next challenge is brakes. I want to learn to replace the pads on these. The first person to invent non- screeching brake pads for disk bike brakes will make a fortune! I didn't see a do-it-yourself section on here. Did I just miss it? Thanks for a great site. See you all out there and don't forget to wave back at other bikers!
Nice bike
Very nice build @PedalUma, do you surf in real life? I used to live in California and surf all the time, I'd love to paddle out sometime if you're near a coast somewhwere!
Hi @Court,
Regrettably, I do not surf any more. Thank you for reaching out. It would be fun. I can put you into contact with my friend Eric who has a place in Stinson for weekends. He mostly kite surfs huge waves on the windiest of days, flying in the air. My friend Nathan is getting one of these, it is the eBike version of surfing:

@Robspace1, That little red café racer bike has juice. It is fast and a ton of fun. The motor is between the pedals. I finished it yesterday and may have sold it today to someone moving to Hawaii. Here is the before photo and the motor. I hope you like the transformation. I had a vision of what this bike could become.


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Nice bike
I wanted to be seen out on the busy roads. Too many bikers being hit around here, especially at night. I don't know why I see so many bikes with no tail lights or even front lights, riding in complete darkness. Makes no sense. Anyway, this thing is just pure fun in the sun!
Hi @Court,
Regrettably, I do not surf any more. Thank you for reaching out. It would be fun. I can put you into contact with my friend Eric who has a place in Stinson for weekends. He mostly kite surfs huge waves on the windiest of days, flying in the air. My friend Nathan is getting one of these, it is the eBike version of surfing:

@Robspace1, That little red café racer bike has juice. It is fast and a ton of fun. The motor is between the pedals. I finished it yesterday and may have sold it today to someone moving to Hawaii. Here is the before photo and the motor. I hope you like the transformation. I had a vision of what this bike could become.
ok, now I see it. Where does the battery go? Really good looking ride.
ok, now I see it. Where does the battery go? Really good looking ride.
Thanks @Robspace! There is that thingy that has a resemblance to a standard water bottle with a USB port under the cap. See the wire when you zoom in?


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Thanks @Robspace! There is that thingy that has a resemblance to a standard water bottle with a USB port under the cap. See the wire when you zoom in?
Wow! That is super clever. How did you manage that? That bottle looks way too small to be a bike battery. But, it hides in plain site. Very cool. How many watts is that putting out and how far can it go on a charge? Again, great job on that build.
Thanks again @Robspace1. I am glad you appreciate my handy work. They come in different sizes and are modular in that you can pop out one and put in another of a different size anytime. For me a big factor is efficiency. On one of the small ones I have done a 48-mile round trip half-a-dozen times with wind, hills and traffic lights, averaging 18.2 MPH. A small one is 260 Watt hours. Typically if someone gets a small battery they get two with two chargers for several hours of riding time. Or they can reduce weight by taking one small battery for most trips, which is what I mostly do. Check out the wires on this blue one.


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Thanks again @Robspace1. I am glad you appreciate my handy work. They come in different sizes and are modular in that you can pop out one and put in another of a different size anytime. For me a big factor is efficiency. On one of the small ones I have done a 48-mile round trip half-a-dozen times with wind, hills and traffic lights, averaging 18.2 MPH. A small one is 260 Watt hours. Typically if someone gets a small battery they get two with two chargers for several hours of riding time. Or they can reduce weight by taking one small battery for most trips, which is what I mostly do. Check out the wires on this blue one.
With my 1000w battery, I can go around 50 miles on a charge. I weigh 250 lbs, and it takes me over some very big hills with assist. Can one of those batteries do that? Or just how small is a new 1000w battery as far as making it invisible like those? I have no idea what's new in these batteries. Also, how many gears and assist modes does that bike have? I'd love to have more than the 7 gears I now have.
Hello from North Coastal San Diego County. My wife and I have been riding ebikes at our 2nd home on Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire, since 2012. We have only had beach cruisers here in San Diego, and now want to discover the safe trails and roads here in SoCal with "new" ebikes. We are looking for Wave step thru Upright frames, IGH, throttle, Gates Belt, front fork suspension, 2" to 2.4" wide tires, hydraulic brakes, and higher torque motor. We have R&M 2019 Nevos in New Hampshire, which are great, but we miss a throttle and need more torque.
Thanks to Court and his crew for providing this exceptionally informative service. Best wishes to all, and stay safe.
Hello from North Coastal San Diego County. My wife and I have been riding ebikes at our 2nd home on Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire, since 2012. We have only had beach cruisers here in San Diego, and now want to discover the safe trails and roads here in SoCal with "new" ebikes. We are looking for Wave step thru Upright frames, IGH, throttle, Gates Belt, front fork suspension, 2" to 2.4" wide tires, hydraulic brakes, and higher torque motor. We have R&M 2019 Nevos in New Hampshire, which are great, but we miss a throttle and need more torque.
Thanks to Court and his crew for providing this exceptionally informative service. Best wishes to all, and stay safe.
Greetings from Oceanside!
The first person to invent non- screeching brake pads for disk bike brakes will make a fortune! I didn't see a do-it-yourself section on here. Did I just miss it?
I found the YouTube channel of Park Tools very helpful adjusting/replacing my pads. Here's one
If you click on the "I" in upper right of video, you can find a few YT's about bike disc brakes.