Sunny Bakersfield, California is rather foggy this time of year but we're able to ride whenever we wish. Lucky, when compared to the weather in the Midwest or East. I'm 85 and have been a cyclist for 78 of those years. I completed several long tours in my youth (60-70 years old), and two times Biking Across Kansas ( where I originated). I always wanted to tour the US coast-to-coast but life got in the way. For the past 15 years I've ridden recumbents, first an Easy Racers Gold Rush, then a Catrike Expedition. Now, I've transitioned to a Specialized Turbo Vado SL 4.0 EQ step through and thoroughly enjoying it. After years of recumbent riding my various body parts have to adjust to the new reality of upright bikes.
Anyway, happy to be here and to learn from you all.