Hello from Everywhere! Friends and Visits?

Hello from ASHEVILLE , sold my custom baby on EBAY about a week ago. Really miss her. She ran 36mph on a flat road and could climb any hill like a billy goat. Equipped with little mighty BBS02 running 1300 watts AND 120nm of torque. She had 19.5ah of batteries total , 1 battery under the seat and another on the frame. Super fast little bike. It weighed in at 40lbs and folds up nicely. I'm thinking of building another one with the BBSHD motor.
Thanks you


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Hi all, British guy living in Los Angeles here. While we have an electric car (of course we do, it's Southern California) and my wife has an e-trike (which I built by adding an aftermarket hub drive and cadence sensor to a trike I built), I myself have not yet got an ebike. This is about to be rectified.

I have spent the last week doing a lot of research and trying to find answers to a lot of questions. I now consider myself up-to-speed (pun intended) on the differences between hub drive and mid drive, torque sensors and cadence sensors, and all manner of other related subjects. But I have a metric tonne of questions about the various different bikes on offer and local bike shop support.
Hello from Victoria BC! I have a Greaser e-bike that I bought 4 years ago and use it for commuting and local errands.
Haven't been here in a long while. I'm in SE Michigan and riding a Gazelle T9 Medeo that I bought in 2020 during the lockdown in Michigan. It was my respite from all the fear at the time, and I continue to ride it for most of my rides. I had a conventional Townie bike that was beautiful and just languishing in the garage because I prefer the ebike now. So, I had it converted to a mid-drive Bafang BB002 with a throttle in November of 2021. It is not my preferred ride, as I just do prefer Gazelle bikes. I just bought an Arroyo C7 elite. It's on order and I'm waiting. I'm going to sell the Townie. It's a real nice bike -- just not for me.
I bought a patent for it from Wal-mART. hOPEFULLY i can get it malt lickied on the strempf.
Anybody interested in a snappin' turtle? I cant keap em no more due to the gang green.
I clicked what's new on EBR. This is what I see WTF I haven't smoked my evening vados yet. May I advice get off this thread with da stupid stuff. Built or buy an ebike. Not with screw guns. It's just plain stupid.
It's technically more a scooter than bike anyway. You can't use the peddles or shifter.
Hi all, I live in New Zealand and have a couple of ebike. One is a Merida Big 9, Cat 3 for mountain biking and the other is a Rad Power Bikes City3 Step thru for crising around town, bought in Vanvouver. Husband & I travel quite a bit and enjoy biking trails, my favorite is Cromwell South Island.
Recently we had a trip through BC and Alberta where we say the great biking facilities at Sun Peaks and Whistler, those places where rocking with families using their bikes through the summer.
As the Rad Bike is a new model/technology for me, I am interested to listen to advice for maintenance to avoid trouble shooting and reduce the prospect of down time.

My interest just now is hearing about how you ship batteries, not always easy I know especially when I'm so far away from USA & CANADA with DG to sort through. Yep, my bikes here, the battery is there! I think we are looking at successful shipping shortly, we are working through the documentation at the moment and the next step is to book the freight forwarder.
Thank you for letting me join and learn stuff.
Hi, I've just joined the forum and have recently become interested in electric bikes and would like to know more about them, does anyone know about Gunai electric bikes? I've recently looked at this brand of ebike, could you give me some advice. Thank you all! ;)
Before the official intro I just wanted to say if anyone lives in SoCal, NorCal, Vancouver, South Florida, Colorado, Austin or another area with lots of ebikes and wants to go for a ride, grab lunch or even has a couch to crash on... sound off! I've met some great people here in the past and enjoyed visiting and experiencing new locations with a local friend. Comment or message me!

Hey guys and gals, this is Court Rye! I created EBR in 2013 to help people understand and better choose electric bicycles for their lifestyle and budget. My own first purchase was confusing, expensive and frustrating... I bought online and felt like I spent too much when the bike actually arrived. I had never assembled an ebike before and wasn't sure if I'd be able to get help from a regular shop if I messed something up or it broke and I wasn't sure if anyone would ever want to buy it used someday if I decided to upgrade or just move on. It was a tense day and I felt very alone, there were very few resources at the time but one that I relied on a lot was ElectricBikeReport.com run by my now-friend Pete Prebus!

Given how awesome this technology can be (health, community, and affordability wise) I was inspired to start reviewing bikes in my free time outside of work. I bought the domain electricbikereview.com for $1,500 and launched a WordPress site before eventually launching this forum so people could help each other. These days I'm so busy traveling and being "everywhere" trying to review the latest tech that I'm not on the forum as much as I'd like but our staff of @Angela M., @mitchhackleman, and @troehrkasse are here for you and they are great! I'm always open to more help so feel free to message me here or contact me directly if you'd like to join in. I believe in transparency and objectivity and do my best to disclose advertising relationships and moderator relationships etc. but still speak critically when need be. Please do the same, tell the truth and help people or at least use tact if you're on the attack :)

Just below is a video I shot before jumping into EBR full time. I was working for a tech startup in Austin, TX and using ebikes to commute to work... the bike in the video is an Easy Motion Neo Jumper and was my third electric bike! I finally felt like I had found one that worked great for me and was excited to share the experience with the world.

As always, thanks for being involved here. Your comments, helping each other and feedback to me make this place special and it means a lot. As always, ride safe! Here are a few pics of me doing reviews, this is how the magic happens baby XD

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Update! In March of 2018, EBR and me were featured in an article on Bicycle Retailer and Industry News (BRAIN) magazine. It was an honor, but they were not able to fit in everything and I wanted to thank Ann M, Darlington, Tara, Brent, and Jeremy who have all helped in various ways to make this site and community possible, I love them and also appreciate everyone here who has contributed to this positive and useful space. I got permission to share the story here, and it's embedded as an image below along with some additional images I shared but that were not used (the last one is my Grandfather, who also loved riding bikes):

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A news station recently did a story on the history of EBR and they interviewed me. I got the full footage and posted it because it covers lots of topics, like how to pick an ebike and why they're awesome :D here's the video:

Thank you for all your reports and work that you have done! I am a new member and hope to connect with you in the future more!
What's up? I'm from North Carolina and new to e-bikes; I'm even interested to learn more in their culture in world.

If any of you have any suggestions for electric bikes to buy from, just let me know. Thanks 🚴‍♂️
Hello all, been a lurker for awhile and a long time viewer of EBR youtube channel. If I'm not mistaken, Court also runs this site?

So not sure where to post this but, WHERE IS COURT? The new guy seems to be elusive of his whereabouts, so what's the story? Thanks