Marc V
Hey All!
I am from Chicago (Born and Raised) and have been riding bicycles most of my life for leisure and point A to point B vehicle.
Took years off from regular biking and was talking to a friend recently and he mentioned to me, "you should look into eBikes", and my response was, "what the heck is an eBike?!?" haha
That week I found a local bike shop that had eBikes and found (Milwaukee Ave. location) went in and tested an eBike and ended up buying the eBike on the spot! lol
Ended up getting the EZ Pedaler X350 a few weeks ago and using it mostly as commuter bike to work and clocked in almost 300 miles already. Only complaint so far is I wish I would have gotten into eBikes sooner (especailly since I got the bike right when it is starting to get cold here! haha), but better late than never I guess!
Starting to see Chicago has gotten a lot better with bicycles since I rode a lot when I was a kid, a lot of bike lanes and we are starting to get more protected bike lanes! My route into work ain't bad, painted bike lanes, no major pot holes but some bumps here and there I need to mindful of
Hopefully we catch up to other places with the elevated bicycle highways!!!
Anyway, great site and having a great time with the eBikes!
Marc V
I am from Chicago (Born and Raised) and have been riding bicycles most of my life for leisure and point A to point B vehicle.
Took years off from regular biking and was talking to a friend recently and he mentioned to me, "you should look into eBikes", and my response was, "what the heck is an eBike?!?" haha
That week I found a local bike shop that had eBikes and found (Milwaukee Ave. location) went in and tested an eBike and ended up buying the eBike on the spot! lol
Ended up getting the EZ Pedaler X350 a few weeks ago and using it mostly as commuter bike to work and clocked in almost 300 miles already. Only complaint so far is I wish I would have gotten into eBikes sooner (especailly since I got the bike right when it is starting to get cold here! haha), but better late than never I guess!
Starting to see Chicago has gotten a lot better with bicycles since I rode a lot when I was a kid, a lot of bike lanes and we are starting to get more protected bike lanes! My route into work ain't bad, painted bike lanes, no major pot holes but some bumps here and there I need to mindful of
Anyway, great site and having a great time with the eBikes!
Marc V