growing up/being formed


Active Member
United Kingdom
It's a 'funny' one, this. I think maybe it would help me just to share it, put it out there. In the UK there was a time when music was just so intense, especially affecting if you was of a certain age, just entering life. So for me at about 13 I was presented with amazing music that blew my mind and still does, i just can't help it as it was the timing of growing up, almost too much such was the powerfullness of it all on a virgin mind. knocked me for six and have never recovered.

At school the girls would say, 'Sir, it it ok to have the radio on?' and he said, 'Yes, but keep it low, but if anyone comes in turn it off'. He sent me to a classroom to pick up some stuff but when I got there I looked through the window and thought 'i just didn't want to go in as they looked so strict', so i went back and told him I didn't want to go in. He said, 'L---, I'd call you a c***, but that's a good thing, you're about as much use as a Nun's c***'. I'm just telling it as it was in that era. And then there was the music. It was really something to come to terms with, though you didn't really know that then, you just took it in with what was presented, not knowing any difference, but now i can see it was was an amazing time which I was lucky enough to experience at that age. Soooo amazing. I've never got past it because it was such a formative age. I count myself lucky, looking at recent years, It was raw, and swamping all before. A very special time, the late 70s.

No More in not in life ever again to be a hero....what do you get for it, an ice pick that makes your ears burn. Somewhat a bit better than the school English lesson, so how could you deny it.

This track saying don't be fooled by all the pressure to live your life the way the gov would like, leave 'em to it and do your own thing.

How could you not be affected?

That was punk/new wave coming at you, but here was other genres, too, but even these were just as powerful and affecting:

This one, you're wasting your time doing what you're doing; you're just wasting for the rat race, wasting your time. How can you ignore this warning and not question it all?

And there was loads of others, an amazing time. I count myself so very lucky.

All-in-all, I reckon it made me be 'well rounded' and i am happy with me as i hope I can empathize with others
All right lets do little off tangent here, we all know the music we grow up with sure had an influence on who we are. What are your two favorites genres( most important first close second) Mine are and keep in mind "R&B" is a huge field, with each Metro area basically having its unique version- here goes.
1. R&B
2. Old-style "C&W"
Grew up a heavy metal kid. Still love some of the bands from those days Then discovered speed/thrash and eventually black metal.

Now for the wild card. I grew up with a Filipino break dance crew. We met riding freestyle bikes. I never break danced but love the culture and groups from those days. Seen some of the early rap groups. Those shows were so much fun!
Grew up a heavy metal kid. Still love some of the bands from those days Then discovered speed/thrash and eventually black metal.

Now for the wild card. I grew up with a Filipino break dance crew. We met riding freestyle bikes. I never break danced but love the culture and groups from those days. Seen some of the early rap groups. Those shows were so much fun!
It would have been "break neck" for me,of course by the time it came around I was way too old, made me remember when a stupid PE teacher made me do front flips or something I knew I couldnt do, landed square on the top of my head, knocked the breath out of me couldn't breathe for a good while, that Guy didn't seem to be overly concerned.
I noticed my old High School PE teacher passed the other day,loved that Guy miss Him.