global warming

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"The ability to pick and choose which samples to use is an advantage unique to dendroclimatology."... Jan Esper

These are the scientists proudly fabricating the story and telling you what a great science it is to be in because they get to weave their own story blanket.
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Why do you the climate doomsayers believe that the tree ring people (dendroclimatologists) are THE ONLY scientists who get to pick and choose which samples to use?

Why shouldn't the gravel and sediments scientists get to pick and choose which samples to use, while right now only tree ring people get to pick and choose which samples to use?

Why do you believe it produces anything but what the "scientist" wants it to say?
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Bike People! Try to comprehend what instills your fear; it is a group of people who boast that they cherry pick and instruct how to cherry pick.

Try to rationalize what the procedure is. The famous Hockey Stick graphs depend on tree ring data. They have no thermometer records from 1000yrs ago. They cherry pick particular species of trees, particular locations of trees, particular trees, particular parts of trees, give extraordinary weighting to any particular tree, and yet still have to hide the decline of the proxy when we can see it does not correlate with thermometers in modern times. They go up as you know, and the tree rings are showing temperature going down. So the scientists hide that portion that we can see does not show agreement, they even delete that portion and when caught, call it bad data, so it had to be removed.

What Jan Esper musta meant was that they have the ability to pick and choose not only which samples to use, but to show us only portions which agree with their belief. Indeed........
..... an advantage unique
Pfizer exposed today by the Pfizer Quality Auditor for misleading the public on their use of aborted fetal cell lines in testing the vaccine. Pfizer has been a criminally inclined corporation for many years and paid the largest fine in history for consumer fraud only a few years ago.
Safe and Effective With Fetal Tissue Of Aborted Babies. But they never was asked about it as it was ignored by all.. Those that say it works and so on.. Hard for some to stop and say. Ive been had.. Who was it ? Mark Twain? Something about easier to teacha nd believe a lie than for one to say admit they was wrong... Seems to hapen when people are not honest with themselves... Or ignore reality.

Climate Change
Safe and Effective With Fetal Tissue Of Aborted Babies. But they never was asked about it as it was ignored by all..
In this case just made public, it was used in testing. Whereas for ingredient, actually Fauci was directly asked if any vaccine contained any aborted fetal cell line DNA and he directly lied to the public about it. Small residual amounts of the DNA remain in a certain vaccine type. He lies or misleads as shown below.

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For those really stressed about Covid because of Climate change (people induced) use this site and read protocols for treatment, prevention of covid and how to repair your immune system after getting the baby parts Vaccine (covid vaccine).

I like the I-MASK FLCCC links as its comes in every language and has a lot of info.. From actual doctors.. Believe it or not.

Vaccine side Effect treatments

This is an interesting video... He had tested his patients before and after the vaccine and he explains what he found after the vaccine shots..

Stay safe from Man made Climate Change
University of Mainz:

I have repeated this several times.. We are entering in a Cooling period.. I believe the last one lasted 500 years (approx).

Seems the climate is going to change again as it always has and will continue.
You go bet on that Florida real estate and get back to me in fifty years...

We already know where the heavy hitters on climate change place their bets.

“this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal" guy​

placed his bet on Martha's Vineyard:

"Just last week the mainstream sea level rise estimate was three feet, but the new five-foot number takes into account the accelerated rate of melting by glaciers, ice caps and the enormous Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets. (...)

On the Vineyard a five-foot rise in the sea will swallow whole swaths of low-lying land–beaches, salt marshes, roads and homes. Five Corners in Vineyard Haven will disappear (...)

(...) vast portions of the Chappaquiddick shoreline will be lost to the sea. (...)

Coastal geologists Orrin H. Pilkey and Rob Young make this abundantly clear (...).

Southern New England will see an above-average impact from sea level rise because the land beneath our feet is sinking."

Obama not only bet against the seas rising, he doubled down and took on the land sink risk.
And what about Mr. An InconvenientTruth?
He bought in Montecito.

"During the Last Interglacial Stage (125,000 years ago), sea level was 6–9 m higher than present, serving as a potential analogue for the long-term (i.e. centuries to millennia) ramifications of present-day warming of 1–2 °C above pre-industrial levels35."

6-9 meters higher than now!

Wait a minute ... isn't 125,000 years ago, some time before we started industrialization?

"American mastodons made warm Arctic, subarctic temporary home 125,000 years ago​

by American Museum of Natural History

Some 125,000 years ago, during a warm interval known as the last interglaciation, megafaunal mammals were able to penetrate parts of northern North America that had previously been covered by massive ice sheets. In this reconstruction, in addition to the American mastodon (Mammut americanum), illustrated is Jefferson's ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii), the flat-headed peccary (Platygonus compressus), and the western camel (Camelops hesternus). Credit: © George
Existing age estimates of American mastodon fossils indicate that these extinct relatives of elephants lived in the Arctic and Subarctic when the area was covered by ice caps—a chronology that is at odds with what scientists know about the massive animals' preferred habitat: forests and wetlands abundant with leafy food. "

And how is that period different from the period we are now in? Here's a difference. We didn't do it. Somehow it happened without industrialization.
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