global warming

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I think the main problem for skeptics are this... if in fact there is a problem, We have the Al Gores crying all the time about the crisis but then they all hop in there private jets and fly all over the world... Get paid millions on top of millions... Live in extra large houses.... and so on.. Big cars and extravagant lives..

Kind of hard to take them serious.

Same as this pandemic.. If it is such a big problem.. why have open borders and bring in Refugees and not treat them with a mandatory vaccine? No exemptions (if it really is that bad).. Just saying... Its either all in or not.
in order to go beyond merely talking back and forth.

each of the positions represented by their political entities would need to come together with an interest in compromise towards a solution. specific action items would be defined and assignments made and individuals held accountable for delivery.

literally nothing is accomplished by media sites and end user debates.
Discussions are how things are figured out.. Or it used to be.

Believe it or not? They actually have clubs in College.. Debate clubs.. Imagine that... They debate and talk... Winners? Dont know...
in order to go beyond merely talking back and forth.

each of the positions represented by their political entities would need to come together with an interest in compromise towards a solution. specific action items would be defined and assignments made and individuals held accountable for delivery.

literally nothing is accomplished by media sites and end user debates.
So let's examine who refuses to talk reasonably and respectfully with other scientists. He will talk to a know-nothing broadcaster asking seemingly almost purposefully stupid questions.
BTW, Gavin Schmidt is quite misleading as well, in a slick way. Quite dishonest, really.
Evidence of his dishonest nature coming up.
Discussions are how things are figured out.. Or it used to be.

Believe it or not? They actually have clubs in College.. Debate clubs.. Imagine that... They debate and talk... Winners? Dont know...
i’m well aware of debate clubs however debating something is not at all the same as deciding something.

and if you actually want to accomplish things in the world you have to find ways to gain consensus and debating tends to be the opposite of consensus building.

nobody here is going to be convinced to change sides based on anything anyone else writes in a post. it’s beyond pointless.
So then 1st question is.. Why are you in this thread? and I guess second point is.. Science is never settled I thought...So without discussion How do we get to the next step?

Or maybe my statement needs to be first and the questions second so that you dont get made and skip one or the other.

With that attitude you will never change anyone mind. ever!

You would be surprised what can be learned from a civil discussion ... But then again I had a grandpa that already knew everything and he tried to justify Jimmy Carters Presidency : )
Are there two sides in what is settled science? Evolution is another settled science with a similar % of deniers.
Are there two sides in what is settled science? Evolution is another settled science with a similar % of deniers.
The "settled science" business is a nonsense bit. If it was settled, why would they need all that ongoing research? And who declares there are only 2 sides?
[USER=4750 said:
Deacon Blues
"We gain consensus through debate. You can't just proclaim,"We've had enough debate....I'm right, so let's move on.

It might be the only way for some to put their 2 cents in.
I think a very good way for for the ordinary person to assess the situation is to watch who is doing the lying.
If it's deniers then it doesn't matter at all, not even a bit, because they don't count at all.
... *but if it's the scientists getting caught lying and lying, THEN the ordinary person can begin to get a grasp of the situation, as it is purely a political situation* .

The reality cannot be known, but at least you know you are being lied to by the big fellas.
You can re-watch An Inconveneint Truth on Amazon Prime, and then consider how much of what we found hard to believe then has now come to be.
I wonder what % of the Believers ever stop to ask themselves something like "how much of that was untrue and known to be wrong at that time?"

Calibrating “Dr. Thompson’s Thermometer”​

One of the most persuasive images in the global warming debate is a graph that Al Gore describes in his An Inconvenient Truth as “Dr. Thompson’s thermometer.” According to Gore, this graph is based on oxygen isotope ratios from ice cores collected by Lonnie Thompson and his colleagues, and provides “the most definitive” independent confirmation of the Mann, Bradley and Hughes Hockey Stick curve:
[T]he so-called global-warming skeptics often say that global warming is really an illusion reflecting nature’s cyclical fluctuations. To support their view, they frequently refer to the Medieval Warm Period.
But as Dr. Thompson’s thermometer shows, the vaunted Medieval Warm Period (the third little red blip from the left, below) was tiny compared to the enormous increases in temperature of the last half century (the red peaks at the far right of the chart).
As it happens, the graph that Gore presented really was the MBH HS, spliced together with an instrumental record as if they were a single series, and has nothing to do with Thompson’s ice core research. See “Al Gore and ‘Dr. Thompson’s Thermometer”.
So, do you see what went on there in "The Main Event"?
Al says that this is Lonnie's graph, and that it is from Oxygen isotopes in Lonnie's ice cores which he says confirms that Michael Mann's hockey stick graph is correct.
The trouble is that he is showing you Michael Mann's hockey stick graph and not Lonnie's ice core oxygen graph.
And Lonnie actually is the scientific advisor for the film!
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I think a very good way for for the ordinary person to assess the situation is to watch who is doing the lying.
If it's deniers then it doesn't matter at all, not even a bit, because they don't count at all.
... *but if it's the scientists getting caught lying and lying, THEN the ordinary person can begin to get a grasp of the situation, as it is purely a political situation* .

The reality cannot be known, but at least you know you are being lied to by the big fellas.
they have been lying for over a hundred years on the subject.. Its a cash cow and all it is used for is to take wealth and redistribute it. Paris Climate agreement .. USA backs out and Germany was going to have to foot the bill.. well since the USA wasnt a member surely they couldnt do it either.

Its a money Grab
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