global warming

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Yeah, it does eat at me. I'd like to get on with my life and the unvaxxed boneheads keep screwing things up.
I can't think offhand of many major overlords or medical authorities who haven't been caught in luxury dining, in partying, in weddings, on vacations, off camera, offstage, on airflights, for photo ops in a group, and so have a bit of the one-direction focus, eh?
If you’re drinking the Kool-Aid that vaccinations will magically end the pandemic you’re going to be sadly disappointed.

They're slow adults playing in a rigged game of "SimonSays" and getting irate about it.
Me coffee? You think stupid or uneducated are not getting vaccinated? Obviously you don’t read enough to see the poll from last week showing the ones refusing had PhD ... maybe they know a little more about it than the sheeple they get a clvaccine that is being used under the emergency act.. even after their fda approval..

So you must be uneducated because you received it?
Now I’m confused .. I’ll let you know know.. I nor my family will take it.. already had it so no need.. I think common sense goes out the window when they pump fear into you tv watchers day in and day out..
Hadn’t been peer reviews yet but great results.. and the meds have been around for 50 years.. amazing.. since the vaccine has had a. Great run for so long.. oh wait it hasn’t .. 13k dead 600k side affects ? No thank you.. I’ll take my chances on the street
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I know I know ..Science is evolving... Except when its not. Or The guy in charge likes being in charge.

But the gambit is, Its always gotta be something..

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Big chill for climate doom: Arctic Sea ice is expanding​

I guess its changing for the better and the Crisis is over... We did it !!!!
Hurricane Larry Slams Newfoundland With Powerful Winds

The weather people have become tools of the powerful as they purportedly fought anti-science by purging those who did not agree fully 100% with the propaganda.
Just imagine, hurricanes bring heavy snowfall to Greenland. Nooooooo.....

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People around the world increasingly see climate change as a personal threat​

Gotta believe is something or you will fall for anything...Truth and Belief can be different.. Just because you believe something doesnt make it truth.. Just makes it what it is.
Sea Ice measurements aren't simple to interpret, and one can hardly find media stories that are without generous helpings of bias and ignorance poured all over.
It's not a one-sided thing. Washington Post is nothing if not a collecting place for some hugely dishonest articles.
I don't buy into media articles from either side. Either the underlying scientific articles have merit or not and the rest is blabber.

We have the hard evidence of the main climate scientists involved in publicity, engaged in scheming lying and hiding what does not fit their narrative.

You can justify it to yourself if you need to, but they have acted and continue to act dishonestly, as a group.
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