global warming

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I think climate change will become a much bigger motivation factor for people to find other means of transportation besides jumping in a car for every trip. Electric cars may help some but they do nothing for congestion still makes no sense to get in a 5,000lb auto to go 3 miles to the grocery store. The challenge is changing habits and mindsets and that happens slowly.
Bad: climate change is a situation we have to manage and adapt to

Adaptation. It sounds easy unless you are the one who is doing the actual adapting. This is what adaption looks like:




That's the impact of doing nothing we'll be seeing more of if we don't consider changes. I bought an ebike about 5 years ago and told myself I was going to ride it everywhere possible for a month or two and see if I could change my lifestyle and focus on it being my primary mobility solution instead of a car. After a month I was simply hooked...I loved getting on the ebike far more than getting in a car. I think it was the freedom of it and how quickly you start feeling physically and mentally better.
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Personally I think there’s nothing that can stop the momentum now. Realistically you would need to eliminate perhaps a billion advanced “earth consumers” to significantly turn back the tide. Maybe Covid has achieved .1% of that but 999 million remain. After another 20 years of pissing in the wind humans will realize their folly and reorganize with the meaningful drastic actions needed. It won’t be pretty. In the meantime “Bike On!” hehehe.
Personally I think there’s nothing that can stop the momentum now. Realistically you would need to eliminate perhaps a billion advanced “earth consumers” to significantly turn back the tide. Maybe Covid has achieved .1% of that but 999 million remain. After another 20 years of pissing in the wind humans will realize their folly and reorganize with the meaningful drastic actions needed. It won’t be pretty. In the meantime “Bike On!” hehehe.
It can be impacted in 5-10 years with moderately aggressive action and some new tech coming along. I just think humans love routine and most advance countries fell into the routine of using cars for transportation, eating a lot of red meat, burning coal, cutting down rain forests to make furniture and more room for grazing cattle, etc. Just localizing more of our food production can have a dramatic impact but it's change and we don't like that.
It can be impacted in 5-10 years with moderately aggressive action and some new tech coming along. I just think humans love routine and most advance countries fell into the routine of using cars for transportation, eating a lot of red meat, burning coal, cutting down rain forests to make furniture and more room for grazing cattle, etc. Just localizing more of our food production can have a dramatic impact but it's change and we don't like that.
Somehow you forgot the devastating impact of soy farming - especially on the rainforest,
Listen to the WWF if you're that type.

Soy is pervasive in our lives. Not only are soybeans made into food products like tofu, soy sauce, and meat substitutes, but we also eat them in the form of soybean oil and soybean meal. Soybean meal is widely used as animal feed, so we humans consume much of it indirectly via our meat and dairy. Soybeans also reach our tables as oil—which represents around 27% of worldwide vegetable oil production. While its most common oil-based form is table oil, soy is increasingly used for biodiesel production.

Without proper safeguards, the soybean industry is causing widespread deforestation and displacement of small farmers and indigenous peoples around the globe. To ensure that soybean expansion does not further harm natural environments and indigenous communities, WWF is encouraging the development of better production practices. We call for transparent land-use planning processes and promote responsible purchasing and investment policies.
Most fires are started by People... and when the underbrush isnt cleaned like it should ... well it supplies fuel.. Not sure what a professor would run around starting fires like he did (in california).. But to think we can out think God and mess his structures up?
Guess when they say climate change is man made? Now that I think about it.. it must be if people are burning places down.

Ozone hole opens and closes.. Sometimes its so small its not visible and sometimes it very large.. Natural venting? Dupont made a splash in the 80's or 90's with their freon... and I guess hair spray Not sure what the gov of california uses now) but come to find out that someone lobied the federal goverment to outlaw the freon.. R-11? (cant remember)... Well it wasnt for the climate it was for their pocket book... Patent ran out.

Can we make changes to our life styles? yes Will that impact some so big? Dont think so... look at what china puts into the air and then check india..Well whatever we do on this end will not counter what they are doing ..

all I got... Ok one more... about every 500 years or so we have a heating and or cooling cycle ... We are headed into a cooling cycle ..Its happened for thousands of years...maybe millions depending which tree you talk to..

Now this is my opinion and you dont have to like it or take it.. as is everyone's opinion.. We are not going to bust gods program.. and in the end this world get's destroyed anyway according to a book I read somewhere... the book was pretty good as it had miracles and a guy who walked on water.. Interesting stuff..
Most fires are started by People... and when the underbrush isnt cleaned like it should ... well it supplies fuel.. Not sure what a professor would run around starting fires like he did (in california).. But to think we can out think God and mess his structures up?
Guess when they say climate change is man made? Now that I think about it.. it must be if people are burning places down.

Ozone hole opens and closes.. Sometimes its so small its not visible and sometimes it very large.. Natural venting? Dupont made a splash in the 80's or 90's with their freon... and I guess hair spray Not sure what the gov of california uses now) but come to find out that someone lobied the federal goverment to outlaw the freon.. R-11? (cant remember)... Well it wasnt for the climate it was for their pocket book... Patent ran out.

Can we make changes to our life styles? yes Will that impact some so big? Dont think so... look at what china puts into the air and then check india..Well whatever we do on this end will not counter what they are doing ..

all I got... Ok one more... about every 500 years or so we have a heating and or cooling cycle ... We are headed into a cooling cycle ..Its happened for thousands of years...maybe millions depending which tree you talk to..

Now this is my opinion and you dont have to like it or take it.. as is everyone's opinion.. We are not going to bust gods program.. and in the end this world get's destroyed anyway according to a book I read somewhere... the book was pretty good as it had miracles and a guy who walked on water.. Interesting stuff..
It’s views like this that has fueled inaction for DECADES. The world as we know it is toast…all we can do is mitigate the effects where we can. It’s the whole cycle that is sick, one thing impacting another. It’s not just a big fire out west…it’s a huge fire in Siberia bigger than all the ones in North America Releasing methane from the permanent frost. It’s the energy conveying ocean currents waning. It’s complex and been warned about from Science for more than 50 years. This existential threat has nothing to do with a two thousand year old middle-eastern agrarian myth.
It’s views like this that has fueled inaction for DECADES. The world as we know it is toast…all we can do is mitigate the effects where we can. It’s the whole cycle that is sick, one thing impacting another. It’s not just a big fire out west…it’s a huge fire in Siberia bigger than all the ones in North America Releasing methane from the permanent frost. It’s the energy conveying ocean currents waning. It’s complex and been warned about from Science for more than 50 years. This existential threat has nothing to do with a two thousand year old middle-eastern agrarian myth.
I agree. People that can't keep an open mind to even the possibility that we are influencing the climate because they believe everything is by "god's plan" are not contributing to potential solutions. Are the people starting fires any more controlled by deity than the suicide bombers in Iraq or are they twisted people with a hateful agenda.

I'm not one of those suggesting we think we can move away from fossil fuels in 5 years but we absolutely can change our behaviors to have a positive impact. Who knows maybe DavidRvR thinks god tells him he must drive a big fossil fuel car.....we make decisions and not all are good ones.
You really think we as humans can really change what God put into place? Ok..

You do understand the globe has gone through multiple stages of Ice and other stages of Higher temps for thousands of years... We are coming out of a global cooling and headed into a heating cycle.. Its natural. Ozone Hole grows and shrinks as the world needs.. It expels and again its natural.

On another level ... It had so many names through the years from El Nino to climate change and so many other in between.. Could sworn al gore said the world would be over by now..

Read an article that was written in the early 1900 that said if we didnt do anything the world would end in 20 years or so.... same alarm but its never happened... It comes to a money grab at the end of the day to shift wealth from countries and their middle class.. and so on.. Paris agreement was one.. When America backed out of it so did everyone else because the USA was footing the bill..

China and india are the top polluters in the world. they polute more than almost all the countries combined ... Why havnt they stopped or think about this... Neither are in any of the accords to cut polution.. WHy? because again they dont take this serious and they know the science they paid for will say whatever they want it to.

Not to get to political either but... What about covid? How can they say its dangerous and you need to social distance and wear a mask ? Or whatever else they want you to do...

If its so serioud why are they letting 1.1 mil people to cross the border when at least 40% have covid ? No mask? No vaccine? no nothering and they have taken these people and pushed them all over the United States.... Now Afgahn people they are doing the same... No mask no social distancing , nothing...How can you take them serious?

Ivermectin and Chloroquine and believe ti or not soem ED drugs help prevent it... Find a patient that has Lupus that takes their meds and you cant find anyone who had contracted it..

Just saying... they have product over the counter and some prescribed that work so why push this vaccine? (I dont care if you get it or not but again I am one who believes I can make my own decision.) its the American way...

I ran into a couple people from the ER that never heard of Ivermectin... How is that as it cuts the hospital visits by over 70%.. but the push the Jab? Now they find that vaccinated people are leaking the virus and creating a Delta? Israel has the data it one takes the time to look.. 80% are vaxxed from 60 years old plus.. Now they are bombarded with covid cases.. Not really from the unvaxxed..

THis is for educational purposes only

The world was supposed to end several times and there are people making money on all sorts of scam's ... or are slightly misleading

Take a min to look the name Christine Grady and se what her title is and what she does for a living..... Then look to see who her husband is... FOr the lazy>>>>> Fauci!!

Dont tell me they have your health in their best enterest.
I agree... Live life and be your best... Kiss and hug your kids and grandkids... and family... Nothing will separate me from that.. and when they try.. the fight is on.. but in the meantime Meet your neighbors and have an enjoyable life.. Fear does not run in my blood.
Climate cycles are normal but over 1000s to 10,000s of years ... not 100.

I don't listen to extremist people saying the world is going to end by god's doing or by climate change. The earth is going no place but we as a species may struggle to be around if we don't understand that we are impacting the planet. How many species of animals is man responsible for extincting? You don't think the global C02 levels are impacted by our activities? Seriously?

A virus doesn't think politically and no one seems to have the answer right now. We can at least come together and consider the odds and put them as best in our favor as we can - sorry buy prayer is likely not the solution but it can help people remain positive so not without merit. I'm sure there are people with a profit motive on this but that is always the case.

We should all keep in mind that our power that be make decision like "gain of function" research on viruses to weaponize them. That should never happen because obviously there is no controlling a a highly contagious virus....we are just lucky the death rate is not higher.

As for education be sure to consider that almost everything on the internet these days is about bias confirmation (getting to the truth on anything is not easy and one of the reasons I tend to question everything from everyone). Read this on ivermecin as it's not consistent with your support as a treatment:
Nothing to do but make lemonade. Sow a wild flower mix onto the ash & pray for rain. Perhaps
an attempt at slash & burn agriculture. The burn part´s already there.
A lot of that will be full of flowers next spring. I just need to replant grass seed in the miles of dozer scars and take out some of the worst-damaged trees (mostly so they won't fall down on something important) and it will be good. Cleaning up the burnt outbuildings and some damage around the house will take more effort.

My point is still that it is easy to talk about 'adaptation' but not have any clue about how much that is going to suck for the folks doing the adapting. And to be blunt I got off lightly.
Last response as I know some people will be offended by a different belief so as to not chase everyone off or myself. This will be the last.. There is enough stuff above for anyone to take the time and read a little to see they are pushing real hard for a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate or above if you are under 70.

The problem with that reasoning is that it is already out of date. Best evidence is that right now younger people are getting sicker faster than they did in the past. Until we know more we won't know for sure if death rates have increased for younger people. And if you don't want to participate in medical experiments that would be a very smart one to avoid.

We know for sure that there are serious long-term health consequences, even for some people who are quite young. So even if there is a 0.3% chance of dying why risk a 10% or so chance that you will be disabled for the rest of your life?

We also do not know if this virus hides out in you someplace and kills you a few years from now. We know of lots of viruses that do exactly that.

So do your own research. That doesn't mean hitting refresh on your Facebook Feed and being spoon fed misinformation.

Also, why is every off-topic thread turning into a "COVID isn't real, and you just need to take livestock medicine and you'll be okay." thread?
I made a cargo bike electric and it went to a nice family yesterday. Now they will go from two cars to one. It is one example of how our changes in behavior can be incremental in the correct direction.
The fact is that humans have made the polar vortex/jet stream unstable we need to be responsible for that and its consequences. We need to stop acting like nuts and change what we have been doing.


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