Giant Pro E Trying to reset from Kilometers to Miles


My Giant Pro E went into the shop and while there had a software update.
Since then I have been unable to reset it from Kilometers to Miles.
In the cell phone Ride app I have set it to miles and all the readings in there are miles but this is not pushed out to the bike.
Any ideas?


  • 2021-07-24 11.26.55.jpg
    2021-07-24 11.26.55.jpg
    385.2 KB · Views: 370
Richard, I have a 2021 with Ride Control One and Ride Dash Evo so a bit different than yours. That said, I had the same problem and I found that if you hold the the light/screen cycle button (they are one in the same on mine) for ~7 seconds, the dash will change from imperial to metric to imperial and vice versa. Not sure if that is how yours works but it did work for me.