Frey's new 2021 model


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Glad to tell that we will have some new exciting model launched soon around late of January.
Do you think what kinds of the new model will be? And what's the feature and advantage will be available compare with present FREY bike models?
We'd like to have some good communication with you and listen to your voices and ideas.
Some teaser video for the FREY bike model will be available soon to release.
You can follow FreyBike on facebook to keep latest news update to you.

Wish all you have a peaceful and happy new year!

Best Regards,
Ivy Wang

Typical high end electric mountain bikes have batteries with 700w capacity or less. Im looking for more than that. Typical EMTB motors are also limited to 250w. I'm looking for S-pedelec, class 3 motors with more power. Im so looking for premium quality components and frames at a reasonable price. Finally, a dealer network or at least some form of local support is important. Everyone is scared to invest $5000 into something that arrives in a crate from China with no place to take it for service and warranty issues
Typical high end electric mountain bikes have batteries with 700w capacity or less. Im looking for more than that. Typical EMTB motors are also limited to 250w. I'm looking for S-pedelec, class 3 motors with more power. Im so looking for premium quality components and frames at a reasonable price. Finally, a dealer network or at least some form of local support is important. Everyone is scared to invest $5000 into something that arrives in a crate from China with no place to take it for service and warranty issues
Your last 2 sentences in spades !!! Frey should link up with someone like Biktrix and rule the N American ebike world. I also long for the day that more and more independent bike mechanics will come along and be willing and able to work on Bafang motors. AND have a ready supply of parts. Might take a miracle though. 🙏
Typical high end electric mountain bikes have batteries with 700w capacity or less. Im looking for more than that. Typical EMTB motors are also limited to 250w. I'm looking for S-pedelec, class 3 motors with more power. Im so looking for premium quality components and frames at a reasonable price. Finally, a dealer network or at least some form of local support is important. Everyone is scared to invest $5000 into something that arrives in a crate from China with no place to take it for service and warranty issues
You know ... I don't even care about a warranty. We ain't talking about super high priced parts as in cars and trucks. I just wish there were competent bike mechs around for Bafang. Although just buying a new motor still is not all that much money and looks easy enough to do if you have the tools.
Hi everyone,

Glad to tell that we will have some new exciting model launched soon around late of January.
Do you think what kinds of the new model will be? And what's the feature and advantage will be available compare with present FREY bike models?
We'd like to have some good communication with you and listen to your voices and ideas.
Some teaser video for the FREY bike model will be available soon to release.
You can follow FreyBike on facebook to keep latest news update to you.

Wish all you have a peaceful and happy new year!

Best Regards,
Ivy Wang

Hey Ivy, you don't know me. I have a rebadged Frey AM 1000 that I LOVE. Got it from Kyle of Bolton Ebikes. I was wondering if you might let us in on Frey Company's plans and hopes for the future? How much growth do you all care to accomplish? Also it would be interesting for many of us to see some statistics about Frey. What kind of volume are you doing? How many bikes produced in 2020? Do you think you might venture into carbon frames? Will you stick with Bafang motors exclusively? Has Bafang got any plans for new things? like trying to match the German Innotrace controller maybe?

I hope you know you have a lot of dedicated fans here in the US. To my mind your company is really at the top of the heap for quality and power. Especially for the price range. 👍 👍 👍
Personally I would like to see the ability to get the Innotrace, Rockshox LYRIK Ultimate, Improved Battery life, maybe the RockShox Monarch
I agree it would be nice to have a local shop availible to work on our bikes if we have any issues.

But having these forums can be the next best thing. Dont be afraid to ask any questions. You know the old saying the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
Luckily I have some experience working on stuff, not by choice mind you but out of necessity. I don't have a Frey bike but I have the same motor so I check numerous sites for info. I'm in San Diego and work on my own bikes and friends too. Being retired has it's benifits.

I also agree having a presence at least in a country your supplying I would think be a minimum. Biktrix is in Canada. Wattwagon is in Mass. Luna is in Cali. But I still order parts occasionally from the UK but nothing high dollar. A couple of friends ordered from AK in the UK but they are shipping from China..... We'll see.

Luckily all the Bafang motors are fairly easy to repair with all the videos on YT and parts are redily availible. So just know going in that it might end up on you to fix the problem.

The main issue I see with the higher wattage motors (Bafang) are the battery capacity being minimal. Its all a work in progress..
I agree it would be nice to have a local shop availible to work on our bikes if we have any issues.

But having these forums can be the next best thing. Dont be afraid to ask any questions. You know the old saying the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
Luckily I have some experience working on stuff, not by choice mind you but out of necessity. I don't have a Frey bike but I have the same motor so I check numerous sites for info. I'm in San Diego and work on my own bikes and friends too. Being retired has it's benifits.

I also agree having a presence at least in a country your supplying I would think be a minimum. Biktrix is in Canada. Wattwagon is in Mass. Luna is in Cali. But I still order parts occasionally from the UK but nothing high dollar. A couple of friends ordered from AK in the UK but they are shipping from China..... We'll see.

Luckily all the Bafang motors are fairly easy to repair with all the videos on YT and parts are redily availible. So just know going in that it might end up on you to fix the problem.

The main issue I see with the higher wattage motors (Bafang) are the battery capacity being minimal. Its all a work in progress..
Work in progress for sure. What's the worst case scenario? Your motor burns up. From the videos I've watched that's about a couple hours work putting in a new motor we can buy for under a grand. Wires fried? You can get those too for cheap. Frame cracks? Yeah, that truly sucks but hopefully any decent supplier will ship you a new frame if you can show you really were not taking 20 ft jumps with the thing. 🤣
This is kind of a weird post from FREY. We're offering a new model. See if you can guess what it is and what we've improved. We'd love your feedback on what you want to see but we've already decided for you.😅

OK, here's my guess. A carbon frame that's lighter and more agile. Perhaps a M600 model and Ultra based model. If that's the case, well, Watt Wagons has you beat on the latter with their Hydra with superior controller and customer service.

Or perhaps an IGH model with belt drive. Guess who already offers this and does it well with superior controller and customer service?
This is kind of a weird post from FREY. We're offering a new model. See if you can guess what it is and what we've improved. We'd love your feedback on what you want to see but we've already decided for you.😅

OK, here's my guess. A carbon frame that's lighter and more agile. Perhaps a M600 model and Ultra based model. If that's the case, well, Watt Wagons has you beat on the latter with their Hydra with superior controller and customer service.

Or perhaps an IGH model with belt drive. Guess who already offers this and does it well with superior controller and customer service?
Maybe it's a language barrier thing. :p
As you may know, I have been looking into the Frey kitchen since mid 2019 now, so I know what is cooking.
So far your comments point towards:

1) Local Support, we have been working on this issue both in US and Europe however it isn't easy due to the current Direct to Consumer model.
Also the EU regulations is a huge concern that needs careful addressing.

As you know we welcome anyone to join the Frey family, customers and resellers alike.
So, if you see this as an opportunity to start a business or know someone who is interested and has a network, talk to us!

2) Carbon, maybe but not just for weight saving reasons........

3) Will we use Bafang only, no we can look at any other option in the market if it makes business sense (think logistics, availability etc).
So far Bafang is the only one who does.

4) Improved battery, we hear you, working on it.....

5) Controllers, we hear you too, we have our own concerns on the topic but that might be different soon due to technology development, who knows what 2021 brings?

Keep um coming as your feedback will help us improve and we enjoy the interaction.

Any questions off forum, ask Ivy ([email protected]) and me ([email protected]).

Have a festive and healthy holiday season, Marcel
As you may know, I have been looking into the Frey kitchen since mid 2019 now, so I know what is cooking.
So far your comments point towards:

1) Local Support, we have been working on this issue both in US and Europe however it isn't easy due to the current Direct to Consumer model.
Also the EU regulations is a huge concern that needs careful addressing.

As you know we welcome anyone to join the Frey family, customers and resellers alike.
So, if you see this as an opportunity to start a business or know someone who is interested and has a network, talk to us!

2) Carbon, maybe but not just for weight saving reasons........

3) Will we use Bafang only, no we can look at any other option in the market if it makes business sense (think logistics, availability etc).
So far Bafang is the only one who does.

4) Improved battery, we hear you, working on it.....

5) Controllers, we hear you too, we have our own concerns on the topic but that might be different soon due to technology development, who knows what 2021 brings?

Keep um coming as your feedback will help us improve and we enjoy the interaction.

Any questions off forum, ask Ivy ([email protected]) and me ([email protected]).

Have a festive and healthy holiday season, Marcel
Regarding # 1. Sorry about that Europe thing. Over my pay grade. But here in the US I suggest Bolton Ebikes or Biktrix or both. Just load those guys up with bikes while nobody's looking and then when they are in stock have them announce the bonanza. Don't let anybody know this is happening until the bikes are landed. It's this crazy lead time that is driving everyone nuts. Frey could see their sales go exponential if people felt they could get a bike in a couple weeks to a month. Of course this would require massive logistics to be going on asap and I suppose the great unknown is ... how much the CCP is in your face?
1) can you please explain "how much the CCP is in your face"?
2) Supposed we follow a distribution model in the US that is the conventional manufacturer, distributor and brick and mortar dealer model, allowing for a much shorter delivery. If that conventional supply chain requires a 30-40% price increase on top of the ex works prices, are you guys still in?
1) can you explain how much the CCP is in your face?
2) if we follow a model in the US that is traditional manufacturer, distributor and brick and mortar shop dealer allowing a much shorter delivery. If that conventional supply chain requires a 30-40% price increase on top of the ex works prices, are you guys still in?
Yes. I already am in that category. I paid Kyle at Bolton substantially more than Frey direct price just to have a US representative. As to your other point. We don't have to have brick and mortar with service situation. Just somebody that can get us parts handle warrantee problems and give advice. Both Bolton and Biktrix do well without brick and mortar or hands on service providing.

I might add: This is the Achilles heel of direct internet sales. We all need someone to talk to directly with all sorts of problems with our purchases. Not just bikes either of course. Often this is sorely lacking. Usually it is sorely lacking. Playing e-mail tag for days or even weeks with these guys is galling to say the least.
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I am guessing CCP is Chinese Communist Party. I don't hang out much in newsmax and faux news, etc. but seems they use the term.
I am guessing CCP is Chinese Communist Party. I don't hang out much in newsmax and faux news, etc. but seems they use the term.
I don't hang either but a LOT of constitutional conservatives instantly get the reference. But thanks for helping. I'm sure there aren't many here of that ilk. 👍
Typical high end electric mountain bikes have batteries with 700w capacity or less. Im looking for more than that. Typical EMTB motors are also limited to 250w. I'm looking for S-pedelec, class 3 motors with more power. Im so looking for premium quality components and frames at a reasonable price. Finally, a dealer network or at least some form of local support is important. Everyone is scared to invest $5000 into something that arrives in a crate from China with no place to take it for service and warranty issues
I was scared as well and still am. Part of why I'm going with two bikes. But I don't need the conventional bike shop model. I understand that probably most do. These high performance asian bikes are not for the masses but still, there are a LOT of us power junkies around. And converts being made all the time. Everything on these bikes can be swapped by most averagely handy people. The videos out there will walk you thru it step by step. If the better direct sales outfits can up their game a bit with solid warrantee service like Wattwagons does it would be a better world for our crowd.
300% price increase
Do companies that rebadge Frey bikes and sell to suckers mark up their prices more than 200%? But I do agree, dealer network doesn't make sense for Frey. I guess the question is what does Frey want to be? They started out as a small company with limited production, offering quality components and personalized customer service. They seem to be morphing to a company that wants to put out a lot of bikes and focus less on customer service, especially post-sale support. At least I haven't seen them invest in the latter as they have grown.
Do companies that rebadge Frey bikes and sell to suckers mark up their prices more than 200%? But I do agree, dealer network doesn't make sense for Frey. I guess the question is what does Frey want to be? They started out as a small company with limited production, offering quality components and personalized customer service. They seem to be morphing to a company that wants to put out a lot of bikes and focus less on customer service, especially post-sale support. At least I haven't seen them invest in the latter as they have grown.
Well that was part of my question in a veiled sort of way. It is possible they are not allowed to go the way I am suggesting ... or they just don't need to. Makes me wonder though about just what their relationship is like with the guys who use them to sell lots of bikes. Like QuietKat, Backou and who knows else? Bolton had to wait like 8 months to get the bikes he bought but that was a small scale deal and his first go-round with them and the huge delay was mostly covid related probably. Of interesting note: Bolton is now selling a Biktrix model. Or what looks like one anyway.