Business owner disappointed in police efforts to locate $500K worth of stolen e-bikes
The owner of an e-bike business says he has doubts police will find the roughly $500,000 worth of product that was stolen from a shipping container last week, while police say he “complicated” their investigation by posting video of the theft.
has an update. The container was located a few days after it was stolen, on the 22nd, about 20 km away, empty. Two suspects, a woman and a man.
Stolen Shipping Container of E-Bikes | Delta Police Department
mentions that the storage facility was unsecured and that the theft was reported at noon the day following the nightly theft.
It has the location of the empty container, in Langley:
It sounds like RCMP has reviewed security footage of surrounding businesses.
Google Street View from June '23 shows the street with parked trailers and trucks. A good spot to leave a trailer after unloading somewhere.
The Langely RCMP news page at https://bc-cb.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=187&languageId=1&contentId=-1 does not mention the container.
Here is a potential suspect from the area who had used trucks in thefts of construction machinery not long ago:

RCMP: Fraudulently stolen equipment from Alberta found in B.C. | CityNews Vancouver
The theft of heavy equipment from cities in Alberta led Mounties to Langley, B.C., where a "theft scheme" was uncovered

Where do you store 150 large boxes ?
There are traffic webcams, eg. https://images.drivebc.ca/bchighwaycam/pub/html/dbc/435.html
but without archives for the critical days.
The stolen bikes' serial numbers: BK2CE30001 - BK2CE30140
These do not seem to be registered yet on https://project529.com/garage/bikes/search ?