



My Brother in law is having issues with the battery on his FREY AM1000. Today with a fully charged battery we went for a ride. When his battery level was at 60% he hit the throttle while pedaling the battery charge level dropped to 0% and everything shut down. After restarting the battery level again showed 60% but when he went to go the battery would instantly drop to zero and shut down. After several attempts to power up it would continusly instantly drop to zero and shut down when attempting to go. Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be causing this? Thanks
Thanks for the response Timpo. I just heard from my Bro in law. He said that he recharged the battery to 100%. He turned on the power and by the time he wheeled the bike out of the garage the power shut off. He repowered the bike and and couldn't go 5 feet before shutting down. Any suggestions on what is going on?
Thanks again.
Yes we have the same bikes. We will be doing the swap tomorrow. I will let you know how we make out.
Hi Timpo this is bugnuts bro in law. The one with the problem. We put my battery on his bike with no issues it worked fine. Any other thoughts??.
What is the battery voltage reading from the battery leads? It's a guessing game without data.
So latest update is, all seems to be working now, although I haven’t taken a extended ride. however in looking under error codes I have an error code 30. After looking it up it appears to be a connection issue or a controller issue. I quickly looked at all connections I could see. All seemed fine. I watched a video on flashing the controller which supposedly can fix error code. I haven’t done the flash yet as I’m not very computer savvy. I will have my son do this lol. From the research it appears this is a common bafang issue. I’m hoping the flash solves this problem. Thanks for all the help. I will also look at the controllers that have been recommended in the posts.
Okay thank you I will look into that. Is it easily replaced?? Or do I need to find a ebike shop??
I’m not really sure of any ebike repair shop in my area.
Okay thank you I will look into that. Is it easily replaced?? Or do I need to find a ebike shop??
I’m not really sure of any ebike repair shop in my area.
Neither, it needs to be done at WW or Innotrace due to balancing reasons.

Doing so will invalidate your Frey warranty.