First rental pads


Active Member
United Kingdom
First rental pad. Wow, it's going back now. How quickly time passes......and thankfully sense eventually comes. But looking back down Youth Lane, I had a pad when at uni. I had about ten 'pal's' there one time, and one guy started doing these 'hot knifes' in the kitchen. He did a thing with a wine carafe where he heated it and then chilled it and the bottom fell out, then he heated a knife on the oven hob, make balls of dope and put them on a cold knife and stoked the dope with the hot knife, creating a massive thick smoke which was collected and inhaled by another using the carafe. The result was instant heavy stoned, some collapsed there and then. There was heavy roots reggae playing. I 'came round' firstish' and there was bodies all over the place, wiped out. I stepped over them on their little cushions or folded towels.

Nobody was harmed, and some that i know of went on to be massive experts in their social/ecomnomic contributory field. Thank goodness it was only dope, no overdose problem.

I heard of another story of a first rental. Three lads, 17, rented a flat above a butcher's shop. The landlord must have taken pity, perhaps thinking of his own start. Against his better judgement he must have thought, 'Well, I was once young, and maybe, perhaps, this start will help them'. Anyway, these lads just had loads of mates around the place all the time, and the toilet had become blocked and they just caried on dumping, some of them still flushing. The bog bowl filled to over flowing, right up to the top and over.

One day the landlord let himself in to just have a look. He threw the lads out immediately and got his DIY old bloke to come and sort the bog, which he did with a garden trowel, flat shovel, and two big buckets. He was taking down two buckets full to the brim, large buckets, and slipped at the top step and tumbled down the stairs head over heels and down and out, past customer's heels, through the butcher's shop, onto the pavement, washed out on a tidal wave of sh1t.
First rental pad. Wow, it's going back now. How quickly time passes......and thankfully sense eventually comes. But looking back down Youth Lane, I had a pad when at uni. I had about ten 'pal's' there one time, and one guy started doing these 'hot knifes' in the kitchen. He did a thing with a wine carafe where he heated it and then chilled it and the bottom fell out, then he heated a knife on the oven hob, make balls of dope and put them on a cold knife and stoked the dope with the hot knife, creating a massive thick smoke which was collected and inhaled by another using the carafe. The result was instant heavy stoned, some collapsed there and then. There was heavy roots reggae playing. I 'came round' firstish' and there was bodies all over the place, wiped out. I stepped over them on their little cushions or folded towels.

Nobody was harmed, and some that i know of went on to be massive experts in their social/ecomnomic contributory field. Thank goodness it was only dope, no overdose problem.

I heard of another story of a first rental. Three lads, 17, rented a flat above a butcher's shop. The landlord must have taken pity, perhaps thinking of his own start. Against his better judgement he must have thought, 'Well, I was once young, and maybe, perhaps, this start will help them'. Anyway, these lads just had loads of mates around the place all the time, and the toilet had become blocked and they just caried on dumping, some of them still flushing. The bog bowl filled to over flowing, right up to the top and over.

One day the landlord let himself in to just have a look. He threw the lads out immediately and got his DIY old bloke to come and sort the bog, which he did with a garden trowel, flat shovel, and two big buckets. He was taking down two buckets full to the brim, large buckets, and slipped at the top step and tumbled down the stairs head over heels and down and out, past customer's heels, through the butcher's shop, onto the pavement, washed out on a tidal wave of sh1t.
Wow, that's quite a crazy rental pad story! Time flies, and we all have some wild memories from our youth...