New Member
Three months ago I decided it was time to get a e-bike. I was limited to shopping and doing all my research on the Internet being that the closes real e-bike store is 300 hundred miles away. With only $1500 I was not going to get much of a ride, so I started looking at kits. My main reason for getting a e-bike was for the hills. Much research and many decisions later I was $50 to $300 short on anything I wanted and $1500 Canadian is all I had, that's like $1100 American. Then I found Motorino Electric Bikes in Vancouver B.C. Canada. A 48V 500w geared rear wheel conversion kit delivered to my door for $1400. All the parts promised where in the box, something I was worried about, as I had read many comments from unhappy Internet buyers. But I was happy as my build went really smooth and happier after trying it out and being amazed at the power. Three weeks latter and loving every minute when I'm riding. Hills I could hardly make up in 1st gear, now with pas #
1 I peddle up in 5th gear I get way more exercise now because I can ride for a lot longer, legs feel good when I get home not like they got run over like before.