Fat tire trailers

Hey Scott
Now that you have had your single wheel trailer for a while, How do you like it/ Anything you would change?

I am shopping for one right now to go with my Wart Hog eBike, for hunting use etc.

Hey Scott
Now that you have had your single wheel trailer for a while, How do you like it/ Anything you would change?

I am shopping for one right now to go with my Wart Hog eBike, for hunting use etc.

Works well. I've yet to see anything on the market better. There's a guy who works repairing and building forest trails and they have a video about him on the Robert Axle site. He uses a two wheeled trailer and that is something to think about. My dog still won't ride in the dang thing.
Thanks Scott
What's up with your dog, slightly spoiled rotten.......LOL, just like mine,
take/put it's dog food dish in the trailer and feed him there, don't cheat and wimp out, make him get in the trailer if he wants his feed, regardless how begs otherwise, and put his bed in there, he'll soon learn that this thing is FUN.
I have two a Aussie and new German Shepard pup, did the same with them and now it's a fight to get them out of the PU,
they are ready to go and ANY time, and you had better be first in line, LOL.

Have you had your trailer off road, rough trails etc, did it track OK, any problems with tight twisty trails/heavy brush etc.
Every place I have looked so far, is sold out........

Thanks Scott
What's up with your dog, slightly spoiled rotten.......LOL, just like mine,
take/put it's dog food dish in the trailer and feed him there, don't cheat and wimp out, make him get in the trailer if he wants his feed, regardless how begs otherwise, and put his bed in there, he'll soon learn that this thing is FUN.
I have two a Aussie and new German Shepard pup, did the same with them and now it's a fight to get them out of the PU,
they are ready to go and ANY time, and you had better be first in line, LOL.

Have you had your trailer off road, rough trails etc, did it track OK, any problems with tight twisty trails/heavy brush etc.
Every place I have looked so far, is sold out........

A little late for conditioning Rio. Old dog new tricks and all that. I don't do tight and twisty. Just rough and rocky. Jeep trails actually. Pulling a trailer with a bike is not much fun. You have to compromise a lot. Like doing u turns. Pretty much have to get off the bike unless you got like 20 feet wide almost. Even then if the road is bad, rutty ... ain't gonna work.
Quiet Kat sells that same trailer. Only one I've seen with the pannier rack. Probably get one eventually. Need it to haul the dog around. :) Quiet Kat shows it with a double kickstand however which strikes me as a good idea.

I should add: Hauling a trailer like this is the main reason I'm going with a Bafang motor on any bike I get.
Like Jimmy sez" got to have the "BTUs"( well He probably would say something like that) you make a good point if you are seriously contemplating hauling extra weight and not to mention extra drag around. you better have adequate power,I expect one trip for a lot of us Folks off road, would convince us Panniers( and subsequent weight and bulk reduction is a saner approach.Its been my observation that dogs love to ride and a good trip in the Family "batmobile" would satisfy Fido as much, if you haven't got anything but two- wheel power may "God bless you" these little trailers that People haul small children around in scare the living daylights out of me, maybe Fido could fit in one of those things.
It may just be me, I would advise anybody contemplating a purchase of one of those things to borrow one if possible and see how feasible it would be, before another expensive item hits "Facebook" or the community "bulletin board" for sale at pennies on the dollar.
Either way enjoy the freedom of two wheels.
I've got an unbadged Frey AM 1000 somewhere on the high seas between California and China. I got it through Bolton Ebikes and Kyle Chittock

No. Though I work on a huge ranch and manage lots of hunters here in SW Texas. I don't care to kill things any more. Just no stomach for it. I got the trailer mostly to haul my dog around and this particular trailer also has pannier racks over the rear single fat tire so I can haul a lot of stuff.
Thanks for joining the 'no-kill zone. I have so many acquaintances who are blood thirsty, it finally got to the point with Me I couldn't help the Neighbor butcher Hogs or skin a Deer.
My thoughts on shooting or killing something in my garden- The poor thing is hungry too and I will not kill something for my convenience.
The 2 whl cart is also sold as the ´rambo bike cart´ & cabellas also has somthing very similar.
I love that single whl. trailer. It will lean with your bike in turns & should track better than a 2 whl.
I´ve been trying to build something similar, but I may just give up & buy the quiet kat even though
it violates my code of self-reliant frugality. Depends on box dimensions.