Evelo, Gazelle, or Priority

Good thing I noticed the Kiox wasn't in place before I left the spill sight. A bit of searching and I found it. I'm surprised it fell off, I didn't think I hit the ground that hard.
The DoggyRide Novel with the center tow arm is advertised as spill proof. I guess it's not.

Towing the trailer with a 66 lb dog must use significant battery because two rides - both about 27 miles - drained the two batteries - mixed assist levels but a fair amount of Sport and Turbo, mostly flat, but significant wind. It's great that the Kiox gives an estimate of miles before the batteries go dead.
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If no local bike shop won't service my bike. I use Mobile bicycle repair service. Their rates are better and they come to your house or business to work on your bike. Direct to Consumer is the way to go.
I own a Priority Current w/a range extender and a Jugg Duo 3. Each have their virtues. The Priority Current with Enviolo shifter is the smoothest ride I have had on a bike. I added a shock post for the seat. I’ve put Schwalbe puncture resistant tires on it because flat’s are a reality. I got it when it first came out and it has performed well. Priority gives great customer service and actually replaced the bike when it arrived slightly bent and wouldn’t tightly seat the battery and threw in an extender.

I purchased the Biktrix and had a good experience with them as well. I broke my leg on the day it arrived in 2022 so I didn’t get around to riding it this year. They kindly exchanged the bike for one for a little shorter person, I’m 5.8 and it is the second smoothest ride. The wheel and post shock make this a monster for gravel and rough roads—the Priority can do this too, but doesn’t. Have 4 in tires. I like the cadence and torque on the Biktrix and the increased range of options. This would be the perfect bike if it had an Enviolo shifter like the Priority. 11 speed SRAM is great, but it isn’t buttery like a CVT.
First off, let me say I'm sorry you had a broken leg. I know from experience it's no fun! Hope your recovery is going well.
I looked up the Biktrix Jugg you got and see why you say it's a monster on gravel and rough roads. Hope you get more time to enjoy it this summer.
The Priority does appears to be a popular choice and people seem happy with it, plus the company seems to have good customer support.

Not sure how much of this thread you read but I'll say that belt drive and internal gear hub were a main consideration- must have -for me and I'm not sorry I decided to go with the Enviolo CVT. I am very grateful to everyone on this forum for sharing their experiences which helped me make my decision.

There have been a few times in my 376 miles on my Zen Samurai with the Enviolo that the lowest gears are not quite smooth, and there are a few "stops" on the CVT that seem to feel a bit scratchy so I have to make an adjustment, but it's WAY better than a chain and derailleur for me. I'm still in the get acquainted phase and most of my rides I don't have any issues. I find having the second battery makes for a worry free ride since I know I won't run dry and can use turbo going into the wind and maintain a comfortable cadence. Pulling the dog and trailer, 100 lb combined, is no problem. I usually only recharge every 3 or 4 days if I ride for an hour or two each day. I love getting out and I'm lucky enough to have a paved, even if it's bumpy, trail close by.

The first bike I got was damaged as well and Zen replaced it very quickly. Mostly Zen has provided good support. I think being a new company they may not have worked out all the kinks yet, or whatever. Still, it's been a good bike for me and I know that eventually they will stand behind their bikes.
Hello @kneebenderbiker!

Firstly, thank you so much for initiating this fantastic thread. I've already learned so much from it.

Secondly, I'm so close to pulling the trigger on Priority Current E-Bike with a battery extender and then I stumbled upon this forum. I got super excited because I find myself in the same spot as you were a year ago. I've narrowed down my search to Evelo, Gazelle, and Priority because my non-negotiable are carbon belt, IGH, and mid hub motor. As I was reading through the forum, I was secretly hoping that your final purchase would come down to the three brands mentioned but you went to Zen which looks like a fantastic ebike and a company too!

Now, my question is, since owning your e-bike, what advice would you offer to someone like me who is in the same position? Would you consider another brand, feature, or etc? Or are you still satisfied with your current bike? I would greatly appreciate any insights or wisdom you can provide.

Many thanks in advance!
Hello @kneebenderbiker!

Secondly, I'm so close to pulling the trigger on Priority Current E-Bike with a battery extender and then I stumbled upon this forum. I got super excited because I find myself in the same spot as you were a year ago. I've narrowed down my search to Evelo, Gazelle, and Priority because my non-negotiable are carbon belt, IGH, and mid hub motor. As I was reading through the forum, I was secretly hoping that your final purchase would come down to the three brands mentioned but you went to Zen which looks like a fantastic ebike and a company too!

Now, my question is, since owning your e-bike, what advice would you offer to someone like me who is in the same position? Would you consider another brand, feature, or etc? Or are you still satisfied with your current bike? I would greatly appreciate any insights or wisdom you can provide.

Many thanks in advance!
I'm not kneebender, but I'll offer an unsolicited response anyway. I'm with you on your "non-negotiable" criteria. I never liked derailleurs, even as a kid riding an analog bike. Once I started riding a belt drive IGH, (Priority Current) I realized there is no going back. I have read complaints from a few online folks objecting to the process of shifting on an IGH bike, which generally necessitates shifting when coasting, as opposed to pedaling. I do not, or ever had a problem with that.

I own the Priority Current and the Evelo Omega. I'd have a tough time choosing between the two even though they offer somewhat different riding experiences. (I'm still enjoying the novelty of automatic shifting on the Omega and its overall comfort, but the Current has an "organic" rock n' roll feel that's more fun). I too really like the Zen Photon, at least on paper.

I'll add one more choice to your shopping list and that's the Ride1Up Prodigy belt-drive version. I'm not sold on it myself but it looks like a solid bang-for-the-buck choice as well.
Trying to decide on first ebike; also first time ever posting on a forum - please be patient about my long windedness 😯 I used to commute daily (SF and PDX) on various bikes for quite a few years (27+). Currently I have a Giant Cypress - the ONLY bike I even sort of liked available within miles of me early 2020. Over the last 60 years I've had some very good bikes and some not so good, mostly chain & derailleur. Unfortunately, it was a bicycle accident on my way to work (sudden sink hole in the street) that forced early retirement (age 51) and aggravated a serious injury from a car accident (not my fault😇) from when I was 23 - surgeries and PT aplenty for years. Now I want a bike to get more exercise - one knee is practically useless but I can walk (limp) and pedal - can't pedal standing which is a main driver for getting an e-bike. Besides the exercise, I like being outdoors and I can only "hike" about a 1/2 hour before it gets too painful. I'm hoping a new bike will help prolong the eventual "next" surgery- knee then hip, again.🤨 Winters I use my Cypress on a trainer in my house- some, but not everyday (too boring). I'm 65 in relatively good shape except for one leg.

I’ve narrowed my choices to 3; Evelo Atlas, Gazelle Ultimate C380+, Priority Current -after a lot of research online. It's almost comparing two apples with an orange but the "mechanics" are what count to me.
Top priority is belt drive, IGH, mid drive motor, plus removable battery. Prefer Class 3 low or mid step, not so much cruiser/beach style, 2nd battery option a big plus. As stated above, I’ve done a lot of research online and I've looked at (sat on) Gazelle bikes at a LBS. Can’t test ride because LBSs do not allow it in the winter- snow for one reason. I did try, sort of, a Specialized Como, in another bike shop but it was inside and I couldn’t really pedal much or try the motor due to limited space. Plus, I don’t like the handle bar shape (odd looking) which is why Specialized is not on my list.

For comparison: Evelo has a 21 day trial period with free return shipping included in the price, so I could try the Altas and return it if it doesn’t fit or feel right. Priority has a 30 day return policy without free shipping- expensive if I don't like it. I didn’t inquire about the LBS C380+ return policy but since it’s a local shop (21 miles away) they do offer support including a free tune up, free adjustments and warranty work. So far, I haven't seen much info about D2C returns except regarding damaged in shipping or something not working properly that LBS couldn't fix. I'm curious about anyone's experience with returns?
Keeping the box and packaging, then re-boxing would be annoying but certainly possible. I'm guessing UPS picks it up? - not sure I could carry it far it all boxed up. Does it fit in my 4Runner?

Of note; the only bike shops (2) within 25 miles of me both said they do not work on bikes they do/did not sell. Next closest is 63 miles where I got my Giant- he was a maybe? I am not sure how much "shop time" a new e-bike might need but I think it's worth considering. I don’t doubt I could find shops that would work on both the Evelo and Priority (both offer help finding "LBS") but likely well over 100 miles away. For example; REI is 2 hours 25 minutes away- too bad REI has such a limited selection of belt drive IGH bikes since they have such a large network of stores. I do have a good bike carrier, hitch mount - shout out to 1UP USA - holds a lot of weight and I can likely get the bike up there- especially after removing the battery(ies) so I can get the bike to a shop easily - just lots of time involved back and forth and again to pick it up.

One reason I’m bringing this up now, instead of waiting until spring when I could actually test ride bikes available locally, is that Evelo is having a sale with $400 off and 1/2 price for the extra battery set up if purchased together- until 1-31-23. $800 off is good but coming to an end soon. Learned from these forums that Priority Current is available at Costco Next for 20% off the website price but last I checked they only had one style of The Current ( Shimano 8 speed vs Enviolo CTV) but I can wait on that one. The Gazelle C380+ is available, in my size, S, (I was surprised S fit me best not M- 5'8 -165, 31" inseam) at the closest bike shop- about $269 less than priced on the Gazelle site. This bike is by far the most expensive and I'd probably forgo the extra battery for now. Actually, I haven't looked into a Gazelle battery much but "heard rumors" somewhere on these forums it's around $1000. As an aside, a couple days after I stopped at the LBS to look at their Gazelle selection, I called and asked about a small C380+ (I sat on a different model probably sans +) the owner assured me they had it in stock. Then the next day I happened in and he had asked a mechanic to put it together in case I stopped in, so I got to actually see one and sit on it. No riding and it wasn't fully assembled but he did say he checked and that size is available to order if this one sold. Salesmanship in person, but not pushy. It's my least favorite of the 3 for some reason (maybe price), even though it's a huge plus I get to "touch" it without spending a penny and it's made in The Netherlands instead of China. The Priority has a NYC cool thing going on and the Evelo ships out of Washington. I'm almost tempted to take a winter road trip to Seattle. If I left now I could make it to their showroom before the end of the month.

Of my three choices; The Current is the least expensive even w/extra battery, next the Atlas w/extra battery & sale price, the Ultimate C380+ is significantly more. WAY more if the extra battery is $1000. Not sure how much "you get what you pay for" applies to these 3 bikes? Odd to me the bikes with shipping cost less than the pick up/buy only in store model. Must be the Made in The Netherlands, or the longer name?🙄

All 3 of my choices are likely good bikes and would probably serve my purpose - general riding for exercise, mixed surfaces, some paved roads, some gravel roads and paved rails to trails type riding, maybe a dirt track but nothing technical. I live in a rural area which is partly why I want Class 3- power to pass big ass tractors taking up more than half the roadway. I’m hoping to bring the bike when I go camping (with my truck) and the extra battery would mean I can be out for more days without having a dead bike battery. I tend to go dispersed camping, in out of the way areas, and would ride on gravel forest roads, often in the western mountain areas - ID, MT, WA, OR. - so the optional battery pack would be a big plus. Who knows, before long I might like to go 65 miles in one day even closer to home!

Gazelle offers an extra battery option in the high step but I have trouble getting my leg over that style. I’ve read in the forums the option to have an extra down-tube battery but haven’t found the cost or a good way to carry it. I'm sure Mr LBS would be happy to tell me and sell me something. Evelo and Priority offer a rear rack extra battery pack. Looks to be a good system. They might rattle a bit on rough gravel roads, I don't know 🤷‍♂️ -the fenders might rattle too, for all I know. Anyone else know?

Please let me know what you think of my choices? I'm not "totally" averse to other bikes but my research so far has brought these 3 to mind. Again; belt drive, IGH, mid drive motor. I will say that as far as I can tell, the 3 bikes each have quality components that seem equal enough for me. I am aware that they each have different motors, Priority seems a bit opaque about theirs but I suspect they each do what they are intended to do- equally or not. All 3 companies seem to be reputable, obviously Gazelle has the advantage of lots of years, Evelo 10 or 11? and Priority 6 or 7? maybe. Hopefully they aren't going anywhere.
It appears Evelo has the better warranty - like 2 additional years compared to Gazelle and Priority- with some differences.

If you have one of the bikes on my list and care to chime in with pros and cons, I would appreciate it. I can definitely see the benefit of buying locally- Gazelle- but I think both of my other choices include a more appealing controller in addition to the mounted extra battery. Evelo offers a throttle option which I like the idea of- my bad knee might like that - but throttles aren't exactly legal here. I checked with Evelo customer service and the throttle they offer isn't designed to be attached and detached with frequency so I'm thinking it's best to skip a throttle, or go slower with a Class 2 and start the search all over again.🤪

What do you think? PS :) I'm very grateful to EBR for all the reviews and this forum, and to everyone who has participated in these forums. I've found lots of useful information. Thank you.
I can attest to the quality and engineering of Gazelle. 6 wks ago I bought a Ultimate t10+ from Upway. Full retail was 4499, best I could find in sale 3700 all-in. I paid 2300 all-in.
"Nobody will fire you for buying a Gazelle" :)
/An old IBM advertisement/

A Gazelle is like an Army mule; it never fails.