ET Cycle T720 Just arrived, this is a BIG bike.

The only dislike on these bikes is no shifter gear display!

Both my std Moscow, and my wife's Milano+ have that. And I'm sure these T-1000's have a more expensive derailleur than both of those models.
Heading out on a first ride with my son as the guide.
Hi @citats137, I'm really curious to hear about your experience with the ET.Cycle T720 so far over the last couple of days. I found your posts after placing my "pre-order" today and I've been trying to research some real user based exeriences, which is currently very limited/non-existant, since this electric bicycle is so new.

Any feedback and comments you might have regarding this bike will be exceptionally useful for anyone considering this bike at this point, so please keep on sharing!
Hi @citats137, I'm really curious to hear about your experience with the ET.Cycle T720 so far over the last couple of days. I found your posts after placing my "pre-order" today and I've been trying to research some real user based exeriences, which is currently very limited/non-existant, since this electric bicycle is so new.

Any feedback and comments you might have regarding this bike will be exceptionally useful for anyone considering this bike at this point, so please keep on sharing!
I've had 2 rides so far initially 20min followed by an hour. Unfortunately it was raining after work today and the forecast is the same all weekend. Very disappointing because I was so looking forward to getting out on the T720 again. The seat is super comfortable, no issues on the 1 hour ride. The fat tyres make the trails and road super smooth. The motor has really got good torque and is balanced quite well when in any pas mode. I will be tuning the derailleur before my next ride as I noticed a bit of clicking in the lower gears. I am extremely happy with my purchase so far for certain. I am not able to provide comment on the battery performance thx to the rainy days ahead but will do so when I can run it down after my initial charge (came fully charged). Here's the thing, this is my first e-bike and my first fat tyre so I really don't have anything to compare against but it has exceeded my expectations do far.
Here's the thing, this is my first e-bike and my first fat tyre so I really don't have anything to compare against but it has exceeded my expectations do far.
Good for you!

Most important, you made a choice, while most are still on the sidelines, reading reviews, and probably won't get one (if ever) before 2023.

The more you use your NCM, the more you will educate yourself on what's best for you. I would appraise NCM for bring a good ebike, but there are better for specific features that you will only know over time and experience. Whenever I see a 2020 Specialized or Trek ebike for sale in the fb marketplace, I shake my head because those buyers realized the expensive way that biking was not their thing.

Keep this thread updated! :D
I figure with the way I ride I'll get between 75km - 100km using PAS 2-4 depending upon the path/road. 150km on the site would be based upon PAS 1 and perfect flat no wind etc. So far after approximately 50km total the battery is down to about 40%. Had a good ride today since the rain held off, very hilly route but enjoyable 24km trek.
You may have discovered that you can really stretch out the battery if you set a low PAS on those nice straight flat runs where you can easily pedal faster past the shutoff.

I can't really tell from the map you posted, but if you are doing mostly paved asphalt and occasional light groomed dirt trials, you may want to keep the max psi in those CSTs which are supposed to be urban tires.
Looking good so far. Were you able to get rid of the clicking in the lower gears by tuning the derailleur?
You may have discovered that you can really stretch out the battery if you set a low PAS on those nice straight flat runs where you can easily pedal faster past the shutoff.

I can't really tell from the map you posted, but if you are doing mostly paved asphalt and occasional light groomed dirt trials, you may want to keep the max psi in those CSTs which are supposed to be urban tires.
Running max already since mostly I'm dealing with paved bike paths. Definitely not flat but once I'm up to the desired speed I'm fairly good at keeping a pace just above the PAS kick on, just not on hills. PAS 1 and I can't keep up with my wife who's 10yrs my junior and she's on a reg mountain bike.
Running max already since mostly I'm dealing with paved bike paths.
If you think you'll be doing some serious mileage, you may want to install some tire liners (I use Mr.Tuffy on all my bikes), because we know how Canada just loves to spray all our roads with tiny bits of sharp gravel.

I prefer tire liners vs slime because slime can backflow and blow out of the inner tube and into an air pump upon disconnect. Air pump will not work after that :(
I never checked either of the ET bikes, but every NCM bike I've checked has been set to the power mode. I've change a couple of them to ECO mode.
So, if your wanting to squeeze a few more miles out of a charge, you can look there as well.

That kind of attitude is how one can become ebike-less for the rest of the year, should they want the entire bike back.
If you ordered a new car and it had a 4" area with no paint (just to be proportionate), you would just say ' oh well, I'm just happy they were nice enough to sell me a car'?
' oh well, I'm just happy they were nice enough to sell me a car'?
Not even a sensible comparison.

Car's aren't mail ordered, and the dealer will address all issues almost immediately.

A buyer has all grounds to return their mail order ebike for a warranty exchange or refund. Now how long do you think that will take to resolve in this yet another post-pandemic summer?
It's a rack. It's removable, and not needed to operate the bike.

Why would they possibly ask for the entire bike back?
So I feel like some parts of this thread has been deleted or I'm just not totally following, but, in my year of browsing this forum way too much, and putting in a few claims on my Moscow, I never heard of anyone say Leon requested the bike back. They will send you parts, and if that's not enough for a warranty item they seem to tell you to take it to a LBS at their expense. It's a bike. Everything can be replaced, short of a damaged frame. Even then you can just put all the components on another frame. There's really no reason for an entire bike to go back. :)
I found your posts after placing my "pre-order" today and I've been trying to research some real user based exeriences
Don't worry about it. Just be happy there's an e-something on the way to you.

There are loads of folks who are still on the fence buried in reviews, maybe they will get theirs in 2023.
I never heard of anyone say Leon requested the bike back.
That's because all NCM bikes use "bicycle parts".

Having assembled half a dozen NCM bikes this season, they are assembled with very readily off-the-shelf bicycle parts.

Not like those crappy Himiway or Lectric bikes with 20" circus clown wheels.

When the ebike looks like a pedal bicycle, I find it easier to work on.