Googling around for this Black Ped chip and I find this: Since you got your H-Bike second hand, all bets are off, but I suspect your troubles are with this chip.
I've never heard of this chip until now. Never saw it sold on Ebay over the past several years. Never heard it talked about on this forum.
I think if you remove it and reconnect the proper factor connections, your bike should be fine. If you are still dead set on a speed chip for your Yamaha, I can recommend the Pear Tune. I put one on my 2016 Haibike Full FatSix Yamaha PW motor about a year and a half ago and it works perfectly. Kat, the owner, is very proactive in answering any questions you might have. Good luck, let me know what you come up with. The Yamaha PW ebike drive is a tried and true performer.
This BlackPed seems to require some kind of BlueTooth application to set it up. Crazy and I can see why they are not a player on today's chip market....