EBike Shaming


One of the goals in purchasing a new ebike, I wanted to get out and join some bike groups and start socializing with people outside of kids and work. Well, this last weekend, I went on my first group ride and sadly, I was bike shamed. There were a few that had the balls to say their negative comments to my face but there were a few that didnt.

Comments were:
-She is lazy.
-Expensive cop-out bike
-Wont lose weight or get into shape with an ebike
-I am 70 something and still use a real bike, why cant you?

I ended up turning around and coming home. Although I do not really care what they think of my bike, I had to admit that my feelings were hurt. I will look around for another group that hopefully will be more accepting.

For those in the Portland OR, do you know any biking groups that welcome Ebikes?
That's a shame (excuse the pun). I think in a few years when e-bikes become more prevalent, attitudes will change; at least I hope so. Possible replies..I'm not lazy, I'm out here aren't I ?.... for #2) I see you have an 9 speed cassette and a triple chain ring on your bike, isn't that a cop out? because that guy over there has a single speed gravel bike. #3) actually I'm burning a lot more calories than I would if I'd have stayed home. #4) this IS a "real" bike, if you choose to work hard on the hills while I get a little help, that's your choice, don't criticize MY choice.
They are completely ignorant. Ignore them and don't give up on finding another friendlier group. If you bought your bike at a local bike shop, they might be able to give you some advice on finding another group. Another tact you can use is just go riding by yourself on some of the trails and when you stop at rest areas, just strike up a chat with whoever is there. I have met several people that way and usually they are completely unaware of ebikes and anxious to learn about them.
I only ride with a bike co-op for group rides. I stay away from hard core bike enthusiast groups. I even get a lot of comments from a long time friend about my bicycle cheating. I just flex my calf muscles and ask him how you get 18" calves while cheating? Then I ask him if he hand carries his golf clubs. Conversation stalls. Sorry you had trouble, but it seems to be a result of our current divisional thinking.
Comments were:
-She is lazy. WRONG
-Expensive cop-out bike WRONG
-Wont lose weight or get into shape with an ebike COMPLETELY WRONG
-I am 70 something and still use a real bike, why cant you? SO WHAT!

This attitude really makes me angry. I too am 70 something and switched from a regular bike to an e-bike. I am getting more and better exercise. I get a little friendly teasing from friends and relatives and that is OK, but these folks went too far with their comments ... especially with someone they just met.
One of the goals in purchasing a new ebike, I wanted to get out and join some bike groups and start socializing with people outside of kids and work. Well, this last weekend, I went on my first group ride and sadly, I was bike shamed. There were a few that had the balls to say their negative comments to my face but there were a few that didnt.

Comments were:
-She is lazy.
-Expensive cop-out bike
-Wont lose weight or get into shape with an ebike
-I am 70 something and still use a real bike, why cant you?

I ended up turning around and coming home. Although I do not really care what they think of my bike, I had to admit that my feelings were hurt. I will look around for another group that hopefully will be more accepting.

For those in the Portland OR, do you know any biking groups that welcome Ebikes?

I would look at it like this...

My father was the eldest son of the family. He had to take care of his brothers and sisters and started working when he was 16.
He could not take care of his health properly and as a result, he had diabetes, BP for 30+ years and 4 years ago, stroke.

On the other hand, my uncle started working as a paper delivery boy and built a big business around it. He cycled everywhere and used his bike for 30+ years. Even now (at 65), his resting heartbeat is 61. No Diabetes, no BP, nothing. Back then, everybody thought he was nuts for not using other modes of transportation. Now, our family pays huge bills to the hospitals, doctors etc. My uncle's health has been outstanding.

So, you know, life has a way of equalizing things. 5-10 years from now, those making remarks out of ignorance will be running to hospitals for hip replacement, knee replacement... whereas you will be thinking of triathlons or Iron man races... that's life's way of equalizing.
So, just be compassionate and march on.. :)
with the topic title, here I thought this was going to be one of those FEEL GOOD stories about how you blew by a bunch of cocky cyclists, like they were standing still. Stop worrying about what others think or say, and have FUN ! Enjoy your ebike !
@ymarty I'm sorry to hear of your experience.
I got my bike a month ago, and not two minutes into my very first ride in my neighborhood some jerk coming the other way barked out "that's cheating!"
Two minutes!
I let out an unforced Bwahahahaha!!!
What can you say?
Anyway... why aren't those mean and ignorant people just walking? I mean, any bike is cheating!
Do any of them own and drive a car? That's cheating!
Use a telephone instead of carrier pigeon or smoke signals? That's cheating!
Karma... it happens...
Stay cool, and ebike on!
One of the goals in purchasing a new ebike, I wanted to get out and join some bike groups and start socializing with people outside of kids and work. Well, this last weekend, I went on my first group ride and sadly, I was bike shamed. There were a few that had the balls to say their negative comments to my face but there were a few that didnt.

Comments were:
-She is lazy.
-Expensive cop-out bike
-Wont lose weight or get into shape with an ebike
-I am 70 something and still use a real bike, why cant you?

I ended up turning around and coming home. Although I do not really care what they think of my bike, I had to admit that my feelings were hurt. I will look around for another group that hopefully will be more accepting.

For those in the Portland OR, do you know any biking groups that welcome Ebikes?

Sorry you experience such ignorance and socially wrong behavior. I, as we all, think ebikes are pretty darn cool! My friends have said some of those things in a kind of kidding manner but once they experience an ebike ride they smile like a kid.

I think some traditional bikers don't want change or the thought of a better type of bike than theirs is disturbing. It's a lot like people giving negative opinions or commentary about things they haven't tried.
Lordy. I think it's time to find some fun people to ride with. I totally agree that it's good to ignore nasty people, but hey, ignoring nastiness takes a lot of work. My druthers is to avoid it all together.

And, BTW, not one of their comments makes a whit of sense. It's like telling someone who uses a walker that she's cheating, IMO. Without my ebike, sorry, but I would not be able to do what I do WITH my ebike.

Are you a leader? Might you become a leader of your own rides? Can you take your positivity and energy and ebike joy, and spread the love? Post little signs on grocery store bulletin boards? Make a "meet-up" page? Join "Nextdoor.com" for your neighborhood and post stuff there? All of the above? And, gather your interested folks, plan your ride and GO. If you have a schedule that is regular, like "Saturday afternoon" or "Tuesday morning" or whatever, you might gather a group.

Be the change! :)

Shall we help you brainstorm a good name for your group? Then, if you find a cycling club that's good, you can join your group with that one. :)
That is really great ... checked in my area and there is no ebike Meetup group. Maybe I should start one.
Life is too valuable to waste around people like that - hopefully you will find a great group to invest your spare time with.
first off, you let THEM win.... if you let them hurt your feelings and you leave.

I get some grief for my Ebike from people, even friends and I just smile and say, " Haters gonna Hate " and don't get too bothered by it.

I don't ride my bike as a exercise program, and Ill remind them of that. I ride my bike cause I enjoy riding my bike and I enjoy it more having some electric assistance.

When anyone has anything to say about how much I paid for my bike, I quickly point out that I only paid 2700$ for it and even though that is alot of money, I point out all the non Ebikes others in the group are riding that certainly cost more than that.

On our local mountain bike facebook page, there are a few real strong Ebike haters.... I went out of my way to send them friend requests and tease them all the time about how their life would be better on a ebike. I think they hate ebikes less now.

You just have to be strong about it and not let anyone bother you. I am not a mean looking man, but I am near 6 foot tall and 200 pounds and I am in decent enough shape that most people would be mindful of being super disrespectful to me in my face, so maybe I won't get the same kind of disrespect others may encounter. But most important thing to do is not let them get under your skin.
Sorry to hear that. While I'd like to ride with other eMTBers I know or feel I can't join up with the regular MTB crowd as I know I will encounter the same attitude as you did. And unfortunately, I'm a "hot-head" and comments like that would only lead to a physical confrontation for me even at my age. So I avoid it.

I will say though, I've not run into or met anyone that has said anything negative to my face. I'm usually met with curious comments and usually something like "cool". Even when I ran into a volunteer crew working on a trail. They were kind...

I'm thinking I might have to start a local eMTB meetup group...

One of the goals in purchasing a new ebike, I wanted to get out and join some bike groups and start socializing with people outside of kids and work. Well, this last weekend, I went on my first group ride and sadly, I was bike shamed. There were a few that had the balls to say their negative comments to my face but there were a few that didnt.

Comments were:
-She is lazy.
-Expensive cop-out bike
-Wont lose weight or get into shape with an ebike
-I am 70 something and still use a real bike, why cant you?

I ended up turning around and coming home. Although I do not really care what they think of my bike, I had to admit that my feelings were hurt. I will look around for another group that hopefully will be more accepting.

For those in the Portland OR, do you know any biking groups that welcome Ebikes?