EBike Shaming

I would definitely suggest avoiding serious road bike oriented rides - the kind with lots of lycra jerseys covered with advertising. The vibe in road biking groups can be on the snarky side. I recall 30 years ago showing up to one such group on a heavy mountain bike and receiving the same treatment you described - 'look at that bike', 'he won't be able to keep up', etc. And like you, I left the ride. Should have stayed and shown them it's more about the rider than the bike. Back in those days, I probably would have been in the top third, even on a heavy mountain bike.

Such is no longer the case. I ride for commuting in normal clothing and do it because I don't want to deal with changing cloths and showing at work and feeling tired at the end of the day. And the e-bike is fun!

I also live in Portland and there are many bike commuters. I've been somewhat surprised not to have received a single snarky comment about my e-bike. Yet.

That meetup group posted above doesn't look very active, but I'm sure they would welcome anyone who wished to organize a ride, so perhaps you should contact them and ask if you can do that. If you're looking for riders, I'd go. Looks like it's run by the e-bike store.
The only thing that gets yelled at me is "Cool bike!" "Nice bike" etc. Haven't run into any snobs here, yet.
I think the difference is that you aren't trying to join a club that's probably defined by its celebration of human-powered propulsion and exercise. It's lamentable that the other bikers behaved this way (or at least were perceived to by the OP) but frankly with everything else that has been going on in the country it doesn't surprise me either. But I'm also not going to pretend I can't understand their POV. You (we) are riding a powered bike, it's not all that different than bringing a chainsaw to a lumberjack competition. The people in that club probably just want to share the same experience, of which sweat and heavy breathing play a large component.
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I am the proud owner of a Trek Verve+ step through. My niece's partner joked " Jeff has an electric girl's bike"! I replied " good one, say that after you turn 72 , cracked a vertebra in rugby, had 2 brain surgeries, 5 concussions and 2 frozen shoulders"! We both laughed and had a beer.
I would rather ride alone at my own pace checking out the scenery or listening to music on my headphones.
Hang in there. Oh yeah, the local Y made a video and interview with me for their annual fund raising campaign. Ebike proud!!!
Don't get mad. It's such a waste of energy. Like dino-cycling into a head wind. Why would anyone choose to do that?
Remember, 10% of cyclists are die-hard anti-ebike and can never be changed. 10% would love to be e-bikers, but haven't switched over yet. You don't have to prove anything to them. The other 80% are in the middle, they are undecided about ebikes. Just do what makes you happy because what makes you happy, makes the rest of us happy.
One of my favorite bikes was a 3 spd girl's Huffy I bought like new for $15. I stuck a Staton friction drive on it &
rode it right into the ground. Finally busted the frame & gave it a decent funeral, some parts still live on. I've
snapped a fair number of chains. Use to have a similar problem with skis. I'm a big guy; I'd crank down the
bindings as tight as they'd go & still rip 'em right off the skis.
One of my favorite bikes was a 3 spd girl's Huffy I bought like new for $15. I stuck a Staton friction drive on it &
rode it right into the ground. Finally busted the frame & gave it a decent funeral, some parts still live on. I've
snapped a fair number of chains. Use to have a similar problem with skis. I'm a big guy; I'd crank down the
bindings as tight as they'd go & still rip 'em right off the skis.
Once again, sadly our society is quick to exclude anything that is different or shame those that don't conform to old standards.
Good point!!! I ride roadies, my ebike, & I've built a couple (less than 50cc) gas bikes. They're all environmentally preferable to a
V-8 or a V-twin. If it's got pedals, we ought to regard it as an ally in the quest for simpler safer travel instead of 8 lanes of gridlock.
One of my favorite comebacks is, "hey whatever gets someone's ass onto a bike seat and pedaling should be celebrated! If you believe in cycling then you should want to see as many people as possible on a bike, regardless of the type of bike being used. That's one less person being a couch potato."
One of my favorite comebacks is, "hey whatever gets someone's ass onto a bike seat and pedaling should be celebrated! If you believe in cycling then you should want to see as many people as possible on a bike, regardless of the type of bike being used. That's one less person being a couch potato."

So true, I see so many old mtn. bikes just rusting in the yard. To ride regularly, ya gotta have a bike that's enjoyable to ride!
One of the goals in purchasing a new ebike, I wanted to get out and join some bike groups and start socializing with people outside of kids and work. Well, this last weekend, I went on my first group ride and sadly, I was bike shamed. There were a few that had the balls to say their negative comments to my face but there were a few that didnt.

Comments were:
-She is lazy.
-Expensive cop-out bike
-Wont lose weight or get into shape with an ebike
-I am 70 something and still use a real bike, why cant you?

I ended up turning around and coming home. Although I do not really care what they think of my bike, I had to admit that my feelings were hurt. I will look around for another group that hopefully will be more accepting.

For those in the Portland OR, do you know any biking groups that welcome Ebikes?
Let us know exactly when and where this rude group rides. We'll arrange a flash mob of e-bikes to show up next time.. ehehehhehe
Count me in ?
Count me in ?
Hahahaha! “Won’t lose weight”... I get home from my after-work ride, with a sweat soaked tshirt and my helmet pads dripping sweat. (Yuck, I know...) But I’m down 47 pounds this year, from sensible eating and my 2,100 miles ebiking since March (it is my only form of dedicated exercise).
Congrats on your great weight loss!
One of the goals in purchasing a new ebike, I wanted to get out and join some bike groups and start socializing with people outside of kids and work. Well, this last weekend, I went on my first group ride and sadly, I was bike shamed. There were a few that had the balls to say their negative comments to my face but there were a few that didnt.

Comments were:
-She is lazy.
-Expensive cop-out bike
-Wont lose weight or get into shape with an ebike
-I am 70 something and still use a real bike, why cant you?

I ended up turning around and coming home. Although I do not really care what they think of my bike, I had to admit that my feelings were hurt. I will look around for another group that hopefully will be more accepting.

For those in the Portland OR, do you know any biking groups that welcome Ebikes?
Something similar happened to me the first meeting with a new group. Most of members were simply curious but others not so much. And yes the comments hurt even though I tried not to show it.
You hang in there ymarty!
It’s just new technology and there’s always push back. Remember cell phones vs land lines? And snow boarding vs skiing?
We’re in the 21st century and it’s an electric machine world.
We are buried under mountains of snow here in N. Michigan. It will be a long time before we get to ride our e-bikes but in the meantime, the snowmobiling and skiing are outstanding.