E Biking: the Dark Side

I'm completely happy with my mountain bike, in NC I've not seen any "no e-bike" signs on local trails. If I do then I'll have to re-evaluate how I donate and which groups I will support. I know US Forestry has a e-bike in motorized only and I'm positive that is a stupid rule.
Just because you don't see signs doesn't mean much of anything. I don't know what the rules are where you ride, but it might be worth looking into. I've never seen any no ebike signs on Forest Service or BLM trails even though I know they aren't allowed.
Just because you don't see signs doesn't mean much of anything. I don't know what the rules are where you ride, but it might be worth looking into. I've never seen any no ebike signs on Forest Service or BLM trails even though I know they aren't allowed.

North Carolina defines a class I pedelec as a bicycle. So until I see the "no e-bike" allowed I'll ride with assist. Now US forestry is different..... for now.
It's been a struggle in my local online community. I've now given up as some local area people have proven they have no problem lying in order to influence locals to keep ebikes off singletracks. I've yet to see a no e-bikes sign and near my house I'm a member of a local conservation org and I asked them permission (as my request fits with their mission statements) along with video of rides, outings, sponsored rides with friends, kids, co-workers. They said I could continue to ride and a clarity of policy was coming soon. I hesitate to confirm the location of where we ebikes can ride because it may bring people making false claims to justify their prejudice.

On the other hand, I've been doing more rides without assist and when I turn on the motor it is even more incredible! I am riding just about every day on singletracks, it's more addictive than smoking.

For those bumming about the rules keeping them out of areas try and ask, use the ebike responsibly. Take film and show how the ebike (class I pedelec) isn't doing anything other than other bicycles are doing. These people running the organizations WANT families and successes, they want to attract more people, create synergy and potential donors.