Dual Hub Ebike Batteries

Do you have a throttle like this? If you do try connecting all the colors to both controllers and see what happens, if you have not already tried that.......
I have this one and yea I do have those black, green, red wires all split so each controller is using them, and I tried it like your sketch as well. the same issue happens. As dumb as it maybe I think it does have to do with battery levels... I think past half throttle its basically telling it can only run one wheel because the batteries arn't full enough. I just got the correct drill battery charger in so tomorrow I will be giving both 18v's a full charge and seeing what happens.


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Jeebus dude! You're gonna build with a squirrelly wiring scheme, and you can't sort battery size? Please look at what actual builders do. There are good reasons for fuses, shunts, and developing a well thought out harness. Get the biggest battery you can manage. I'd be wanting at the least 20Ah. Re[eating the diagram in hopes you'll step back and sort it. endless_sphere would be a better place to sort your build.

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Here are some other choices of batteries for you if you are doing the exact setup of the dual front and rear 500w hubs and the two 36v controllers to
be successful with your project. The 36v 20AH(188.99), 36v 14AH(139.99) and 36v 10Ah(104.40 Ebay). By
the way did you solve your problem after fully charging your batteries?.....
Yes that was the problem both wheels turn full when the batteries are full. I have to do the drill batteries with this set up because of how tiny it is, so its cool I'm just glad its working correctly. I ultimately wired it the way you sketched it because splitting all of them can create glitches from what I've read. Thanks
Yes that was the problem both wheels turn full when the batteries are full. I have to do the drill batteries with this set up because of how tiny it is, so its cool I'm just glad its working correctly. I ultimately wired it the way you sketched it because splitting all of them can create glitches from what I've read. Thanks
Good job!...